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A28    u.s. news
                       Diabierna 2 Juli 2021

                             Safety concerns halt rescue efforts at condo collapse site

                                                                      cialist with the Federal Emer-  “I  mean,  they’ve  done  ev-  said, adding that the state will
                                         “This  is  life  and  death,”  gency  Management  Agency.  erything  they  can.  But  we  ”provide  whatever  resources
                                         Biden said during a briefing.  He said there were alarming  trust  the  people  that  are  on  they need” to allow the search
                                         “We can do it, just the simple  indications  of  movement  the  ground.  And  obviously,  to continue.
                                         act  of  everyone  doing  what  Wednesday night at three lo-  they’ve got to do what’s best
                                         needs  to  be  done,  makes  a  cations.                  for  their  people,  right?  Be-  Cominsky confirmed Thurs-
                                         difference.”                                              cause it is a dangerous situa-  day that workers tried to res-
                                                                      “What was of specific concern  tion,” he said.            cue a woman shortly after the
                                                                      was that over the last six days                           building collapsed when they
                                         “There’s  gonna  be  a  lot  of  we had not seen that type of  During  a  private  meeting  heard a voice in the rubble.
            (AP)  —  Rescue  efforts  at  pain  and  anxiety  and  suffer-  significant  movement,  or  in  with family members, Biden
            the site of a partially col-  ing  and  even  the  need  for  some  locations  any  move-  drew on his own experiences  “We were searching for a fe-
            lapsed Florida condomin-     psychological help in the days  ment in those elements of the  with  grief  to  try  to  comfort  male  voice  ...  we  heard  for
            ium building were halted  and  months  that  follow,”  he  structure,”  Nacheman  said  them. Biden lost his first wife  several hours, and eventually
            Thursday  out  of  concern  said. “And so, we’re not going  Thursday  during  a  briefing  and  baby  daughter  in  a  car  we didn’t hear her voice any-
            about  the  stability  of  the  anywhere.”                for family members.          crash  and  decades  later  lost  more,” he said.
            remaining  structure  after                                                            an adult son to brain cancer.
            crews  noticed  widening  Rescue  work  was  halted  af-  Heavy equipment in the rub-                               Cominsky  said  they  contin-
            cracks and up to a foot of  ter crews noticed several ex-  ble pile caused vibrations, ac-  “I just wish there was some-  ued  searching.  “Unfortu-
            movement  in  a  large  col-  pansions  in  cracks  they  had  cording  to  Nacheman.  Rain  thing I could do to ease the  nately, we didn’t have success
            umn, officials said.         been  monitoring.  They  also  has  also  been  entering  ex-  pain,” he said in a video post-  on that,” he said.
                                         observed  6  to  12  inches  of  posed  parts  of  the  building,  ed  on  Instagram  by  Jacque-
            The  stoppage  that  began  movement in a large column  saturating  items  and  adding  line  Patoka,  a  woman  who  The  cause  of  the  collapse  is
            shortly  after  2  a.m.  threat-  hanging  from  the  structure  weight to the floors.  was  close  to  a  couple  and  under  investigation.  A  2018
            ened  to  keep  search  teams  “that  could  fall  and  cause                          their  daughter  who  are  still  engineering  report  found
            off the rubble pile for an un-  damage to support columns”  Covering  parts  of  the  struc-  missing.              that  the  building’s  ground-
            known period and dim hopes  in  the  underground  park-   ture to prevent further water                             floor  pool  deck  was  resting
            for  finding  anyone  alive  in  ing garage, Miami-Dade Fire  damage or tearing down the  Biden  spoke  of  wanting  to  on  a  concrete  slab  that  had
            the  debris  a  week  after  the  Rescue  Chief  Alan  Comin-  building risks additional loss  switch  places  with  a  lost  or  “major  structural  damage”
            tower came down.             sky said.                    of  life  because  those  steps  missing  loved  one.  “The  and needed extensive repairs.
                                                                      would  require  sending  peo-  waiting,  the  waiting  is  un-  The report also found “abun-
            The  rescue  operations  were  In  addition,  they  noticed  ple  back  inside,  Nacheman  bearable,” he said.      dant  cracking”  of  concrete
            called  off  on  the  same  day  movement in the debris pile  said. Demolition would also                           columns, beams and walls in
            that President Joe Biden and  and slight movement in some  add debris on top of areas that  Miami-Dade County Mayor  the parking garage.
            first lady Jill Biden visited the  concrete  floor  slabs  “that  have already been cleared of  Daniella Levine Cava said the
            devastated community.        could cause additional failure  rubble.                   search-and-rescue  operation  Just  two  months  before  the
                                         of the building,” he said.                                will continue as soon as it is  building  came  down,  the
            The collapse of the 12-story                              Peter  Milián  is  a  cousin  of  safe to do so.          president of its board wrote a
            Champlain  Towers  South  Officials  will  work  with  Marcus  Guara,  who  died                                    letter to residents saying that
            beachfront    condominium  structural    engineers   and  along  with  his  wife,  Anaely  Gov. Ron DeSantis said state  structural  problems  identi-
            killed  at  least  18  people  and  other experts to “develop op-  Rodriguez,  and  their  two  engineers,  the  fire  depart-  fied  in  the  2018  inspection
            left  145  missing.  Hundreds  tions” to continue rescue op-  children,  10-year-old  Lucia  ment and county officials are  had   “gotten   significantly
            of  search-and-rescue  per-  erations, Cominsky said.     Guara and 4-year-old Emma  exploring options on how to  worse”  and  that  major  re-
            sonnel  have  painstakingly                               Guara. Milián said he under-  deal with the structural con-  pairs would cost at least $15.5
            searched  the  pancaked  rub-  Critical  points  around  the  stands  why  the  rescue  work  cerns.                million.  With  bids  for  the
            ble for potential signs of life,  site  have  been  monitored  had to be temporarily halted                         work still pending, the build-
            but no one has been rescued  with sensors since the rescue  and  is  confident  search  ef-  “Obviously,  we  believe  that  ing  suddenly  collapsed  last
            since the first hours after the  operation  began,  said  Scott  forts will continue.  continuing searching is very,  Thursday.
            collapse.                    Nacheman, a structures spe-                               very  important,”  DeSantis

