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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Diabierna 2 Juli 2021

                             Trump Organization, CFO indicted on tax fraud charges

            (AP) — Donald Trump’s compa-        Weisselberg’s lawyers, Mary Mulligan
            ny and its longtime finance chief  and Bryan Skarlatos, said in a state-
            were  charged  Thursday  in  what  ment before his appearance that the
            a  prosecutor  called  a  “sweeping  executive would “fight these charges
            and audacious” tax fraud scheme  in court.” Skarlatos later said Dunne’s
            that saw the Trump executive al-    remarks were misleading in regard to
            legedly  receive  more  than  $1.7  his client.
            million in off-the-books compen-
            sation, including apartment rent,  Weisselberg was ordered to surrender
            car payments and school tuition.    his  passport  after  prosecutors  called
                                                him  a  flight  risk  with  access  to  pri-
            It is the first criminal case New York  vate jets for foreign travel. He was re-
            authorities’  two-year  investigation  leased without bail, however, and left
            into the former president has yield-  the courthouse without commenting
            ed. According to the indictment filed  to assembled reporters.
            Wednesday  and  unveiled  Thursday,
            from  2005  through  this  year,  CFO  A  lieutenant  to  generations  of
            Allen Weisselberg and the Trump Or-  Trumps,  Weisselberg  has  intimate
            ganization cheated the state and city  knowledge of the former president’s
            out of taxes by conspiring to pay se-  business dealings and the case could
            nior executives off the books.      give  prosecutors  the  means  to  pres-
                                                sure  him  into  cooperating  with  an  “rude, nasty, and totally biased” and  nal investigation” into Trump’s com-
            Both  Weisselberg  and  lawyers  for  ongoing  probe  into  other  aspects  of  said  his  company’s  actions  were  pany and its CFO.
            the Trump Organization pleaded not  the company’s business.             “standard  practice  throughout  the
            guilty.                                                                 U.S. business community, and in no  Vance, who leaves office at the end of
                                                So  far,  though,  there’s  no  sign  that  way a crime.”               the year, has been conducting a wide-
            Prosecutor Carey Dunne described a  the man regarded by Trump’s daugh-                                      ranging  investigation  into  a  variety
            15-year scheme “orchestrated by the  ter Ivanka as a “fiercely loyal” deputy  He issued a press release after the not  of matters involving Trump and the
            most senior executives.”            who’s “stood alongside my father and  guilty  pleas,  once  again  excoriating  Trump  Organization,  such  as  hush-
                                                our family” for decades will suddenly  the probe as a “political Witch Hunt.”  money payments paid to women on
            Trump  himself  was  not  charged  at  turn on them.                                                        Trump’s  behalf  and  truthfulness  in
            this stage of the investigation, jointly                                Dunne  asserted  politics  played  no  property  valuations  and  tax  assess-
            pursued  by  Manhattan  District  At-  In  a  Thursday  statement  before  the  role in the decision to bring charges.  ments, among other matters.
            torney Cyrus Vance Jr. and New York  charges  were  unveiled,  the  Trump
            Attorney General Letitia James, both  Organization  defended  Weisselberg,  In court, Trump Organization lawyer  Vance  fought  a  long  battle  to  get
            Democrats.                          saying the 48-year employee was be-  Alan  Futerfas  said  Dunne’s  remarks  Trump’s  tax  records  and  has  been
                                                ing used by Vance’s office as “a pawn  sounded like a “press release.”  subpoenaing  documents  and  inter-
            Weiiselberg,  73,  was  photographed  in a scorched-earth attempt to harm                                   viewing  company  executives  and
            walking  into  a  building  that  houses  the former president.”        Vance  declined  to  comment  on  the  other Trump insiders.
            both  the  criminal  courts  and  the                                   case as he arrived at the courthouse
            Manhattan  district  attorney’s  office  Trump,  a  Republican,  did  not  re-  Thursday.  He  remained  silent  as  he  James assigned two lawyers from her
            around 6:20 a.m. Thursday. He was  spond to reporters’ shouted questions  and James departed in the afternoon.  office to work with Vance’s team on
            led into court in the afternoon with  about the case as he visited Texas on  James’  office  later  released  a  state-  the criminal probe while continuing
            his hands cuffed behind his back.   Wednesday.  Earlier  in  the  week,  he  ment calling the indictment “an im-  her own civil investigation.
                                                blasted  New  York  prosecutors  as  portant marker in the ongoing crimi-

                                California firefighters battle big wildfires in high heat

            (AP) — Hundreds of fire-     was  shrouded  in  a  haze  of  corded history.           homes  around  Shasta  Lake  was ignited by lightning last
            fighters worked Thursday  smoke  plumes  so  huge  they  An     extraordinary   Pacific  north of the city of Redding,  week.
            in high heat to beat back  could  easily  be  seen  in  im-  Northwest heat wave that ex-  more  than  200  miles  (322
            wildfires  in  the  forests  of  ages  from  weather  satellites  tended into the upper reaches  kilometers)  north  of  San  To  the  northeast,  a  fire  that
            far  Northern  California,  in space.                     of  California  was  slowly  re-  Francisco.  The  huge  lake  is  broke  out  Monday  in  the
            where  the  flames  have  The  scene  was  ominously  ceding,  but  it  was  only  ex-  popular with vacationers, but  Klamath National Forest and
            forced many communities  reminiscent of last year's Cal-  pected to cool off slightly be-  its water level is dramatically  forced evacuations has grown
            to evacuate.                 ifornia wildfire season, which  fore temperatures trend back  low because of the drought.  to  about  15  square  miles
                                         scorched  more  than  6,562  up  heading  into  the  Fourth                            (38  square  kilometers).  The
            Mount  Shasta,  the  volcano  square  miles  (17,000  square  of  July  weekend,  forecasters  Evacuation  orders  were  in  fire was expected to advance
            that  towers  over  the  region,  kilometers),  the  most  in  re-  said.              place  for  some  areas,  but  north toward Oregon, and its
                                                                      "It is very hot and dry," said  there  was  no  immediate  in-  cause was being investigated.
                                                                      Suzi Johnson, a Shasta-Trinity  formation on how many peo-  Fire  authorities  throughout
                                                                      National Forest spokeswom-   ple were forced to flee.     California  stepped  up  cam-
                                                                      an  for  the  Salt  Fire,  which                          paigns  urging  people  not  to
                                                                      broke  out  Wednesday  and  To  the  north,  the  Lava  Fire  use fireworks to celebrate the
                                                                      quickly grew to more than 4  burning partly on the flanks  Fourth  of  July,  citing  both
                                                                      square miles (10 square kilo-  of  Mount  Shasta  grew  to  the  explosive  dangers  and
                                                                      meters), temporarily shutting  nearly  31  square  miles  (80  the threat of wildfires in the
                                                                      down Interstate 5.           square  kilometers)  and  was  withering conditions.
                                                                                                   partially  contained.  Evacua-
                                                                      California and the rest of the  tion orders for communities  "The fuels are bone dry," Los
                                                                      U.S. West is mired in a his-  near  the  city  of  Weed  were  Angeles  County  Fire  Chief
                                                                      toric drought tied to climate  still in effect.           Daryl  Osby  said  at  a  news
                                                                      change,  which  also  is  con-                            conference. "We are extreme-
                                                                      tributing to worsening wild-  The steep, rocky terrain chal-  ly concerned about the use of
                                                                      fire seasons and heat waves.  lenged nearly 1,300 firefight-  fireworks of all kinds."
                                                                      The  fire  was  a  threat  to  ers battling the blaze, which
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