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                    Tuesday 10 March 2020
            Doctors try 1st CRISPR editing in the body for blindness

            Scientists  say  they  have
            used the gene editing tool
            CRISPR  inside  someone’s
            body  for  the  first  time,  a
            new  frontier  for  efforts
            to  operate  on  DNA,  the
            chemical  code  of  life,  to
            treat diseases.
            A  patient  recently  had  it
            done at the Casey Eye In-
            stitute at Oregon Health &
            Science  University  in  Port-
            land for an inherited form of
            blindness,  the  companies
            that  make  the  treatment
            announced  Wednesday.
            They would not give details
            on the patient or when the
            surgery occurred.
            It may take up to a month
            to see if it worked to restore
            vision.  If  the  first  few  at-
            tempts seem safe, doctors
            plan to test it on 18 children
            and adults.
            “We  literally  have  the  po-
            tential  to  take  people
            who  are  essentially  blind
            and make them see,” said
            Charles  Albright,  chief  sci-  In this undated photo provided by the Oregon Health & Science University on Wednesday, March 4, 2020, Dr. Andreas Lauer, right,
            entific  officer  at  Editas   prepares to perform the first-ever in vivo CRISPR gene edit procedure for the BRILLIANCE clinical trial at the school's Casey Eye
            Medicine, the Cambridge,     Institute in Portland, on a patient who had an inherited form of blindness.
            M a s s a c h u s e t t s - b a s e d                                                                                           Associated Press
            company  developing  the  search is very high.            work as it should.           that and to ensure that the  in  the  eye  and  does  not
            treatment    with   Dublin-  The  people  in  this  study   It’s  done  in  an  hour-long  treatment  cuts  only  where  travel to other parts of the
            based  Allergan.  “We  think  have   Leber   congenital   surgery  under  general  an-  it’s intended to, Pierce said.  body,  so  “if  something
            it  could  open  up  a  whole  amaurosis,  caused  by  a   esthesia.                   He has consulted for Editas  goes wrong, the chance of
            new set of medicines to go  gene  mutation  that  keeps   Through  a  tube  the  width  and  helped  test  a  gene  harm is very small,” he said.
            in and change your DNA.”     the  body  from  making  a   of a hair, doctors drip three  therapy,  Luxturna,  that’s  “It  makes  for  a  good  first
            Dr.  Jason  Comander,  an  protein  needed  to  con-      drops  of  fluid  containing  sold for a different type of  step for doing gene editing
            eye surgeon at Massachu-     vert light into signals to the   the  gene  editing  machin-  inherited blindness.     in the body.”
            setts  Eye  and  Ear  in  Bos-  brain, which enables sight.   ery just beneath the retina,  Some independent experts  Although  the  new  study
            ton,  another  hospital  that  They’re often born with little   the lining at the back of the  were  optimistic  about  the  is  the  first  to  use  CRISPR
            plans  to  enroll  patients  in  vision  and  can  lose  even   eye that contains the light-  new study.            to  edit  a  gene  inside  the
            the  study,  said  it  marks  “a  that within a few years.  sensing cells.             “The  gene  editing  ap-     body,  another  company,
            new era in medicine” using  Scientists can’t treat it with   “Once  the  cell  is  edited,  proach  is  really  exciting.  Sangamo   Therapeutics,
            a technology that “makes  standard  gene  therapy  --     it’s  permanent  and  that  We  need  technology  that  has been testing zinc finger
            editing  DNA  much  easier  supplying  a  replacement     cell  will  persist  hopefully  will  be  able  to  deal  with  gene editing to treat meta-
            and much more effective.”    gene  --  because  the  one   for the life of the patient,”  problems  like  these  large  bolic diseases.
            Doctors  first  tried  in-the-  needed is too big to fit in-  because  these  cells  don’t  genes,” said Dr. Jean Ben-  Other  scientists  are  using
            body gene editing in 2017  side  the  disabled  viruses   divide, said one study lead-  nett,  a  University  of  Penn-  CRISPR to edit cells outside
            for a different inherited dis-  that are used to ferry it into   er  not  involved  in  this  first  sylvania  researcher  who  the body to try to treat can-
            ease  using  a  tool  called  cells.                      case, Dr. Eric Pierce at Mas-  helped test Luxturna at the  cer,  sickle  cell  and  some
            zinc fingers.                So  they’re  aiming  to  edit,   sachusetts Eye and Ear.  Children’s Hospital of Phila-  other diseases.
            Many    scientists   believe  or  delete  the  mutation  by   Doctors think they need to  delphia.                  All  of  these  studies  have
            CRISPR  is  a  much  easier  making  two  cuts  on  either   fix one tenth to one third of  In one day, she had three  been  done  in  the  open,
            tool  for  locating  and  cut-  side  of  it.  The  hope  is  that   the cells to restore vision. In  calls  from  families  seeking  with  government  regula-
            ting DNA at a specific spot,  the ends of DNA will recon-  animal tests, scientists were  solutions to inherited blind-  tors’ approval, unlike a Chi-
            so  interest  in  the  new  re-  nect and allow the gene to   able to correct half of the  ness.                    nese  scientist’s  work  that
                                                                      cells with the treatment, Al-  “It’s a terrible disease,” she  brought international scorn
                                                                      bright said.                 said. “Right now they have  in 2018.
                                                                      The eye surgery itself poses  nothing.”                   He  Jiankui  used  CRISPR  to
                                                                      little risk, doctors say. Infec-  Dr. Kiran Musunuru, another  edit  embryos  at  the  time
                                                                      tions and bleeding are rel-  gene editing expert at the  of  conception  to  try  to
                                                                      atively rare complications.  University  of  Pennsylvania,  make  them  resistant  to  in-
                                                                      One of the biggest poten-    said  the  treatment  seems  fection with the AIDS virus.
                                                                      tial risks from gene editing is  likely  to  work,  based  on  Changes to embryos’ DNA
                                                                      that CRISPR could make un-   tests in human tissue, mice  can pass to future genera-
                                                                      intended changes in other  and monkeys.                   tions, unlike the work being
                                                                      genes, but the companies  Full Coverage: Health           done now in adults to treat
                                                                      have done a lot to minimize  The gene editing tool stays  diseases.q
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