Page 9 - AHATA
P. 9
LOCAL Thursday 12 december 2024
Tierra del Sol Golf Course by Iberostar Celebrates
the First Shoco Sanctuary in Aruba
Tierra del Sol Golf Course has embraced this conser-
by Iberostar proudly an- vation project as part of its
nounces the opening of the sustainable vision. The sanc-
Shoco Sanctuary, dedicated tuary is integrated into the
to protecting and preserv- course's design, providing
ing Aruba’s beloved national golfers and visitors with infor-
symbol, the Aruba Burrowing mation about the Shoco and
Owl (Shoco). This initiative, fostering awareness about
started in 2019, has flourished Aruba’s natural heritage.
into a significant conserva- By the end of 2024, as the
tion effort, showcasing a re- golf course prepares for its
markable journey of prog- grand reopening, the Sho- del Sol Golf Course by Ibero-
ress and commitment over co Sanctuary will stand as star invites the local commu-
the past five years. a testament to community nity to join in this journey of
collaboration and environ- preserving Aruba’s treasures
In collaboration with Aruba ment to Aruba’s biodiversity. a transformation, Iberostar mental stewardship. Tierra for generations to come.q
Birdlife Conservation (ABC) Guests, stakeholders & com-
and Tierra del Sol Golf Course munity members marveled
by Iberostar, the first 20 artifi- at the progress seen from the
cial burrows were placed in initial installation in 2019 to
2019 to provide safe breed- the thriving sanctuary today.
ing grounds for the endan- The Shoco, declared a na-
gered Shoco. With the con- tional symbol in 2012, faces
tinued support of Iberostar, significant threats from less
this project has expanded, habitat.This sanctuary aims
increasing the number of to combat these challenges,
burrows to 32 artificial bur- offering safer breeding op-
rows and integrating educa- portunities and enhancing
tional components into the the local ecosystem. This
golf course experience. sanctuary now hosts 20% of
Aruba’s entire Shoco popula-
The sanctuary was celebrat- tion, making it a cornerstone
ed with an event attended of the island’s conservation
by key partners in the project, efforts.
recognizing the milestone
and reaffirming the commit- As the golf course undergoes