Page 26 - bon-dia-aruba-20220328
P. 26
a26 obituario/u.s. news
Dialuna 28 Maart 2022
NYC planning to remove homeless
encampments from streets
(AP) — New York City offi-
cials are planning to remove
makeshift shelters set up
It is with deep sorrow we announce the passing of by homeless people on city
our beloved: streets, mirroring similar ef-
forts in other liberal metrop-
olises that had previously tol-
erated the encampments.
Mayor Eric Adams disclosed
the initiative in an interview
with The New York Times on
Friday, but provided few de-
tails. It comes a month after he
announced a push to remove
homeless people from the city’s
sprawling subway system in re-
sponse to assaults and other ag-
gressive behavior.
officials cannot force anyone to undercount. Most of the rough-
“We’re going to rid the en- go to a homeless shelter. He ex- ly 50,000 homeless people in the
campments off our street and pected the effort to begin within city stay in shelters.
we’re going to place people in two weeks.
healthy living conditions with People who are homeless and
wraparound services,” he told “We can’t stop an individual their advocates have said remov-
Bernice Viola Bailey Romney the Times. “I’m telling my city from sleeping on the street ing street encampments only re-
Left to mourn are her: agencies to do an analysis block based on law, and we’re not go- sults in people moving from one
by block, district by district, ing to violate that law,” he said. spot to another.
Parents: identify where the encamp- “But you can’t build a miniature
†Dorcas (Sally) I. Bailey ments are, then execute a plan to house made out of cardboard on An increasing number of cities
†James A. Bailey give services to the people who the streets. That’s inhumane.” across the country including Los
are in the encampments, then to Angeles, San Francisco, Seattle
Sisters: Joyce Bailey dismantle those encampments.” In its most recent estimate in and Washington, D.C., have
Brathwaite January 2021, the city said about been removing encampments
Merle Bailey Adams did not say where peo- 1,100 people were living in parks and taking other steps to address
Brother-in-Law: Stephen ple living in the encampments and on the streets — a number homelessness that would have
Brathwaite would go, and acknowledged seen by many advocates as an been unheard of years ago.
†Alfred Romney - Spouse and his Family
Deceased Brothers, Sister’s and their spouses:
Lawrence (Helen) Bailey, Wilson Bailey, James Officials lift most evacuation
(Collins) Bailey, Gladys Bailey
Arlene Bailey (Ophie) Franklin - Deceased Niece orders on Colorado wildfire
and Spouse
Irene & Andre Enabulele Bogle - Great Niece & (AP) — A wildfire south of duced late Saturday to cover
Irosa Kanesha Enabulele - Great Nephew & Spouse Boulder that forced nearly about 1,700 people and 700
Izehiuwa Enabulele & Danielle - Great Nephew & 20,000 people to flee was residences, down from about
Partner listed at 21% contained and 8,000 homes earlier in the day.
Anthony Bailey - Nephew most evacuations had been Fire managers will allow more
Vermella, Leeroy, Alan, Ralph, Neoline Colbourne lifted by Sunday morning, people back into their homes
- Nieces & Nephews & Families officials with Boulder Fire- Sunday as it becomes safe, of-
Elijah Grier - Great Nephew Rescue said. ficials said.
Samir, Itohan, Imani, Tafari, Zyion, Izekiel - Great
Great Nieces & Nephews The fire, which ignited Sat- Work on Sunday was focused
urday, burned to within 1,000 on reinforcing the fire line and way things are going to go,”
OTHER RELATIVES: yards (914 meters) of homes making sure the fire doesn’t he said. “We continue to work
The Families of the late Euphrasia Cannegieter, on the west end of Boulder, burn toward the city of Boul- on our planning processes.
Euetha Romney, Bernard Richardson, Mabel said Mike Smith, incident der or down toward Eldorado We continue to work on the
Martin, Abbott Richardson, and Marjorie Carty commander. Canyon, Smith said. Crews team building and work with
The Families of the late Glanceanne Bryan, and were working to corral the fire our partners to make sure that
Viola Pantophlet A quick initial attack “com- into an area of rocks and snow. we’re as dialed as we can be.
Many other Families & Friends on Anguilla, bined with all of the fuels We’re feeling good, but we’re
St. Maarten, Aruba, USA, The Netherlands, & mitigation treatments that The fire burned an estimated a little nervous about the up-
England. we’ve done in this area is one 200 acres (81 hectares) of dor- coming season.”
of the reasons that we’ve had mant trees and dry grass not far
GOD-CHILDREN: such great success,” Smith said from where a late December Saturday’s fire started around
Norma Romney Marianne Sunday. fire, pushed by strong winds, 2 p.m. and burned protected
Marylin’s Daughter
burned over 9 square miles wildland near the National
Fire crews were also able to (24 square kilometers) and de- Center for Atmospheric Re-
Her family at RESPALDO ARUBA
Would like to invite all friends and relatives to use aircraft to fight the fire, stroyed about 1,100 homes. search, Boulder police said.
attend the funeral on Tuesday March 29th 2022 laying down lines of fire retar- Authorities have called it the
from 2pm until 4 pm at the Christ Church dant near homes in the rolling Fire crews are concerned NCAR fire and its cause is not
Methodist Church in San Nicolaas. hills south of the college town, about the upcoming fire sea- yet known, although officials
or you can attend the night viewing on Monday he said. son, Smith said. have found the spot where it
March 28th 2022 from 6pm to 8pm at the Pray was believed to have started,
Funeral Home in San NIcolaas The evacuation area was re- “I think this is just a sign of the Smith said.