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P. 20
Saturday 7 april 2018
Color Your Day with Aruba’s Amerindian Art Gallery
folk stories that go back experience our Culture
many generations and en- and a Native Aruba that is
ergize your creative spirit. ancient and is here to be
rediscovered. They also of-
Aruba’s History runs deep in fers guided tours and lec-
our” Y” and mt-DNA. Carv- tures, concerning topics
ing its path through our Is- such as Archaeology, Ge-
land and flourishing in this ology, History, Native and
Gallery. It`s the foundation Invasive Flora and Fauna,
of our Culture, celebrated Aruban Ethnology all with
by our people. in a scientific context.
Our History has shaped our More information is to be
nation as much as it has found at Facebook Etnia
shaped our spirit. Visit and Nativa.q
NOORD - Etnia Nativa is a This is a great way to spend Plants, Music and Musical
Native Aruban Heritage some time learning more Instruments, Art, Metallic
Museum and Art Gallery. All about beautiful Aruba, lamp shields, Bio Products,
products offered are made with Anthony and his wife, Ceramics, Woodcarvings,
in Aruba and by one of the in their home. Get some Sculptures and Photos are
last Native Aruban. The gal- peaceful time out of the part of the collection. Vis-
lery promotes and defends sun to hear about some iting Etnia Nativa Aruba’s
Native American Rights, personal history of Aruba Amerindian Art Gallery
Cultures and Arts, focus- and see some beautiful means stepping back in
ing primordially on Aruba’s works of art, says one of the time. Marvel at art inspired
own Native Cultures. visitors. Books, Medicinal by pictograph, pottery and
The Illusion of Time
What is time without a past or future? lief causes stress, which has tremendous
Only the belief in time makes a past or repercussions on the body as the conflict
future exists as an idea. Yet past or future within progresses moment to moment.
is only experienced right here and now Most of our internal diseases is due to
as a thought, an image, a hope, a fear. this inner conflict thus the experience of
Practically time is great, psychologically unpleasantness is very apparent in most
it creates havoc. The belief in time, espe- people’s lives.
cially the future, is a dilemma we all face Once we eliminate the belief in psycholog-
in this world of demands, deadlines, etc. ical time, the mind and body shall harmo-
Most of us do have this belief that the fu- nize and the wellbeing of the person shall
ture holds more importance than anything flower. Otherwise we may be continually
else, the hope that all shall be fixed at a experiencing unpleasantness in some form
certain point in the future, some existing and this becomes a normal way of living.
issues shall be resolved then. We may be And since this way of living is socially ac-
living each day missing out on what is es- cepted as a norm, meditation is seen as Suresh Mirchumal is a spiritual writer. “Well, you can cat-
sential to what the next moment holds for something out of the norm yet it holds the egorize it like that, although I don’t call myself one. These
us. Our state of being, our inner state of key to a lot of self-healing that can hap- thoughts come in effortlessly.” His aim is in a way to reach
out to whoever gets inspired or has an eye opening event
consciousness holds the key on how the pen physically and emotionally. within them that may transcend their current state of con-
next moment unfolds. If we are conflicted sciousness. “Or let’s say current emotional state too. If one
within at this moment, then our next mo- Take a moment and ask yourself whether in a thousand benefits, that is already great.” Due to the
ment shall also be experienced the identi- we are really pleasant at all moments or current world state, lots of struggles and stresses, we seem
cal way, conflict within and experienced is the sense of unpleasantness more prev- to lose touch with that inner peace that we long for, Suresh
also on the external. alent in our lives. We need to take steps explains. “I wish to ease that through these small articles or
tidbits.” You will find his tidbits in Aruba Today from now on,
Our bodies do not understand anything in order for us to live in this magnificent like a sunray of the day. If you wish to make use of Suresh
else but the present while our minds keep and wondrous world and enjoy this gift his services like meditation or just a talk, please email to:
on going on what to do next, this inner of life that we are experiencing at every
conflict between the body and mind be- moment.q