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23  2021world news                                    A29

                            EU wants calm amid virus protests; rioters called “idiots”

            (AP) — In the face of dem-   said.                        ferent, producing “a pure ex-
            onstrations across much of                                plosion  of  violence  directed
            Europe  protesting  tough  Government  leaders  and  against  our  police,  against
            COVID-19 measures over  European Union officials all  our  firefighters,  against  am-
            the  past  days,  authorities  made  clear  on  Monday  that  bulance drivers.”
            on  Monday  pleaded  for  a return to bygone days was
            patience, calm and a will-   still out of the question and  Scenes  were  ugly  too  at  the
            ingness  to  get  a  vaccine  that the violence at some of  end  of  the  Brussels  protest
            shot  in  the  arm  as  infec-  the marches was counterpro-  march,  with  rioters  pelting
            tions spike upward again.    ductive.                     police,  who  then  used  tear
                                                                      gas  and  water  cannons  to
            And  for  those  who  abused  Rutte  condemned  rioters  in  break up the crowds.
            the  protests  to  foment  vio-  Rotterdam  and  across  the
            lence, Dutch Prime Minister  Netherlands  after  corona-  “Our  goal  today  is  to  fight
            Mark Rutte just called them  virus  protests  there  and  in  against  the  virus.  Please,  let
            “idiots.”                    Brussels descended into vio-  us not get incited by a small
                                         lence amid simmering anger  group  which  would  turn  it  cy rooms. In riots across the  said EU spokeswoman Dana
            Protest marches from Zagreb  at lockdown measures being  into  a  fight  against  one  an-  country,  youths  threw  fire-  Spinant.
            to  Rome  and  from  Vienna  put into place in an attempt  other,”  said  Belgian  Prime  works at police officers.
            to  Brussels  and  Rotterdam,  to rein in soaring rates of in-  Minister Alexander De Croo.                         “But  it’s  important  from  a
            bringing  tens  of  thousands  fection.                                                Much of the discontent how-  community level to stick to-
            out,  all  had  one  message                              The protests come as a fourth  ever is also targeted at politi-  gether  and  to  follow  those
            from  a  coronavirus-weary  Late Friday, police in Rotter-  wave of infections is locking  cians who had promised that  restrictions because that’s the
            crowd — we’ve had enough!    dam even used live fire to dis-  down  Austrians  and  forcing  vaccinations  would  bring  way  out  of  the  pandemic,”
                                         perse rioters gone amok, and  renewed  restraints  in  many  freedom. With the delta vari-  she said.
            “Not able to work where you  four people suffered gunshot  European  nations  on  any-  ant  making  sure  contagion
            want work, to be where you  wounds.  Altogether  in  both  thing  from  working  in  the  remains  rampant,  EU  gov-  The EU pointed out that sci-
            want to be. That’s not what  countries  almost  100  people  office to drinking at bars.  ernments  are  being  forced  entific  evidence  shows  that
            we stand for, that’s not free-  were detained.                                         to re-impose constraints and  increased vaccinations would
            dom,” said Eveline Denayer,                               The  Dutch  violence  came  a  — in some countries — slap  contain  the  crisis  and  avoid
            who  was  at  Sunday’s  march  “I realize that there are a lot  week into a new partial lock-  tougher  restrictions  on  the  more deaths.
            in  Brussels,  which  drew  a  of tensions in society because  down in the Netherlands and  non-vaccinated.
            crowd of over 35,000.        we  have  been  dealing  with  after  an  announcement  that                           “You  know  the  three  words
                                         all the misery of coronavirus  the government was banning  “Of  course,  we  see  that  the  very well — vaccinate, vacci-
            “We  live  in  Western  Europe  for so long,” Rutte said. But  fireworks  on  New  Year’s  constraints  with  which  we  nate, vaccinate,” said spokes-
            and we just want to be free,  he  stressed  the  rioters  were  Eve  in  an  effort  to  ease  the  have  been  living  for  almost  man Stefan De Keersmaeck-
            how  we  were  before,”  she  something  completely  dif-  strain  on  hospital  emergen-  two  years  can  be  tiresome,”  er.

