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                                                                                                                           Tuesday 4 February 2020

            ‘Aruba Doet’ does it again

            ORANJESTAD — This March,  DOET (Aruba does) in 2013,
            on  Friday  13th  and  Satur-  nobody  dared  to  dream
            day  14th,  Aruba’s  biggest  how great it would turn out
            annual  volunteer  initiative  in  its  following  eight  years.
            will  once  again  unite  our  As  part  of  a  greater  proj-
            beloved island for its eighth  ect, the project was set out
            edition  of  ARUBA  DOET.  on the six Dutch islands, of
            From  the  bustling  capital  which  Aruba  quickly  grew
            Oranjestad  to  the  unas-   to  become  a  large  and
            suming  town  of  San  Nico-  successful  contributor.  The
            las,  thousands  of  partici-  project  Aruba  Doet,  to-
            pants will join forces to put  gether  with  CEDE  Aruba,
            the ‘ONE’ back in our ‘HAP-  is  highly  dependent  from
            PY  ISLAND’.  People  from  the  help  of  its  associated
            around  the  island  and  all  partners and supporting or-
            over the world roll up their  ganizations. Of course, the
            sleeves to provide commu-    most  important  ones  that   marily  visible  in  the  sparse,  that  ARUBA  DOET  sets  up.  tions  of  volunteer  work.
            nal  buildings  with  a  crisp  keep up the vessels of ARU-  yet  beautiful  nature  that  Think  of  charring  the  coals  By  doing  this  we  connect
            paint  coat,  collect  trash  BA DOET and pumping are     Aruba  boasts.  As  a  volun-  on  a  festive  BBQ  party  for  young and old people with
            from  our  natural  treasures,  its  volunteers.  With  thou-  teer,  you  can  help  make  the  visually  impaired,  get  different   cultural   back-
            dance around with seniors  sands of people pitching in    our  sandy  shores  white  physical  during  sports  ac-  grounds  and  those  who
            and  many  other  jobs.  Last  at  hundreds  of  jobs  every   again  during  a  beach  tivities  with  the  elderly  or  have  more  to  share  with
            year,  over  3300  volunteers  year,  Aruba  has  stated  its   clean-up,  participate  in  a  stimulating  youngsters  to  those  in  need.  Thanks  to
            put  a  smile  on  the  face  of  reputation as a noble heart   preservation  program  of  express themselves through  the high-spirited volunteers
            Aruba, fulfilling no less than  of  the  Caribbean  and   the Spanish Lagoon or help  art.  Whether  you’re  good  and the generosity of par-
            165 jobs. This year, with over  showing  how  significant   out  at  an  animal  shelter.  at  constructing  and  refur-  ticipating  companies  and
            190 projects, the goal is to  actively  engaged  citizens   Outside  the  flashy  shop-  bishing,  an  artistic  prod-  organizations,  every  year
            obtain a record number by  can be for the community       ping  centers  and  holiday  igy,  environmentally  en-   actively  has  covered  the
            contributing  to  the  largest  as a whole.               resorts,  a  large  part  of  the  gaged  or  even  know  your  island  with  a  fresh  layer  of
            volunteer event of the Ca-                                island still lives in more fad-  way  around  social  media,  triumph. In 2020, your help
            ribbean and you can make  What ‘Aruba Doet’ does          ed  conditions.  These  com-  there’s a right job to fit ev-  is  needed  to  keep  up  the
            it happen!                   Being  the  most  revisited  is-  munities  rely  on  the  help  ery helping hand.     wonderful work as we have
                                         land of the Caribbean, the   of others, from laying struc-                             done  in  the  past  and  be
            The  noble  heart  of  the  or-  annual  flux  of  tourism  and   tures  of  new  constructions  Working  for  the  greater  part  of  a  family  that  will
            ganization                   the  ever-growing  popula-   to filling wall cracks and re-  good                      contribute to the wellbeing
            When  the  Dutch  Oranje  tion  make  a  great  impact    painting old buildings such  With the past years in mind,  of our dushi Aruba.
            Fonds    initiated   ARUBA  on our tiny island. This is pri-  of schools, social centers or  Aruba  has  proven  to  care
                                                                      gardening for the hospice.   about  its  community.  The  Find  out  more  about  the
                                                                                                   main prospective of ARUBA  organization  or  sign  up  as
                                                                      Aside  from  environmental  DOET  has  always  been  to  a volunteer for a project on
                                                                      and community work, there  connect  the  community! q
                                                                      are  many  leisurely  options  with  the  social  organiza-
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