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Infini by Chef Urvin Croes
                                                                                      June 22, 2022
                                                                                      T: 582-7800
                                                                                                                                              Page 8
                 Aruba’s ONLY English newspaper
                 A r u b a ’ s   O N L Y   E n g l i s h   n e w s p a p e r
            Yellowstone flooding rebuild could take years, cost billions

            and BRIAN MELLEY
            Associated Press
            Created  in  1872  as  the
            United  States  was  recov-
            ering  from  the  Civil  War,
            Yellowstone  was  the  first
            of  the  national  parks  that
            came to be referred to as
            America’s best idea. Now,
            the home to gushing gey-
            sers,  thundering  waterfalls
            and some of the country’s
            most  plentiful  and  diverse
            wildlife is facing its biggest
            challenge in decades.
            Floodwaters    this   week
            wiped out numerous bridg-
            es,  washed  out  miles  of
            roads and closed the park
            as  it  approached  peak
            tourist  season  during  its
            150th anniversary celebra-
            tion.  Nearby  communities
            were  swamped  and  hun-
            dreds of homes flooded as
            the  Yellowstone  River  and
            its tributaries raged.
            The  scope  of  the  dam-
            age is still being tallied by   The entrance to Yellowstone National Park, a major tourist attraction, sits closed due to the historic floodwaters on June 15, 2022, in
            Yellowstone  officials,  but   Gardiner, Mont.
            based  on  other  national                                                                                                      Associated Press
            park disasters, it could take   from  the  spring  thaw  until  helicopter,  the  greatest  park’s offices in Mammoth  of footbridges on trails may
            years and cost upwards of    the first snowfall.          damage seemed to be to  Hot Springs. Large sections  have  been  damaged  or
            $1  billion  to  rebuild  in  an   Based  on  what  park  of-  roads,  particularly  on  the  of the road were undercut  destroyed.
            environmentally   sensitive   ficials  have  revealed  and  highway  connecting  the  and  washed  away  as  the
            landscape  where  con-       Associated  Press  images  park’s  north  entrance  in  Gardner  River  jumped  its            Continued on Page 2
            struction  season  only  runs   and  video  taken  from  a  Gardiner, Montana, to the  banks.  Perhaps  hundreds
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