Page 9 - HOH
P. 9
LOCAL Wednesday 22 June 2022
“Passenger Flow Control” at Check-in for US-Bound Passengers
Adaptation of Check-in times and Introduction of a new Group
Color Code as of June 24th
Aruba Airport Authority N.V. (AAA), the compa- will thus receive a dedicated time slot to enter
ny that manages and operates Aeropuerto In- the terminal as indicated in table below.
ternacional Reina Beatrix (AUA Airport) hereby
informs that as of June 24, 2022, all US depart- This dedicated timeslot is determined for visitors
ing passengers are allowed access to the US based on the information provided in the ED
check-in terminal based on 4 groups and color (Electronic Disembarkation) Card where infor-
codes at the airport as part of the “Passenger mation on the departure flight will also have to
Flow Control”. be submitted. Residents travelling out of Aruba
to the US should take their scheduled departure
The color codes by groups for check-in are de- time into account to determine at what time
fined as follows: they are allowed to check-in (not earlier than 3
The YELLOW group has been adapted between hours before scheduled departure time).
08:00 – 10:30 hrs. (8 AM – 10:30 AM).
The BLUE group has been adapted between Passengers shall have their boarding passes
10:30 and 11:30 hrs. (10:30 AM and 11:30 AM). on hand while entering the check-in areas as
The new GREEN group allows check-in between these will be verified by AUA Airport ambassa-
11:30 – 13:00 hrs. (11:30 AM – 1 PM). dors at the entry doors to actively control the
The ORANGE group will remain between 13:00 - time slots per passenger. Early passengers will
15:00 hrs. (1 PM – 3 PM). have to wait outside for their correct time slot.
The Passenger Flow Control concept entails AUA Airport would like to thank all passengers
that passengers are allowed to enter the check for their understanding as AUA Airport is trying
in facilities based on separate groups (Yellow, to provide a better service for all departing
Blue, Green, and Orange) established by the passengers while undergoing the various check
scheduled airline departure times. Passengers points at the airport.q