Page 13 - AHATA
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Saturday 31 auguSt 2024 locAl

            Birds of Aruba

            ORANJESTAD — On May 11th, 2010,
            the  Aruba  Birdlife  Conservation
            was  founded  with  the  aim  of  pro-
            tecting  the  biodiversity  in  general
            and birds in and around Aruba in

            Among  other  things,  the  founda-  and descriptions from the founda-  getting pretty cold in North Ameri-  value than any gemstone. Aruba’s
            tion  will  focus  on  increasing  the  tions Facebook page.            ca. Shore birds have started mov-    smallest and most master of flight.
            survival chances of species of wild                                     ing southwards as early as July. This  A top pollinator. A hovering Blenchi
            birds by promoting their preserva-            The Great Egret           wetland beauty wants to keep its  inspecting the human who just en-
            tion  and  conservation.  The  foun-  Serenity in Aruba’s National Park, a  toes  warm.  Our  Canadian  friends  tered his territory.
            dation publishes the most beautiful  Great Egret flying in peace. When  know  exactly  where  they  can  do
            pictures  of  local  birds  on  their  so-  it  is  peaceful  and  quite,  beautiful  so best. A Greater Yellowlegs redis-  English: Blue-tailed Emerald (male)
            cial media that show us the beauty  things start happening in nature.   covering Aruba’s Bubali Wetlands.    Dutch: Blauwstaartsmaragdkolibrie
            of Aruba’s birds and nature in gen-                                                                          (mannetje).
            eral. Aruba Today gives you a little      Canadian in the house                     Cabochon                 Aruba’s  to  enjoy.  Aruba’s  to
            peek  with  the  following  pictures  The breeding season is over and it’s  In  its  living  form  of  so  much  more  protect.q

            Episode CXLVII  -147 - Aspects of ritual art

            Etnia  Nativa  is  the  island's                                                       ible offerings. The gift offer-
            culturally conscious partner                                                           ings we found in large ves-
            in educating, safeguarding                                                             sels  or  urns:  direct  burial  in
            and promoting the islands'                                                             large storage containers.
            cultural resources, inspiring
            visitors  to  actively  partici-                                                       Secondary     urn   burials
            pate  as  eco-guardians  of                                                            where  also  found  which
            fragile  and  material  heri-                                                          are  results  of  a  complicat-
            tage.                                                                                  ed ritual processes; in fact,
                                                                                                   the dead are buried twice.   jiros  and  the  pre-Colum-
            People  lived  on  this  tiny                                                          The  corpse  is  first  buried  in   bian  population  of  Aruba,
            Caribbean  island  for  thou-                                                          the ground, after a one or   such as their environment,
            sands  of  years,  adapting                                                            a few years, the bones are   diet  and  religion,  which
            to  the  environment  and                                                              excavated. These bones or    had  a  lot  to  do  with  the
            mastering  important  steps                                                            skeletal  remains  later  me-  way  in  which  the  natives,
            towards  a  sustainable  civi-                                                         ticulously  cleaned  for  their     particularly  from  this  area,
            lization.  During  this  social                                                        permanent resting place in   related to the world of the
            evolution  these  primitive                                                            a  fairly  small  container.  If,   dead  and  beyond;  how
            inhabitants  became  sed-                                                              after such a procedure, the   to  prepare  each  and  ev-
            entary  and  this  eliminated                                                          bones are buried in a large   ery one of your deceased
            much  of  the  responsibility                                                          vessel,  researchers  may    relatives  for  their  spiritual
            and  burden  of  caring  for                                                           misinterpret  it  as  a  direct   journey through the under-
            the  elderly  during  long  mi-                                                        urn burial.                  world and into the land of
            gratory  journeys.  This  ad-                                                                                       their  dead  ancestors  and
            vent  gave  way  to  a  more                                                           We  have  a  pretty  good    friends.
            dignified  existence  for  the                                                         idea  of  the  whole  process
            entire  community.  Spiritual                                                          of  secondary  urn  burial   If  you  intrigued  regard-
            gratitude  towards  the  ele-                                                          from existing descriptions of   ing  Aruba,  its  origins  and
            ments  is  seen  in  the  care                                                         such  "double"  burials.  They   its  cultural  heritage,  be-
            our ancestors gave in pre-   by studying the remains of  ground to the recorded dif-   are practiced to this day by   come part of an exclusive
            paring  to  perform  various  their  tombs  it  was  possible  ferences remains a mystery  the Wayu indigenous peo-  visitor’s   experience,   by
            aspects of their ritual art.  to establish a differentiation  to  this  day,  but  the  differ-  ple,  who  live  on  the  Gua-  appointment  only,  of  the
                                         in their status and hierarchy  ences are undoubtedly ev-  jira peninsula on the border   cozy  home-atelier  called
            Ancestors  who  performed  for each individual.           idence of the status of indi-  between  Venezuela  and    “Etnia  Nativa”.  A  private
            their  sacred  ceremonies                                 viduals,  families,  or  groups  Colombia.                residential collection of na-
            devoted  to  respect,  like  The inhabitants of the large  within the community.         There  is  evidence  that  the   tive Aruban objects, art, ar-
            rituals  dedicated  to  their  towns practiced four or five                            Dabajuroid  ceramic  peo-    chaeological artifacts, his-
            deads.                       different forms of burial ritu-  The  dead  were  buried  in  ple  aka  Caquetios,    also   torical  furniture  and  more.
                                         als.                         the ground within the town  had a fifth type of burial in   While  the  facilities  itself  is
            From  our  archaeological                                 limits, while some with spe-  caves outside their villages.  the result of the transform-
            findings  it  was  possible  to  These  various  forms  repre-  cial  gifts  offerings  in  their                   ing  recyclable  materials
            determine  their  social  and  sented social differences in  grave.  However,  others  More  comparisons  can  be   into an artistic dwelling.
            political  organizations  and  the  community.  The  back-  were found without any vis-  made  between  the  Gua-
                                                      Article by: Etnia Nativa                                                  Meet  the  "Island-Insight"
                                                                                                                                columnist at his home and

                                                      Whatsapp us +297 592 2702 and book                                        get a peek the heart of is-
                                                                                                                                land  existence!  Book  your
                                                               your Aruban exprerience                                          visit  Whatsapp  +  297  592
                                                        Etnia Nativa is close to the high rise hotels                           2702-  or  mail:  etnianati-
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