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A28 u.s. news
Diaranson 30 september 2020
GOP senators praise Trump pick ahead of confirmation fight
Religion, in particular, could
be a minefield.
Democrats worry that Bar-
rett has tied her Catholicism
too closely to some of her
statements and decisions, and
California Sen. Dianne Fein-
stein, the top Democrat on
the Senate Judiciary Com-
mittee, still faces criticism
for her comments during
Barrett’s 2017 confirmation
hearing. Feinstein had joined
Republicans on the panel
in asking Barrett about her
faith, but then went further
by telling the then-professor
that “when you read your
speeches, the conclusion
one draws is that the dogma
lives loudly within you.”
Republicans now use those
comments against Demo-
crats. Democrats see health
care as the perfect counter
to Republican hopes that
Barrett’s confirmation will
bolster Trump’s reelection.
More Americans now favor
the ACA than have opposed
it over the last few years, ac-
cording to polls, and Demo-
crats believe the coronavirus
WASHINGTON (AP) — entire reason the Senate experience, and also whether 3 presidential election should pandemic will only solidify
Republican senators praised should act and act promptly or not she thinks ‘Hoosiers’ fill Ginsburg’s seat, versus that support. They intend to
President Donald Trump's to confirm a ninth justice is is the greatest movie ever.” 41% who said Trump should model their strategy on their
Supreme Court nominee so that the Supreme Court Senate Democratic leader as the current president. successful 2017 fight against
Tuesday as Judge Amy Co- can resolve any cases that Chuck Schumer acknowl- Unable to block Trump’s Trump and congressional
ney Barrett held one-on-one arise in the wake of the elec- edged Tuesday it will be an pick on their own, Demo- Republicans who tried and
meetings at the Capitol, but tion,” Cruz told reporters at “uphill fight” to stop Trump's crats are focused on avoid- failed to repeal the legisla-
Democrats said her conser- his meeting with the judge. nominee. But he said Ameri- ing mistakes that could hurt tion.
vative views are out-of-step Democrats are confronting cans are on Democrats' side their party’s candidates in Schumer, Biden and House
with Americans as they ob- the limits of their power as in preferring to wait until af- November. They are arguing Speaker Nancy Pelosi have
ject to a fast-track confirma- they fight against the nomi- ter the election so the winner to voters that Barrett’s nomi- agreed that health care is a
tion before the Nov. 3 elec- nation and some have said can choose the next justice. nation threatens the protec- strong focus, according to
tion. they won’t meet with Barrett, He is among those refusing tions of the Affordable Care two aides with knowledge of
who is expected to be con- to meet with Barrett, calling Act — a focus that Biden has the private discussions who
Senate Majority Leader firmed for the seat held by the process “illegitimate,” embraced and many Demo- spoke on the condition of
Mitch McConnell said he the late Justice Ruth Bader and said her conservative crats see as a winning mes- anonymity.
was “even more convinced” Ginsburg by the end of Oc- views on health care, abor- sage. The court will hear a One likely prominent mes-
of the pick after their brief tober. Ginsburg, who died tion and other issues are “far case challenging the constitu- senger on the issue is the
meeting. Noting Barrett is Aug. 18 at the age of 87, was outside” the mainstream. tionality of President Barack Democratic vice presidential
a working mother of seven buried Tuesday in a private Obama's health care law just nominee, California Sen. Ka-
children, he scoffed at Dem- service at Arlington National “It’s not over,” Schumer said after the election, adding to mala Harris, who sits on the
ocratic objections that the Cemetery, laid to rest beside on ABC's “The View.” the urgency of the issue. judiciary panel and is expect-
judge would put Americans' her husband and near several Barrett made no public re- ed to participate in the con-
access to health care at risk or former court colleagues. marks at the start of what is But there will also be ample firmation hearings.
turn back the clock on wom- expected to be days of meet- opportunities for Democrats On Monday, Harris told vot-
en's rights. “What a joke,” he With Republicans holding a and-greet sessions with sena- to move off-message as par- ers in North Carolina that
said. 53-47 Senate majority, and tors, a traditional part of the tisans on both sides infuse without the health care law,
But the Republican leader just two GOP senators op- confirmation process. She the nomination battle with birth control coverage could
declined to answer ques- posing a quick vote, Barrett also was to meet Tuesday cultural, gender and religious be eliminated and pregnancy
tions about whether Barrett appears to have enough sup- with Sen. Lindsey Graham, politics. could be considered a preex-
should recuse herself if legal port for confirmation. The R-S.C, the chairman of the Some in the left wing of the isting condition.
challenges in the election be- White House formally sub- Judiciary Committee, and Democratic Party are push-
tween Trump and Democrat mitted the nomination Tues- other senators on the panel. ing for senators to boycott the
Joe Biden land at the high day. "She’s got a good chance Hearings at the committee hearings or commit to adding
court. Another Republican, of getting my vote," said Sen. are set to begin Oct. 12. more justices to the court if
Sen. Ted Cruz, said that's Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, the No justice has ever been con- Biden wins the presiden-
“the entire reason” why the former Judiciary Committee firmed to the Supreme Court tial election. That has fueled
Senate should rush to fill the chairman who now helms the so close to a presidential elec- concerns in the party about
vacant seat. Finance Committee. Ahead tion. According to a national placing too much empha-
of one meeting, Sen. John poll by The New York Times sis on procedural tactics that
Cruz warned of a “crisis” Thune, R-S.D., the GOP and Siena College that was only delay votes by hours or
if the eight-justice court is whip, said the two were "go- released Sunday, a clear ma- days — even as precious time
deadlocked over a contested ing to talk about judicial phi- jority — 56% — of voters be- ticks away in the few remain-
presidential election. “The losophy and background and lieves the winner of the Nov. ing weeks before the Nov. 3