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LOCAL Monday 22 august 2022
Aruba Innovation Summit 2022
OrAnjeStAd - After two and knowledge on how to the upcoming Innovation sionate about self-devel-
years, FUtUrA and its col- reinvent themselves and Summit! Danilo is a passion- opment, she leads a global
laborators are back with their career, organization, ate innovator who believes training program on finding
another edition of the Aru- or business. in the power of creativity purpose and meaning. She
ba Innovation Summit, the and innovation to impact believes in constantly chal- cludes lunch, refreshments,
new era of reinvention, to The first speaker is Mr. Rog- every facet of our lives. As lenging the status quo and coffee, and tea during the
be held on August 31, 2022, er Osorio, an expert in re- the Director of Product In- gaining clarity on the true Summit.
at the renaissance Con- invention and the author novation at Mastercard, drivers behind an individu-
vention Center. of The journey to Reinven- Danilo is leading efforts to al’s desire to succeed. For more information,
tion: How to build a Life in reimagine what is possible schedule and tickets,
The theme of Reinvention alignment with your values, across the company’s en- In addition, Mrs. Marin will please visit www.arubain-
inspires everyone to use passion, and purpose. Mr. tire suite of solutions, includ- lead an interactive session Tick-
their abilities to reinvent Osorio is the founder of The ing Mastercard’s Labs as a with the participants. ets can be purchased using
themselves. This transfor- School of Reinvention and Service (LaaS) capability. or bank transfer. For
mative conference will al- a professor at the University The Innovation Summit will group tickets or questions,
low participants to receive of Pennsylvania. He will be sharing his wrap up with local experts send your email to Thessaly.
tips and valuable knowl- thoughts on what it takes panel who also reinvented Zimmerman@Futuralab.
edge and general ideas, Roger has worked with to create new products or have reinvented them- org.
redefine what is possible, thousands of people world- and services that benefit selves, their careers, or or-
and be up to date with the wide who have started both customers and busi- ganizations. FUTURA Lab is collaborat-
latest trends. their journey of reinvention. nesses, as well as his insight ing with different local and
During Innovation Summit, on how organizations can The Innovation Summit international organizations
The 3rd Edition of the In- Roger will be sharing his in- embrace reinvention to 2022: The New Era of Rein- on innovative projects and
novation Summit will have sights and actionable steps ensure their businesses stay vention will start on August initiatives to stimulate the
local and international that you can take as you relevant in the long term. 31, 2022, from 9:00 am until innovation and knowledge
speakers from different in- embark on your journey 4:00 pm, followed by a Net- capacity of the Aruban
dustries with ample experi- towards life, career, or busi- The last keynote speaker is working Event for partici- community. For additional
ence in innovation. It allows ness aligned with your val- Mrs. Rowena Marin. pants. information about FUTURA
participants to expand ues, passion, and purpose. A leader in innovation, Ro- and the Innovation Summit,
their network, be part of wena is an author, trainer, General admission for par- contact hello@futuralab.
discussions and interactive Danilo Weiner will be an- and Global Agency Lead ticipants is Afl. 175, and for org and follow FUTURA on
sessions and receive tips other keynote speaker at at Google in New York. Pas- students Afl. 75,-, and in- social media platforms.q
Commander training for the Fire department of Aruba
Oranjestad - recently, the Minister of justice
and Social Affairs, rocco tjon, announced that
after 15 years, the fire department will orga-
nize another commanding officer training for
the personnel of the Fire department at Station
Investment in personnel is a fundamental part
of the Ministry of Justice and Social Affairs poli-
cy. It comprises the following training:
Workplace supervisor training:
Certification of eight firemen as instructors after
successful completion of the training in Cura-
The "crew B" training is in the second phase;
A new training for aspirants which will start soon
After 15 years, the Fire Department will now or-
ganize commanding officer training. The last
one was in 2007. This training elevates the level
of the personnel of the Fire Department, which
is very important for the career of the Firemen.q