Page 14 - AHATA
P. 14
Thursday 20 February 2020
The Krosshart Project: Putting Their Stamp on Aruban Arts and Culture
Continued from Page 13 tradition and culture by preserving ones that studied music at an ac- together and put our differences
its core aspect by innovating the ademic level and the self-taught aside and make more meaningful
Considering the dynamic nature of sound. musicians, will be faced. music”.
the arts, this album will be enriched Therefore, expanding the reach
with synergies between traditional and potential of our traditional mu- We are playing the music of all Contact and Support
and modern genres, rhythms, and sical aspects, does not only reach styles and using all types of musi- The Creative Islander would like to
constellations aiming at preserving wish Chris Kross, Siegfried Hart, and
Aruban musical tradition and cul- the entire recording team much
ture for the future generations. In success with this new endeavor.
the same way, the past generation The Aruban society and Music In-
of inspiring musicians made history, dustry will truly benefit from this in-
for example; Rufo Wever, Padu, novative and daring project. Music
Rudy Plaate, Macai, Doble R, Ran- is for everyone and should evolve
dal Corsen, Hildward Croes, Ivan for the future generation.
Jansen, the Krosshart project hopes
to contribute in their own capacity, For any questions regarding the
creativity, talent, passion, and ulti- crowdfunding campaign or Kros-
mately love for the Aruban culture shart project, feel free to contact
towards safeguarding our musical them through email at krosshart.
and cultural heritage. or by visiting
their website at http://krosshart.
The focus behind the Krosshart com/.
concept is to educate and create They are also present on social me-
awareness, especially the younger dia platforms such as Facebook
generation, on the Aruban musi- and Instagram.
cal tradition, culture, and heritage.
Also, to inspire other musicians to Are you inspired and would like to
use their own traditional genres donate and support this project?
and rhythms in such a way that Feel free to place your contribu-
they are open to the experimenta- tion on their go fund me page on
tion, exploration, and expansion of the following link:
musical possibilities to further revo- krosshart.
lutionize them with the sole intent
to preserve cultural heritage. the Caribbean but opens the door cians, academics and self-taught. For convenience, contributions are
to the world. Moreover, this will be This promotes inclusion and col- also welcome on the following Aru-
The addition, the Korsshart projects beneficial to the youth and up and laboration within the Aruban Music ban bank account:
hopes to serve as an example of coming artists of the Dutch Carib- Industry. RBC Royal Bank
evolution of the traditional mu- bean, as inspiration to experiment At the end of the day, it is all about Harmony Academy and
sic of the ABC islands but also to more with local, traditional and the music and the Aruban people Scholarship
create a more attractive sound cultural sounds. who uplift it. Account number
for the younger generations and 7700000100221751
other genres enthusiasts. This proj- Also, the well-known segregation The Krosshart project confirmed Lago Heightstraat 5
ect will directly benefit our musical between musicians, meaning the this by stating: “we need to come San Nicolaas, Aruba q
Biography - Thaïs G. Franken (24) is a recently graduated Aruban student at
the University of Maastricht (UM). She obtained her graduate double master
of science degree in Public Policy and Human Development in collabora-
tion with the United Nations University Maastricht Economic and Social Re-
search Institute on Innovation and Technology (UNU-MERIT). Back home, on
the beautiful island of Aruba, she completed her Bachelor of Arts in Organi-
zation, Governance & Management (OGM) at the University of Aruba (UA),
where she successfully defended her thesis titled “Placing Culture and Cre-
ativity at the Heart of the Aruban Sustainable Development”. It was precisely
this research project that inspired the emergence of the “Creative Islander”
column in 2018. Thaïs is very passionate about topics such as sustainability,
innovation, culture, creativity, social entrepreneurship and their role in public
management. Next to her academic interests, she enjoys reading, writing,
dancing and cooking.