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                  Tuesday 4 February 2020
            Hilton Aruba Caribbean Resort & Casino Named Winner in 2020

            WeddingWire Couples’ Choice Awards®

            ORANJESTAD      —    Hilton                                                                                         sumers  who  turn  to  Wed-
            Aruba  Caribbean  Resort                                                                                            dingWire to help ease their
            &  Casino  was  announced                                                                                           wedding planning process,
            winner  of  the  2020  Wed-                                                                                         each month.
            dingWire  Couples’  Choice
            Awards®,  an  accolade                                                                                              Wedding professionals who
            earned  annually  by  the                                                                                           win   WeddingWire    Cou-
            top  wedding  professionals                                                                                         ples’  Choice  Awards®  are
            across  the  board  in  qual-                                                                                       members  of  WeddingPro,
            ity,  service,  responsive-                                                                                         the  leading  B2B  wedding
            ness,  and  professionalism,                                                                                        brand. It is the largest mar-
            as reviewed by couples on                                                                                           ketplace  and  community
            WeddingWire.                                                                                                        for  wedding  professionals
                                                                                                                                with  more  than  13  million
            Two much-appreciated re-                                                                                            visitors  who  are  planning
            sort  Team  Members  were                                                                                           weddings on WeddingWire
            presented  with  the  honor,                                                                                        and The Knot, every month.
            Lisa  Dammerman  &  Nay-                                                                                            Hilton Aruba Caribbean Re-
            la  Geerman,  for  the  third                                                                                       sort & Casino is honored to
            consecutive  year.  They  re-                                                                                       count the top trusted wed-
            ceived  the  award  outshin-                                                                                        ding  professionals  on  its
            ing  many  other  wedding                                                                                           team, helping couples pull
            industry  professionals  in  14                                                                                     their special day off, in their
            countries,  including  the  dealing  with  vendors  and  WeddingWire  continues  its  als, WeddingWire analyzed  own personalized style.
            US,  Canada,  Spain,  Italy,  navigating  the  decor  and  celebration  of  local  wed-  reviews  across  more  than  For more information about
            France,  Mexico,  Brazil  and  catering  fields  effortlessly  ding  vendors  with  the  an-  20 service categories, from  Hilton  Aruba  Caribbean
            India.                       to  produce  seamless,  true  nouncement  of  its  twelfth  venues and caterers to flo-  Resort  &  Casino,  please
                                         dream  functions  in  Aruba,  annual WeddingWire Cou-     rists  and  photographers  to  visit WeddingWire. To learn
            Both Lisa and Nayla, regu-   at  the  Hilton  Aruba  Carib-  ples’ Choice Awards® win-  find  the  most  highly  rated  more  about  the  Wed-
            larly make all the difference  bean Resort & Casino.      ners.                        vendors  of  the  year.  The  dingWire  Couples'  Choice
            for couples about to tie the                                                           winners   exhibit   superior  Awards®, please visit www.
            knot in the tropics. Their spe-  A leader in the global wed-  To  determine  these  win-  qualities  when  interacting
            cialty?  Stress reduction, by  ding   planning   industry,  ning  wedding  profession-  with  the  millions  of  con-  ples-choiceawards.q

              It’s a Divi thing

              EAGLE BEACH — Kimberley  The  honorees  were  John
              Richardson  of  the  Aruba  &  Carol  Colella,  John  &
              Tourism  Authority  had  the  Paula Prucknicki as well as
              great  pleasure  to  honor  James & Heather Garabe-
              Aruba’s  loyal  and  friendly  dian  as  Goodwill  Ambas-
              visitors  as  Goodwill  Am-  sadors of Aruba.
              bassadors  and  Emerald  The  Emerald  Ambassador
              Ambassadors  of  Aruba.  certificate  went  to  Helen
              The Goodwill Ambassador  Smith.  The  Emerald  Am-
              certificate  is  presented  to  bassador certificate is the
              guests  who  visit  Aruba  20  highest certificate that we
              years and more consecu-     present, and is given to vis-
              tively.  The  Emerald  Am-  itors  who  have  been  visit-
              bassador certificate is pre-  ing Aruba 35 years or more
              sented  to  guests  who  visit  consecutively.
              Aruba 35 years and more  It  is  incredibly  beautiful   many loyal visitors, and we  more years to come.        ily,  grandchildren,  friends,
              consecutively.              to  see  that  Aruba  has  so   hope to see them for many                            and neighbors to Aruba.
                                                                                                   These  wonderful  people
                                                                                                   stated  that  they  love  the  Richardson  together  with
                                                                                                   island  very  much,  espe-  the  representatives  of  the
                                                                                                   cially  for  its  year-round  Divi-Tamarijn and the Divi-
                                                                                                   sunny weather, nice sandy  All-Inclusive Resort present-
                                                                                                   beaches and picturesque  ed  the  certificates  to  the
                                                                                                   sunsets,  delicious  variety  honorees,  handed  over
                                                                                                   of  foods,  its  safety  and  some  presents  and  also
                                                                                                   Aruba’s warm and friendly  thanked  them  for  choos-
                                                                                                   people  who  became  like  ing Aruba as their favorite
                                                                                                   family to them.             vacation  destination  and
                                                                                                   These  honorees  not  only  as  their  home-away-from-
                                                                                                   fell in-love with the island,  home.q
                                                                                                   but  also  brought  fam-
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