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Thursday 12 december 2024
Don’t miss out on L’Avenue’s Early Bird Special!
10pm. Enjoy your lunch and/
or dinner in a cool, air-con-
ditioned interior area of the
restaurant, accompanied
by the warm lights and chic
design that emphasizes the
restaurant’s laid-back, yet
sophisticated ambience.
Lunch includes a variety of
sandwiches—with a healthy
selection of bread options—
if you’re going for a light
meal, but just like their din-
ner selection, also includes
steak, chicken, fish, and is offering their guests their pride in serving the tradition-
even mussels and rabbit if Early Bird Special, available al Belgian and French fla-
you’re craving a bit more of every day from 4pm to 7pm. vors, but does not shy away
L’Avenue’s exquisite menu. Enjoy this affordable and from offering a flexible menu
And let’s not forget their delectable 3-course meal for their guests’ needs. That’s
wide selection of Belgian special at a comfortable right, L’Avenue also offers to
beer and European wine to price of $29.50 per guest, cater for their guests’ dietary
complete the tasty experi- which includes a selection restrictions, making sure that
ence! of their fine in-house wine. each guest gets well taken
care of!
But that’s not all! L’Avenue L’Avenue honors and takes
More information
L’Avenue is situated at The
(Oranjestad)—Up to grab an early dinner af- Cove Mall in Palm Beach
ter a day of shopping or cruising? Take ad- and is open every day from
vantage of L’Avenue’s Early Bird Special, and 11am to 10pm for lunch and
experience their innovative twist of tradition- dinner. To book a reserva-
al Belgian cuisine! tion or ask for more informa-
tion, please contact their
Located in a cozy nook at The Cove Mall—a phone line at +297 6996400,
short walking distance from the Holiday Inn send an e-mail info@lave-
and Paseo Herencia, this Belgian and French, or visit their
bistro offers a delicious and rich menu avail- website at lavenuearuba.
able through lunch and dinner from 11am to comq
Ever heard of the cah’i orgel? A key instrument in Aruban folklore music
(Oranjestad)—The cah’i orgel mu- to Venezuela, where in 1881, Mr. land. Before that he experimented percussion instrument made out of
sic box is an important and unique Horatio Sprock (1866-1949) from with his uncle’s cah’i orgel, and he steel and reminiscent to the Span-
instrument that is used on the ABC Curacao was first introduced to it. over the years he learned to build ish guiro. Back then, you would of-
islands in the Dutch Caribbean. This After that, Sprock made his own and repair the instrument. In fact, ten also find someone playing the
instrument is a staple in our folklore cah’i orgel “Josefina”, and suc- he was incredibly skilled in this, and triangle alongside the cah’i orgel
music, and its significance in the cessfully debuted it on the streets he was one of the few to have and wiri. In Aruba, the cah’i orgel
traditions of Aruba has and contin- of Barquisimeto. Back in Curacao, recognized from the start that the and wiri is used for traditional music
ues to bring together the old and he started his own cah’i orgel busi- cah’i orgel is an instrument that genres, such as the Aruban waltz,
young. ness along with his brother Luis. In needs preserving. tumba, mazurka and more.
Aruba, it is said that the cah’i orgel As mentioned, the cah’i orgel is a
The origin of the cah’i orgel is said was introduced by Rufo Wever, music box. made from mahogany Fun fact: another name for the
to have come from Europe around who later in his career became wood, it contains a cylinder with a cah’i orgel is the “tingilingi box.”
150 years ago. A cross breed be- one of the composers for the Aru- maximum of eight music pieces.
tween the barrel piano and the ban national anthem. By rotating the lever on the front Source: “E Cilinder Magico en-
organ, the most popular stories side of the box, the cah’i orgel pro- tre Aruba y Curaçao” by Marilyn
said that the instrument came Rufo Wever was a young musician duces music similar to that of a pi- Alcalá-Wallé, Herta Parabirsing-
from either England or Germany, in 1937 when he established his ano, and is accompanied often by Balentina and Nidia Rosaria-
but made its way to Italy down own cah’i orgel business on the is- someone else playing the “wiri”, a Wallé.q