Page 35 - ARUBA BANK
P. 35

               Diaranson 1 augustus 2018

              The LORD is my shepherd;                       The LORD is my shepherd;                               Lagrima y flornan por seca su
              I shall not want.                              I shall not want.                                recuerdonan y tur loke e la hasi y significa
              He makes me lie down in green                  He makes me lie down in                           pa nos lo keda graba pa semper den nos
              pastures.                                      green pastures.                                              mente y curason.
              He leads me beside still waters.               He leads me beside still
              He restores my soul                            waters.
              Psalm 23 vers. 1 & 2                           He restores my soul                               “Cerca Dios mi alma ta na paz, ta di dj’E
                                                             Psalm 23 vers. 1 & 2                                        mi salbacion ta bini”
              With deep sympathy we announce the passing of our                                                               Salmo 62:1
              beloved brother, father, grandfather, uncle, godfather   Know that the Lord is God.
              and cousin:                                                                                          Nos ta anuncia afayecimento di
                                                                 It is he who made us, and we are his[a];
                                                                we are his people, the sheep of his pasture.
                 Mr. Lionel Antonio Richardson
                 Better known as:” Tony, Lio, Richie, Coach         Enter his gates with thanksgiving
                                 lionel”.                              and his courts with praise;
                          Sunrise: July 10 , 1950             give thanks to him and praise his name. Psalm
                          Sunset: July 28 , 2018                                100:3-4
                                                                                                               Sra. Edwina Virginia Alders-Marchena
              Left to mourn his loss are:                    With deep sorrow we announce the passing away
              Children:                                      of:                                                    *07-12-1941  -  †26-07-2018
              Jade and Wayne Richardson and family                   Ivan Sylvester Spanner
              Kevin Richardson and Naomi Wernet and son                Sunrise: December 26, 1941             Na nomber di su
              Jaeqwan Reymond Lloyd in St. Maarten                        Sunset: July 29, 2018
              Jaequoya Hughes in St. Maarten                         Son of the late Abraham Marshall         Esposo :       Armando Alders
               Tyrique Richardson                                        and the late Ada Rogers
              Brothers:                                                                                       Yiunan:        Solange Alders
              Cornelius and Julia Richardson & family        lest to mourn are his:                                          Charlenne Maduro Alders y
              Alfredo Rock and Rose Patrick and family       Partner/Caregiver: Lorna Samuel                                 esposo Lucio Maduro
              Octavio Woodley,Gilberto Woodley & family in
              Holland,Dennis Woodley & family in Holland     Brother and Sisters: Mavis Dorothea and Buchi
              Leonardo ”Buchi” Pemberton and family,Roland and Chester   Heyer and family                     Nietonan:      Ludson Maduro
              Arrindell in St. Maarten and Anguilla          Clarise and Hernes Jacobino and family                          Merveille Nicolaas
              Sisters: Marlene Pemberton and Francisco Brooks & family,    Yvonne and Roy Rodrigues and family               Johnrick Salsbach
              Jacklyn Woodley & family, Hilary, Patricia, Dotsie and Sharon
              Joseph & family in USA                         Brenda and Hubert Wout and family                Meskos ku Yiu: Lila Knikker Bernabela
              Jackie and Barbara Arrindell in St. Maarten    Weslyn Rogers
              Companion: Monique Kaarsbaan and family        Alicia and Steve Gerot and family (NL)
              Uncle:                                         Elaine Blijden and family (NL)                   Meskos ku nieto:      Nataniel Knikker
              Laito and Virginia Vanterpool and family       Keith and Violet Blijden and family(Canada)
              Larry Vanterpool and family in USA                                                              Y demas Famianan
              Aunts:                                         Montagne and Avis Blijden and family
              Vencencia Rock and family in Curacao           †Tom Wilson                                      Ta ricibi bishita di condolencia y
              Merida Vanterpool and family in Holland        Good friend as a brother: Daniel Clarke          despedida
              Nereida Vanterpool and family in Holland       Faithfull Companions: Zorro and Mishi            2 di augustus 2018 di 9am ~12pm na
              Amancia Vanterpool and family in Holland
              Nieces:                                                                                         Aurora Funeral Home.
