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Friday 17 June 2022 locAl
Consumer Price Index base period June 2019 - April 2022
The Central Bureau of Sta- a group, were unchanged
tistics presents the most im- and had no effect on the
portant findings for the Con- CPI.
sumer Price Index (CPI) for
the month of April 2022. Change in prices of Food
& catering services in April
Consumer Price Index for 2022
the month of April 2022 The “Food & catering ser-
The CPI for April 2022 is vices” index showed an in-
102.16, an increase of 0.7% crease of 1.2% in April 2022,
compared to the index of after an increase of 0.6% in
March 2022 (101.47) March 2022. The index for
and accumulating an in- “Food at home” showed
crease of 1.5% up to and an increase of 1.5% in April,
including April of this year. hold operation” (1.7%) causing an effect of 1.84 diesel in April 2022 as nine (9) of the eleven
The percentage change of sectors, causing an effect ppts, while 40.4% showed The prices of utilities (elec- (11) “Food at home” indi-
the CPI over the last twelve of -0.25 and -0.16 ppts, re- a decrease, contributing to tricity and water), gasoline ces increased in April 2022.
(12) months (April 2021 to spectively. The decreases an effect of -1.17 ppts and and diesel are for the great- The “Bread and cereals”
April 2022) is in the remaining sectors the remaining 15.0% had no er part determined by inter- index registered the larg-
4.7, an increase of 5.1 per- had an effect of -0.15 ppts change in price. The prices national crude oil prices. est increase (3.9%) in April
centage points (ppts) com- on the CPI of April 2022. of goods increased by 0.8% In April 2022 the average 2022. Furthermore, other
pared to the percentage The increase in the “Trans- and caused an influence price per barrel of crude significant increases were
change for the same port” sector was mainly due of 0.49 ppts. The prices oil (US$ 102.29) had a de- posted in the indicesfor
period of last year (-0.4%). to an increase in the cat- of services showed an in- crease of US$ 6.29 (-5.8%) “Fish and other seafood”
egory “Operation of per- crease of 0.5% and had an compared to March 2022 (3.7%), “Milk, cheese and
The period average per- sonal transport equipment” influence of 0.19 ppts on (US$ 108.58). eggs” (2.7%), “Vegetables”
centage change of the (7.7%), which contributed the CPI of April 2022. (2.5%) and “Sugar, jam,
CPI for the period April to an effect of 0.68. The in- The prices of electricity honey and other confec-
2021 - April 2022 is 2.6%, an crease in the “Food and Core inflation and water did not change tionery” (1.8%). The only
increase of 4.9 ppts com- non-alcoholic beverages” The CPIC (core inflation) compared to March 2022. decreases were registered
pared to the period aver- sector was mainly due to - CPI excluding the effect Subsequently, the aver- in the indices of “Potatoes
age percentage change an increase in the category of energy and food – was age electricity price per and other tubers” (-2.8%)
over the period April 2020 “Food” (1.7%), which con- 1.2% in April 2022. The en- household remained at and “Fruit” (-0.7%).
- April 2021 (-2.3%). tributed to an effect of 0.16 ergy index - which consists Afl. 240.09, while the av-
ppts. of the products: electricity, erage price of water per Over the last twelve (12)
During this month, four (4) water, gasoline and diesel household remained at Afl. months, the “Food & cater-
of the twelve (12) sectors The decrease in the “Cloth- – was 8.8%. The food in- 137.05. ing services” has increased
registered increases in pric- ing and footwear” sec- dex showed an increase of by 7.5%. The “Food at
es. The increases that had tor was mainly due to a 3.0%. In April 2022 the price of home” index showed an
the greatest influence on decrease in the category gasoline registered an in- increase of 8.3%, where all
the CPI were registered for “Clothing” (-9.0%), which Subsistence level crease of Afl. 30.00 cents of the “Food at home” in-
the “Transport” (7.5%) and contributed to an effect of The subsistence level for (11.5%) and had an effect dices increased over the
“Food and non-alcoholic -0.19 ppts. The decrease in a household consisting of of 0.61 ppts on the CPI. The last year. The “Oils and fats”
beverages” (1.5%) sectors, the “Household operation” two (2) adults and two (2) price of diesel registered index increased by 21.1%,
which contributed with an sector was mainly due to a children (aged 0-14 years) an increase of Afl. 45.70 the largest increase among
effect of 1.04 and 0.17 ppts, decrease in the category in April 2022 is Afl. 5,003, an cents (20.0%) and had an the “Food at home” food
respectively. The increases “Household appliances” increase of Afl. 253 com- effect of 0.07 ppts on the groups. Furthermore, other
in the remaining sectors (-8.0%), which contributed pared to April 2021 (Afl. CPI of April 2022. significant increases were
had an effect of 0.03 ppts to an effect of -0.21 ppts. 4,750). The subsistence posted in the indices for
on the CPI of April 2022. level for a single adult In April 2022, utilities, gaso- “Fruit” (11.8%), “Meat”
Consumption basket household is Afl. 2,382, an line and diesel as a group (9.3%), “Bread and cere-
Aforementioned increases The consumption basket increase of Afl. 120 com- showed an increase in als” (9.1%) and “Fish and
were partially offset mainly of the CPI consists of 408 pared to April 2021 (Afl. price of 4.1% compared to other seafood” (8.6%). The
by decreasesin the indices- goods and services. Com- 2,262). March 2022, and had an in- index for “Food away from
for the “Clothing and foot- pared to March 2022, fluence of 0.68 ppts on the home” increased by 0.5%
wear” (-9.0%) and “House- 44.6% of these products Change in prices of crude CPI, while the remaining in April 2022 and has in-
creased by 5.5% over the
ARUBA had an increase in price, oil, utilities, gasoline and 404 goods and services, as last twelve (12) months.
CLEAN In April 2022, “Food at
home” and “Food away
from home” as a group
showed an increase in
price of 1.2% compared to
March 2022, and had an
influence of 0.19 ppts on
the CPI, while the remain-
ing goods and services, as
a group, experienced an
IS MORE increase in price of 0.6%,
DUSHI causing an effect of 0.49
ppts on the CPI.q