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P. 17
LOCAL Tuesday 20 december 2022
Pay it forward
Oranjestad – One of our
lovely visitors shared a
wonderful story with us, with
a beautiful message of how
important, meaningful and
wonderful it is to pay kind-
ness forward.
The story comes from Susan
and Stephen Haggerty,
who wrote tou s with the
following story.
“Hi! My husband Stephen
Haggerty and I Susan Hag-
gerty have been coming
to Aruba for 15 years and
noticed how many dogs from Boston said they want- over the years came up
there were roaming and ed to give us money for the to us and gave us cash
after speaking to people food so we started a little for the food. Last year and
from the island we learned fundraiser and we called it this year we asked the res-
that so many of the dogs Feed a Dog in Aruba. Last cue groups on the island
were homeless and hungry. year was the first year we to meet us at Just 4 Pet in
My husband and I wanted did the fundraiser and we Aruba. They supplied us
to do something to help so raised $3,000. This year our with the bags of food for
we started going to Super- goal was to at least get to the last 2 years. A combi-
foods to buy dog food and $3,000 and we reached nation of puppy and adult
asked the local shelters to $4,135! We had so many dog food. We dedicated
come to Lacabana to pick people who gave money this years fundraiser to our
the food up. We would from Boston, New England yellow lab Brady who we
spend between 500 and and all over the country lost to cancer at the age of
800.00 on as many bags as contributed to the cause.” 13 in November.”
our car would allow.”
“When we got to LaCa- “We really wanted to pay
“We would share it on bana where we are stay it forward and we thought
Facebook and our friends friends who we have met what better way than to
help the dogs in Aruba
where we love to come
every December for vaca-
tion. We would like thank
the rescue groups in the
island who work so hard
everyday and Just 4 Pet
who supply the food. Our
friends Skip and Claire
Freeman from Chicago
accompanied us this year
to help load the food and
have helped us each year.
Here are some of the pic-
tures from last year and this