              Ismenia Richardson and family, Imelda Richardson   Nieces and nephews: Alan, Joan and Charina
              Jasmine Joseph and family in North-Carolina, Dinamara   Heyer                                   Ta invita tur famia, amigo, bisiña y
              Brooks,Charlene Woodley in Holland             Jessica Jacobino                                 conocirnan pa despedi di nos querida
              Rebeca Rock and family in Holland,Melissa Rock and family in                                    Edwina.
              Holland,Jade Woodley in Holland                Eddie and Junior Rodrigues
              Desirea Clarke                                 Shaun, Sherman, and Shadim Gerot                 Nos ta lamenta cu despues di cremashon
              Nephews:                                       Ruthlin and Ronald Richardson
              Ryan and Rudlaine Richardson and family        Melushka Filipa, Cheyenne Halls                  no por ricibi bishita na cas.
              Franklin Woodley in Holland,Eric Woodley in Holland,Jason
              Woodley in Holland, Jorman Woodley             Step Children: Susan and Junior
              Ramon and Jeanu Rock in Holland                Step Granddaughters: Ashanti and Amanda
              Cousins: Too numerous to mention               Care Givers: Ethel, Julie, Mariella
              Godmother and god father in Aruba, Curacao, St. Maarten   Friends: Phillip, Ho-Sing-Loy and family,
              Caretakers: Luciany Ramos, Jenny Goldin, Milaidi Goitia
              Colleagues from Direct Life Unit (DLU) Aruba and   Gilmore Raymond and family, Ruth Richardson
              Curacao, Guardian Fatum Group.                 and family, Mildred and family, Anna, Kalil and
              Close friends and neighbours: Jaime Balentin and family, Percy   family, Faby, Lawrence, Priscilla, Ethel, Chris
              Jeandor, Carmelita Haynes and family, Jessica Janga-Alvarez   Mitchell and family, Joan and others too   “Señor ta mi wardador, mi’n tin
              and family, Sharline Mathilda, Mirriam Parra, Lardy Marsden,   numerous to mention                     falta di nada
              Mrs. Nedd and family, family Gijsbertha, Aruba Bank Tigers,
              Honorary Members of Little League Softball team, Dean of   Relatives: Richardson, Heyer, Jacobino,   Den cunucu di yerba berde e ta
              Umpires Little League Softball Team.           Spanner, Rodrigues, Wout, Rogers, Blijden,             ponemi sosega.
              She was related to: Richardson, Rock, Pemberton, Woodley,   Gerot, Wilson, Marshall, Samuel, Clarke, Fraser,
              Vanterpool, Gedler, Brooks, Bivens, Joseph, Sherwood,   da Costa.                                E ta hibami na awa trankil,
              Whitfield, York, Hughes, Arrindell, Wilson, Linzey, Simmons,                                      Pa mi bolbe haña forsa”.
              de Graaf, Varlack, Granger, Lynch, Siemphter, Violenus,   The funeral will take place on Thursday 02    Salmo: 23
              Antersijn, Clark, Banfield, Kaarsbaan, Riley, Held.   August 2018 at 4:00 pm at St. Teresita
              We apologize if during our grief we forgot to mention any   Church and from there to the Central Burial
              name or family members. Please wear joyful Colors   Ground in Sabana Basora. The body of Mr.               Cu dolor na nos curason,
              Instead of wreaths and flowers there will be a donation box for                                        nos kier participa fayecimento di:
              Edmund Harms Foundation.                       Ivan will be laid out from 2:00 pm at Church.
              The funeral will take place on Friday 03 August 2018 at
              4:00 pm at St. Teresita Church and from there to the   Opportunity for condolences: Ad Patres          Ronald Raul Alegria Vasquez
              Central Burial Ground in Sabana Basora. The body of Mr.   Funeral Home
              Lionel will be laid out from 2:00 pm at Church.                                                           *26-11-1956 - †30-07-2018
              Opportunity for condolences: Ad Patres Funeral Home   Wednesday 01 August 2018 from 7:00 pm to
              Thursday 02 August 2018 from 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm   9:00 pm                                           Acto di entiero lo wordo anuncia después
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