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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Dialuna 28 Maart 2022

                           Black women feel sting of ‘traumatizing’ Jackson hearings

            (AP)  —  “Senator,”  she
            said, letting out an audible                                                                                        But  alone  before  the  panel,
            sigh.                                                                                                               Jackson  had  difficulty  con-
                                                                                                                                vincing the Republican sena-
            In that singular moment, Su-                                                                                        tors as she worked to explain
            preme  Court  nominee  Ket-                                                                                         the rules judges adhere to and
            anji Brown Jackson spoke for                                                                                        the  nuances  of  the  wrench-
            countless Black women who                                                                                           ing cases they face. The GOP
            have  had  to  gather  all  the                                                                                     senators  rarely  accepted  the
            patience,  strength  and  grace                                                                                     judge’s  answers  and  inter-
            within to answer insinuating                                                                                        jected or just ignored her ex-
            questions about their creden-                                                                                       planations altogether.
            tials, qualifications and char-
            acter.                                                                                                              At one point, Jackson simply
                                                                                                                                stopped  answering:  “Sena-
            It was Day One of question-                                                                                         tor,”  she  said  to  Cruz,  “I’ve
            ing  at  the  Senate  Judiciary                                                                                     said  what  I’m  going  to  say
            Committee  as  the  Harvard-                                                                                        about  these  cases.  No  one
            educated  Jackson,  the  first                                                                                      case can stand in for a judge’s
            Black  woman  to  be  nomi-                                                                                         entire record.”
            nated for the nation’s highest
            court, was making history.                                                                                          By Thursday, as the hearings
                                                                                                                                concluded, Republican lead-
            The federal judge had to en-                                                                                        ers in the Senate were using
            dure hours of public scrutiny                                                                                       the  issue  —  and  her  refusal
            from  skeptics,  namely  the                                                                                        to repeat earlier answers — as
            Republican senators who are                                                                                         justification for opposing her
            erecting a wall of opposition                                                                                       confirmation.
            to her landmark nomination,  bring  this  Black  woman  back  to  the  streets?  ...  Is  it  “She should not have had to
            the  first  in  the  court’s  233-  down because she’s about to  your personal hidden agenda  endure  what  she  endured,”  Throughout  the  four  days
            year history, and may vote en  break  the  glass  ceiling  that,  to  incorporate  critical  race  Turner  told  the  AP.  “The  of  testimony,  Black  women
            bloc  against  her  confirma-  once broken, opens the door  theory into our legal system?”  Democratic  senators  should  filled  many  of  the  seats  in
            tion.                        to more.”                                                 have used their authority and  the committee room. Those
                                                                      These senators insisted their  positioning to show the req-  women included some of the
            “It  was  really  traumatiz-  Democrats  praise  President  questions  were  not  about  uisite  outrage  necessary  for  leading civil rights figures and
            ing  to  watch,”  said  Melanie  Joe Biden’s choice of Jackson  race. In fact, Graham opened  that moment.”         members of the Congressio-
            L.  Campbell,  president  and  as long overdue, a chance to  with a warning that the ques-                          nal Black Caucus, which ran
            CEO of the National Coali-   start making the court more  tioners  would  be  framed  as  Overall,  during  her  time  its own “war room” to back
            tion  on  Black  Civic  Partici-  reflective  of  the  diverse  na-  racist. “We’re all racists if we  on  the  district  court  bench,  up Jackson’s nomination.
            pation  and  convener  of  the  tion it serves. But they have  ask  hard  questions.  It’s  not  Jackson presided over 14 to-
            Black Women’s Roundtable.    been  slow  to  bolster  the  going to fly with us.”      tal cases of child sexual abuse,  LaTosha  Brown,  cofounder
                                         judge’s  nomination  against                              interstate travel for child sex-  of  the  group  Black  Voters
            From  questioning  of  Jack-  the  unrelenting  attacks  and  Yet Republicans ignored anal-  ual abuse and child pornog-  Matter, said she had received
            son’s view of books on criti-  instead allowed them to lin-  ysis that shows Jackson’s sen-  raphy.                 numerous    text   messages
            cal race theory that drew her  ger.                       tencing record on such cases                              from Black women who were
            exasperated  sigh  —  “They                               is on track with other judges  The  American  Bar  Associa-  both  outraged  by  Jackson’s
            don’t  come  up  in  my  work  Over  and  over  during  her  appointed  by  both  Demo-  tion’s standing committee on  treatment from senators and
            as  a  judge,”  she  said  —  to  hearings,  Republican  Sens.  crats  and  Republican  presi-  the  federal  judiciary  said  in  heartened by her clear deter-
            the  loaded  suggestion  that  Ted  Cruz  of  Texas,  Lindsey  dents, and that in some cases  its survey of some 250 judg-  mination to endure the pro-
            the  sentences  she  imposed  Graham  of  South  Carolina  she went beyond recommen-   es,  attorneys  and  academics  cess.