                         New Mexico gives most US funding to child care of any state

            (AP) — New Mexico is directing  package.                                federal  approval  of  the  new  formu-  efits, especially those who earned too
            the nation’s biggest chunk of fed-                                      la  in  Washington,  D.C.,  where  she  much to qualify for past subsidies but
            eral  coronavirus  relief  money  to  Some  states,  like  New  Jersey,  offer  served as assistant superintendent of  too little to pay for child care without
            helping middle-class families pay  subsidies at 350% of the federal pov-  early learning for the District of Co-  spending half their paycheck.
            for  child  care,  a  vast  expansion  erty line but only when relatives are  lumbia before taking the job in New
            aimed at getting parents back to  providing care.                       Mexico. While the formulas are not  The expansion is paid for in part by
            work in one of the poorest states                                       identical,  the  experience  there  pro-  $300  million  in  federal  awards  that
            in America.                         New  Mexico  also  will  be  the  first  vides an idea of how much child care  expire in 2024.
                                                state  to  increase  payments  to  child  providers will benefit.
            Gov.  Michelle  Lujan  Grisham  an-  care providers by using a reimburse-                                   Democratic  state  lawmakers  already
            nounced Thursday that the state will  ment  formula  that  focuses  on  the  Child  care  providers  in  Washington  have  a  plan  in  motion  to  increase
            subsidize  child  care  at  350%  of  the  local cost of running child care busi-  got a 24% to 57% increase in reim-  child care funding long term by tap-
            federal poverty line, or about $93,000  nesses, instead of the market rate of  bursement  during  the  transition  in  ping  into  a  unique  $20  billion  state
            for a family of four. That’s up from  what parents can pay.             2019, according to officials there. No  endowment  funded  by  resource  ex-
            about $54,000.                                                          providers saw a decrease.           traction royalties and market invest-
                                                State  Early  Childhood  Secretary                                      ments.
            New  Mexico’s  two-year  spending  Elizabeth  Groginsky  called  the  an-  Early childhood advocates say the new
            commitment will expand eligibility to  nouncement  an  “important  land-  rules  will  lead  to  increased  pay  for  A ballot initiative before voters next
            the highest income levels of any state.  mark on our journey towards creat-  child care workers, who often make  year  could  increase  the  amount  of
            It’s the largest and latest example of  ing a true cradle-to-career education  just above minimum wage. They also  funding from the endowment to the
            states  using  pandemic  relief  aid  to  system that helps all New Mexicans  expect  improvements  in  worker-to-  state’s  Early  Childhood  Education
            subsidize  child  care.  Others  include  thrive.”                      child ratios, the main benchmark of  and  Care  Department  and  possibly
            Georgia and Montana, while Califor-                                     child care center quality.          replace  the  federal  funding  when  it
            nia  is  debating  a  child  care  funding  Groginsky  was  pivotal  for  winning  Parents  should  see  immediate  ben-  expires.
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