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Harbour House Aruba

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                                                                                      June 17, 2022
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                 Aruba’s ONLY English newspaper
                 A r u b a ’ s   O N L Y   E n g l i s h   n e w s p a p e r
            Campus sex assault rules fall short, prompting overhaul call

            By  HEATHER  HOLLINGS-
            MISSION, Kan. (AP) — What
            Karla  Arango  says  started
            as a dorm-room sexual as-
            sault  got  even  worse  as
            word spread around cam-
            pus.  Her  attacker's  frater-
            nity  brothers  snubbed  her,
            she says, whispering about
            her in the cafeteria, block-
            ing her phone number and
            unfriending  her  on  social
            media.  Soon  her  grades
            were slipping.
            Arango's experience in her
            first  year  at  Northern  Ken-
            tucky  University  highlights
            what experts see as deep-
            seated  problems  with  Title
            IX,  the  1972  federal  civil
            rights  law  that  prohibits        TITLE IX
            sexual   discrimination   in
            education.  It  turns  50  this
            Heralded  as  a  game
            changer  for  female  col-          at 50
            lege athletes, the law also
            is supposed to protect sex-
            ual assault and harassment
            accusers  like  Arango,  giv-
            ing them options like mov-   University of Oregon students and staff protest on the steps of Johnson Hall on the UO campus in Eugene, Ore. Thursday May 8, 2014,
            ing  dormitories  or  even   against sexual violence in the wake of allegations of rape brought against three UO basketball players by a fellow student.
            getting  their  attackers  re-                                                                                                  Associated Press
            moved from the school.       Polarizing  regulations  final-  coming forward with abuse  person  of  their  alleged  at-  and allowed colleges to ig-
            In  practice,  the  law’s  pro-  ized  under  former  Presi-  allegations.  Those  who  do  tacker’s choosing. The rules  nore most cases arising off
            tections fall short, accusers   dent  Donald  Trump  have  face  a  live  hearing  and  also  narrowed  the  defini-  campus.
            and advocates say.           discouraged students from  cross-examination  by  a  tion  of  sexual  harassment           Continued on next page
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