            on child pornography defen-  and  Josh  Hawley  of  Mis-  dations to come down harder  that words such as “brilliant,”
            dants  were  too  lenient,  the  souri  hammered  Jackson  on  on defendants.          “beyond  reproach,”  “fair”  “I  just  got  texts  that  said,
            questions from the Republi-  a handful of the many cases                               were  used  to  describe  Jack-  ‘Persevere.’”
            cans tapped into long-stand-  she handled as a judge, ask-  “What I regret,” Jackson told  son,  who  earned  the  panel’s
            ing American grievances over  ing if she regretted having a  the  senators,  “is  that  in  the  highest rating.    It  was  a  reference  to  Jack-
            race, class and public safety.  record  that,  in  their  view,  is  hearing  about  my  qualifica-                 son’s  own  words  of  advice
                                         soft  on  child  pornography  tions  to  be  a  justice  on  the  “They uniformly rejected any  delivered  at  the  hearing  to
            The  insinuations  that  Jack-  defendants.               Supreme Court, we’ve spent  accusations of bias,” said Jean  young people who may have
            son,  a  distinguished  jurist                            a lot of time focusing on this  Veta of the ABA committee.  watched  what  the  nominee
            and mother of two, is a secret  No matter how many times  small  subset  of  my  sentenc-                           endured and felt discouraged.
            radical liberal or poses a dan-  Jackson  asserted,  for  exam-  es.”                  In a letter to the Senate com-
            ger  to  the  safety  of  children  ple, that the child pornogra-                      mittee,  Fred  Bowman,  a  “Black  people  in  America,”
            felt to some supporters as yet  phy cases were some of “the  For  many  supporters  of  University  of  Missouri  law  Brown  said,  “if  we  don’t
            another  example  of  highly  most  difficult”  of  her  career  Jackson,  the  Republicans’  professor and former federal  know anything else, we know
            qualified  Black  women  hav-  or  tried  to  explain  the  par-  cherry-picking of her record  prosecutor, spoke of his dis-  what that word means.”
            ing  to  endure  indignities  ticulars of the law, the GOP  tarnished  a  momentous  oc-  may  at  the  thought  Jackson
            and  distortions  of  their  cre-  senators talked over her, past  casion.             was somehow “soft” on these
            dentials, even as they shatter  her  and  pushed  onward  in                           crimes. His letter was signed
            racial  barriers  in  American  their  attempt  to  portray  the  Nina Turner, a former Ohio  by other experts in the field.
            society.                     nominee as they wished.      state  senator  who  was  a
                                                                      prominent surrogate for Sen.  White  House  deputy  press
            Campbell  told  The  Associ-  “I  can  only  wonder  what’s  Bernie Sanders’ 2020 Demo-  secretary   Andrew   Bates
            ated Press that “the othering  your  hidden  agenda,”  asked  cratic  presidential  campaign,  blasted  the  Republican  line
            of  her,  in  a  sense,  like  she’s  Sen.  Marsha  Blackburn,  R-  criticized  Democratic  mem-  of questioning as an “embar-
            against our children,” seemed  Tenn., pointing to one of the  bers  on  the  committee  for  rassing  conspiracy  theory”
            like a tired political tactic.  judge’s earlier writings. “Is it  not defending Jackson more  that  “has  been  conclusively
                                         to  let  violent  criminals,  cop  vigorously.            debunked by fact check after
            “My  spirit  feels  it  was  to  killers  and  child  predators                        fact check.”
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