Page 14 - HOH
P. 14
local Monday 22 august 2022
Minister of Nature:
Centro di Control di Cacho with pilot project for microchipping
ORANJESTAD – At the be- the Centro di Control di di Cacho is focusing. Cur-
ginning of August, the Cen- Cacho, there are require- rently, the pilot project is
tro di Control di Cacho ments with which the new focused on microchipping,
(Dog Control Center, CCC) owner needs to comply, and applies this to the dogs
announced an expansion one of which is that they that get adopted through
to their opening hours, see- must microchip and steril- the Centro di Control di
ing positive developments, ize the adopted pet, and Cacho, on the availability
With the longer opening bring proof of this within and evaluation of the gov-
hours, more opportunity is two months. This is to en- ernment’s veterinarian. The
given to those who wish to sure that the owner will be pilot project also serves as
adopt a pet. adequately responsible for a proof phase for the sys-
their pet. tem of digital registration,
During last week, Centro di which is in the process of
Control di Cacho started Sterilizing pets when breed- being launched and acti- stakeholders, veterinarians through the official chan-
with the pilot project of ing is undesired, and mi- vated officially. and NGOs. The Govern- nels of the Government of
microchipping. With this, crochipping a pet, helps to ment of Aruba hopes to be Aruba, and also through
the hope is to contribute fight the problem of dogs This project is still in the able to launch the project the Facebook Page of the
to increase the degree of (and cats) on the street. This planning stages, seeing as with a national campaign Centro di Control di Ca-
adoption on Aruba. When is one of the main goals on how it is still in the process of in the following months. cho.
a pet is adopted through which the Centro di Control having meetings between This will be communicated
Changes in the law regarding single use plastic
To make the process of importation easier
Last week, minister of Fi- Department of Nature and ment of this law has some For this reason, the Govern- that are allowed to be im-
nances, Xiomara Maduro, Environment, regarding the points that make the work ment of Aruba will present ported, and which ones are
together with minister of law forbidding single use difficult for Customs, and a change in the law to the considered single use plas-
Nature, Ursell Arends, met plastic. this delays the process of Parliament, in order to pro- tics. Some of the changes
with the director of Cus- importation. vide more clarity on which that need to be made the
toms and experts from the In practice the enforce- are the plastic products law regarding single use
plastic is the opportunity
to make an objection. Also
the process that Customs
needs to go through in or-
der to destroy the products
confiscated needs to be
Together with the change
in the law, a more efficient
policy will be formulated,
so that everyone can bet-
ter comply with the law re-
garding single use plastics,
to benefit Aruba and its en-