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A30    world news
                Diamars 23 November 2021

                             Jobs lost, middle class Afghans slide into poverty, hunger

                                                                                                   tional  donors  are  funneling  gymnasium  in  a  west  Kabul
                                                                                                   money  to  Afghanistan  for  neighborhood  to  receive  a
                                                                                                   humanitarian  aid  through  cash  distribution  -  3,500  af-
                                                                                                   U.N.  agencies,  which  en-  ghanis a month, about $38.
                                                                                                   sure  the  money  doesn’t  go
                                                                                                   into the coffers of the Taliban  Nouria  Sarvari,  a  45-year
                                                                                                   government. The main focus  widow  who  was  waiting  in
                                                                                                   has been on two tracks. The  line,  used  to  work  at  the
                                                                                                   U.N. Development Program,  Higher  Education  Minis-
                                                                                                   World  Health  Organization  try.  After  the  Taliban  came
                                                                                                   and UNICEF are working to  to  power,  they  told  most
                                                                                                   directly  pay  salaries  to  doc-  women government employ-
                                                                                                   tors  and  nurses  around  the  ees to stay home. Sarvari said
                                                                                                   country  to  keep  the  health  she  hasn’t  received  a  salary
                                                                                                   sector  from  collapsing.  The  since and she’s struggling to
                                                                                                   WFP,  meanwhile,  is  provid-  keep food on the table for her
                                                                                                   ing  direct  cash  aid  and  food  three children still living with
                                                                                                   to  families,  trying  to  keep  her.
                                                                                                   them above water.
                                                                                                                                Her  14-year-old  son,  Saj-
                                                                                                   The WFP has had to ramp up  jad,  sells  plastic  bags  in  the
                                                                                                   its  program  dramatically.  In  market for a little cash. Sar-
                                                                                                   2020, it provided aid to 9 mil-  vari says she depends on help
                                                                                                   lion people, up from the year  from neighbors. “I buy from
            (AP)  —  Not  long  ago,  trouble  under  the  previous,  Salihi’s  husband  once  made  before.  So  far  this  year,  that  shopkeepers on credit. I owe
            Ferishta  Salihi  and  her  U.S.-backed     government,  around     24,000   Afghanis  number  has  risen  to  nearly  so  many  shopkeepers,  and
            family  had  enough  for  a  which often could not pay its  ($264)  a  month  working  in  14  million,  and  the  rate  has  most of what I receive today
            decent  life.  Her  husband  employees. The situation was  the logistics department at the  risen  sharply  each  month  will just go to paying what I
            was  working  and  earned  worsened by the coronavirus  World Bank’s office in Kabul.  since August. Next year, the  owe.”
            a  good  salary.  She  could  pandemic and by a punishing  But  after  the  Taliban  took  agency  aims  to  provide  for
            send several of her daugh-   drought  that  drove  up  food  power, the World Bank halt-  more than 23 million people,  Samim  Hassanzwai  said  his
            ters to private schools.     prices. Already in 2020, near-  ed its projects. The 39-year-  and it says it needs $220 mil-  life  has  been  overturned
                                         ly half of Afghanistan’s popu-  old  Salihi  said  her  husband  lion a month to do so.  completely over the past year.
            But  now,  after  her  husband  lation was living in poverty.  was told not to come to the                          His  father  and  mother  both
            lost  his  job  following  the  Then  the  world’s  shutdown  office and he hasn’t received  It’s  not  just  the  poorest  of  died of COVID-19, he said.
            Taliban takeover of Afghani-  of funding to Afghanistan af-  his salary since.         the  poor,  usually  based  in  His  father  was  an  officer  in
            stan,  she  was  lined  up  with  ter the Taliban’s Aug. 15 sei-                       rural  areas,  who  need  help.  the  intelligence  agency  and
            hundreds  of  other  Afghans,  zure of power pulled the rug  Now she is the family’s only  “There’s  a  new  urban  class  his  mother  was  a  translator
            registering  with  the  U.N.’s  out from under the country’s  source of income. One of her  of  people  who  up  until  the  for an American agency.
            World  Food  Program  to  re-  small  middle  class.  Interna-  neighbors has a business sell-  summer  would  have  been
            ceive food and cash that her  tional funding once paid for  ing nuts, so they give her bags  drawing a salary ... and now  Hassanzwai,  29,  had  been
            family desperately needs just  much  of  the  government  of nuts to shell at home and  are facing hunger for the first  working in the Culture Min-
            for survival.                budget — and without it, the  she  then  sells  the  shells  to  time,”  said  Shelley  Thakral,  istry but hasn’t gotten a sal-
                                         Taliban have largely been un-  people who use them to burn  the  WFP  spokesperson  for  ary since the Taliban came to
            “We  have  lost  everything.  able to pay salaries or provide  for fuel.               Afghanistan.                 power. Now he’s jobless with
            We’ve  lost  our  minds,”  Sa-  public  services.  The  inter-                                                      his wife and three children as
            lihi said after her registration  national community has not  Her husband, she said, spends  “People  are  now  having  to  well as his four younger sis-
            was complete. With her was  recognized  Taliban  rule,  de-  his  day  walking  around  the  scavenge  for  food,  they’re  ters all dependent on him.
            her eldest daughter, 17-year-  manding  the  militants  form  district  looking  for  work.  skipping  meals  and  mothers
            old  Fatima,  whom  she  had  a more inclusive government  “All he can do is measure the  are forced to reduce portions  “I had a job, my mother had
            to  take  out  of  school.  She  and respect human rights.  streets  with  his  steps,”  she  of food,” she said.   a job, my father had his du-
            can’t afford to pay the fees at                           said, using an expression for                             ties. We were doing fine with
            a private school, and the Tal-  International  aid  also  fueled  someone with nothing to do.  Last week, hundreds of men  money,”  he  said.  “Now  ev-
            iban  so  far  are  not  allowing  projects  around  the  country  The U.S. and other interna-  and  women  lined  up  in  a  erything is finished.”
            teenage girls to go to public  that  provided  jobs,  most  of
            schools.                     which are now on hold. The
                                         country’s  banks  are  cut  off
            “I  don’t  want  anything  for  from the international bank-
            myself,  I  just  want  my  chil-  ing  system,  further  snarling
            dren  to  get  an  education,”  the private sector. The coun-
            Salihi said.                 try’s economy is estimated to
                                         have  contracted  40%  in  just
            In a matter of months as Af-  three months.
            ghanistan’s economy craters,
            many  stable,  middle-class  Hospitals are seeing increas-
            families  like  Salihi’s  have  ing  numbers  of  emaciated,
            plummeted into desperation,  malnourished       children,
            uncertain  of  how  they  will  mostly  from  the  country’s
            pay for their next meal. That  poorest families who were al-
            is one reason the United Na-  ready barely getting by.
            tions  is  raising  alarm  over  a
            hunger  crisis,  with  22%  of  Now families that have seen
            the population of 38 million  their  once-stable  livelihoods
            already  near  famine  and  an-  wrecked  also  find  them-
            other 36% facing acute food  selves with nothing and must
            insecurity  -  mainly  because  scrape for ways to cover costs
            people can’t afford food.    of food, rent and medical ex-
            The economy was already in
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