                             Sailboats packed with migrants seek Italy in latest tactic

            (AP) — When the Taliban took Kabul  They  were  dehydrated,  but  relieved  While  aid  workers  call  these  “1st  Hamid and Zakia had a fraught od-
            in August, Zakia was six months preg-  to have survived a lesser-known mi-  class” crossings, there is nothing elite  yssey  that  cost  far  more  than  most:
            nant and in her first year of univer-  gration  route  to  Europe  that  is  in-  about them. Hamid and Zakia were  After  escaping  Kabul  with  Hamid’s
            sity while her husband, Hamid, was  creasingly  being  used  by  wealthier  packed with  100 people below deck  sister,  her  husband  and  their  three
            working as an auditor. They decided  Afghans,  Iraqis,  Iranians  and  Kurds.  for a week as food supplies dwindled.  children,  the  family  arrived  in  Tur-
            to flee, and along with five relatives,  Entire  families  are  paying  top  price  After  two  days  without  fresh  water,  key and paid 8,500 euros ($9,600) for
            began a two-month odyssey that took  for passage from Turkey aboard new  Zakia couldn’t feel the baby moving  each adult and 4,000 euros ($4,500)
            them through Iran and Turkey.       or nearly new sailboats that can more  inside her anymore.              for each child to get to Calabria. Ha-
                                                easily avoid detection by authorities.                                  mid’s  parents  in  Sweden  helped  fi-
            When it was time to cross the Medi-  Investigators  say  they  are  captained  For  years,  most  political,  humani-  nance the trip.
            terranean, they did so on an expensive  by smugglers, often Ukrainians, who  tarian  and  media  attention  has  fo-
            sailboat that came ashore this month  may be in cahoots with Turkish mob-  cused on the hundreds of thousands  Hamid’s  29-year-old  sister,  Tooba,
            on a beach in the southern Italian re-  sters and Italian ’ndrangheta clans on  of migrants, most of them Africans,  who  speaks  good  English,  said  the
            gion of Calabria.                   shore.                              who cross the central Mediterranean  family decided to risk their lives on
                                                                                    aboard unseaworthy vessels launched  the journey because life in Afghani-
                                                                                    by smugglers from Libya and Tunisia.  stan under Taliban rule was no lon-
                                                                                                                        ger safe, especially given her work as
                                                                                    The  Calabrian  route,  which  brings  a lawyer.
                                                                                    the migrants from Turkey to the “toe”
                                                                                    of boot-shaped Italy rather than Sicily  Hamid  said  the  smugglers  provided
                                                                                    and its islands further south, has seen  enough water for the first four or five
                                                                                    a nearly four-fold increase in arrivals  days, but that after it ran out, the pas-
                                                                                    in 2021 and now accounts for 16% of  sengers drank seawater with sugar for
                                                                                    the sea arrivals in Italy this year.  the final two days.

                                                                                    The  U.N.  High  Commissioner  for  When the sailboat approached shore,
                                                                                    Refugees  is  monitoring  the  situa-  the passengers came up on deck only
                                                                                    tion  closely,  though  the  increase  in  to  see  the  two  smugglers  who  had
                                                                                    Calabrian  arrivals  is  mirrored  by  a  captained the ship, both wearing ski
                                                                                    similarly  sharp  increase  in  migrants  masks,  fleeing  the  scene  in  a  black
                                                                                    arriving  in  Sicilian  ports.  Overall,  boat.
                                                                                    sea arrivals in Italy this year are up to
                                                                                    59,000 compared with 32,000 at this  The  sailboats  are  difficult  to  inter-
                                                                                    point  last  year.  The  Calabrian  route  cept since even to aerial patrols, they
                                                                                    has seen 9,687 arrivals as of Nov. 14,  look like normal pleasure boats. The
                                                                                    compared with 2,507 last year.      “Passion Dalaware” was even flying a
                                                                                                                        plastic American flag from its sail.
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