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                                                                                                       sports Diaranson 30 september 2020

                           Titans have NFL's first COVID-19 outbreak: 8 positive tests

             (AP) — The Tennessee Ti-    followed  NFL  protocol  by
            tans suspended in-person ac-  closing their facility immedi-
            tivities  through  Friday  after  ately. They will remain closed
            the  NFL  says  three  Titans  at  least  through  Wednesday.
            players  and  five  personnel  They also scheduled a video
            tested  positive  for  the  coro-  conference  call  for  Wednes-
            navirus,  becoming  the  first  day morning with GM Rick
            COVID-19  outbreak  of  the  Spielman  and  head  athletic
            NFL season in Week 4.        trainer  Eric  Sugarman,  who
                                         is  in  charge  of  the  team’s
            The  outbreak  threatened  to  COVID-19 protocols.
            jeopardize  the  Titans'  game  Minnesota  is  scheduled  to
            this  weekend  against  the  visit Houston (0-3) on Sun-
            Pittsburgh Steelers and posed  day.
            the first significant in-season
            test to the league's coronavi-  The  Titans  (3-0)  are  sched-
            rus protocols.               uled to host the Steelers (3-
            The NFL issued a statement  0)  on  Sunday  in  a  matchup
            Tuesday  saying  both  the  Ti-  of  two  of  the  league's  seven
            tans  and  Minnesota  Vikings  remaining undefeated teams.
            suspended  in-person  activi-  With  the  Titans  unable  to
            ties  Tuesday  following  the  practice  until  Saturday  at
            Titans'  test  results.  The  Ti-  the earliest, when that game
            tans  beat  the  Vikings  31-30  might be played is unknown.
            in  Minneapolis  last  week-  “I  just  wanna  play,”  Titans
            end.  “Both  clubs  are  work-  starting  left  guard  Rodger
            ing closely with the NFL and  Saffold tweeted.
            the  NFLPA,  including  our  “All  decisions  will  be  made
            infectious disease experts, to  with health and safety as our  more detail the nature of the  we are informed otherwise,”  Titans use devices that detect
            evaluate  close  contacts,  per-  primary  consideration,”  the  close  contacts  to  determine  Lauten  said  in  a  statement.  whenever someone is within
            form  additional  testing  and  NFL  said.  “We  will  contin-  where they occurred (locker  Steelers defensive tackle Cam  6 feet of another device and
            monitor  developments,”  the  ue to share updates as more  room, flights, etc.), and iden-  Heyward  wrote  on  Twit-  records  how  long  they  are
            league said.                 information  becomes  avail-  tify  any  additional  learnings  ter that the guys playing the  that close together. That pro-
                                         able.”                       that  can  be  shared  with  all  next  week  now  wind  up  af-  vides  a  recording  of  every-
            A  person  familiar  with  situ-  Commissioner    Roger  clubs.”                       fected. “This is wild but this  one's interactions from inside
            ation  told  The  Associated  Goodell  sent  a  memo  to  Goodell asked NFL teams to  is the world we live in now,”  the team headquarters to the
            Press  the  eight  test  results  teams  Tuesday  noting  the  look at what they've done to  Heyward  wrote.  The  Titans  practice field, an airplane, in-
            were all confirmed positives,  protocols set up by the league  limit contact, especially when  initially  announced  Tuesday  side a hotel and at a stadium.
            making this the first outbreak  and  the  NFLPA  are  being  traveling  and  within  posi-  morning that they would be
            since  the  season  began  on  followed.  Those  who  test-  tion  groups,  and  to  review  working remotely “out of an  That information should help
            Sept 10. The person spoke to  ed  positive  will  be  isolated,  how  they  bring  in  players  abundance  of  caution”  af-  the Titans and the infectious
            the AP on condition of ano-  monitored and offered medi-  for tryouts. He noted the test  ter  several  test  results  came  disease  experts  know  which
            nymity because of health pri-  cal care, and family members  results  confirm  the  need  to  back positive. They beat the  players  and  coaches  were  at
            vacy regulations.            also are offered testing. Offi-  follow health and safety pro-  Vikings in Minneapolis with-  risk. With the Titans' facility
            The  Titans  placed  defensive  cials and others who worked  tocols “to the fullest extent.”  out outside linebackers coach  now closed for four days, that
            captain and lineman DaQuan  the game will be tested.      The  NFL  has  been  fining  Shane  Bowen,  who  did  not  should also help limit further
            Jones,  long  snapper  Beau                               coaches and teams for coaches  travel with the Titans follow-  spread of the virus.
            Brinkley  and  a  member  of  “This  is  not  unexpected;  as  seen not following the league  ing a test result Saturday.  The Titans were due to have
            their  practice  squad,  tight  Dr. Sills and others have em-  rules requiring face coverings                       about  7,000  fans  in  Nissan
            end  Tommy  Hudson,  on  phasized, there will be play-    during  games.  Pittsburgh  Coach  Mike  Vrabel  said  Stadium  on  Sunday  as  local
            the  Reserve-COVID-19  list  ers  and  staff  who  will  test  spokesman Burt Lauten said  Monday that Bowen was not  restrictions  eased,  expand-
            on  Tuesday  afternoon.  The  positive  during  the  season,”  the  Steelers  have  been  in  with the team. Rookie offen-  ing  to  about  8,500  on  Oct.
            Vikings  released  a  statement  Goodell wrote in the memo  contact with the NFL about  sive  lineman  Isaiah  Wilson,  11 for a game against Buffalo
            saying they had not received  obtained  by  The  Associated  the Titans' positive tests. “We  their  top  draft  pick  out  of  and up to 10,000 on Oct. 18
            any  positive  results  from  Press, referencing the NFL's  have  been  informed  to  pro-  Georgia, also has been on the  when  Houston  is  scheduled
            their  testing  after  Sunday's  chief medical officer, Dr. Al-  ceed with our game prepara-  reserve/COVID-19  list  for  to visit.
            game  against  the  Titans  and  len Sills. “We are exploring in  tions for Sunday’s game until  the Titans since Sept. 6. The

                           Premier League yet to agree bailout for lower league clubs

                                                                        (AP)  —  Premier  League  any  lower-league  clubs  that  to stadiums for the first time
                                                                      clubs are yet to agree to a fi-  play top-division teams in the  since  March  as  coronavirus
                                                                      nancial bailout for England's  FA Cup or League Cup.      cases are rising.
                                                                      lower-division  clubs,  who                               The  Premier  League  clubs
                                                                      are  struggling  to  cope  with  The  EFL  has  estimated  that  have agreed on a way of final-
                                                                      games  being  played  without  its 72 clubs will lose 200 mil-  izing  the  season  if  it  cannot
                                                                      fans.                        lion pounds ($255 million) if  be completed due to the sec-
                                                                                                   there  are  no  crowds  for  the  ond wave of the pandemic.
                                                                      The 20 topflight club held a  rest of this season. The EFL
                                                                      virtual  meeting  on  Tuesday,  said they have lost 50 million  The  final  standings  will  be
                                                                      two  days  after  the  govern-  pounds  during  last  season’s  determined on a points-per-
                                                                      ment asked the world's rich-  pandemic disruption.        game basis, but clubs have not
                                                                      est  league  to  “play  its  part”                        determined  the  minimum
                                                                      with support for the English  The Premier League has pub-  threshold for the number of
                                                                      Football League.             licly expressed its disappoint-  games to be completed.
                                                                      The  Premier  League  will  ment  that  the  government
                                                                      fund  coronavirus  tests  for  halted plans for fans to return
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