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heAlth             Saturday 23 december 2023

            Flu and COVID infections are rising and could get                                                                                 HEALTH

            worse over the holidays, CDC says                                                                                      DOCTOR ON DUTY

                                                                                                                                Hospital 7:00 pm / 10:00pm
                                                                      doesn’t  cause  as  many     The  CDC  last  week  took   Tel. 527 4000
                                                                      deaths and hospitalizations   the   unusual   step   of         San Nicolas
                                                                      as some other versions.      sending  a  health  alert  to   Imsan 24 hours
                                                                      But  the  bad  news  is      U.S.  doctors  urging  them   Tel.524 8833
                                                                      vaccinations  are  down      to  immunize  their  patients   Women in Difficulties
                                                                      this  year,  officials  say.   against  the  trio  of  viruses.  PHARMACY ON DUTY
                                                                      About  42%  of  U.S.  adults   The Carolinas are currently   Oranjestad:
                                                                      had gotten flu shots by the   seeing  the  heaviest  traffic   Sta. Anna:  tel.  586 8181
                                                                      first  week  of  December,   for  respiratory  infections   Aloe: tel. 584 4606
                                                                      down  from  about  45%  at   in   emergency      rooms,
                                                                      the  same  time  last  year,   according  to  CDC  data   Women in Difficulties
                                                                      according to the CDC.        posted this week.q           OTHER
                                                                      Americans     have    also                                Dental Clinic 587 9850
                                                                      been  slow  to  get  other                                Blood Bank Aruba 587 0002
                                                                      vaccinations.  Only  about                                Urgent Care 586 0448
                                                                                                                                Walk-In Doctor’s Clinic
             A flu vaccine is readied at the L.A. Care and Blue Shield of   18%   have   gotten   an                            +297 588 0539
             California Promise Health Plans’ Community Resource Center   updated  COVID-19  shot                               Women in Difficulties
             in Lynwood, Calif., on Friday, Oct. 28, 2022.            that  became  available                                   EMERGENCY
                                                     Associated Press   in  September.  At  nursing
                                                                      homes,  about  a  third  of                               Police           100
                                                                                                                                                 527 3140
             By MIKE STOBBE              an eye on a version of the   residents  are  up  to  date                              Noord            527 3200
             AP Medical Writer           ever-evolving  coronavirus,   with COVID-19 vaccines.                                  Sta. Cruz        527 2900
             NEW YORK (AP) — Look for    known as JN.1. The omicron   And  only  17%  of  adults  60                            San  Nicolas      584 5000
             flu and COVID-19 infections   variant  was  first  detected   and  older  had  received                            Police Tipline      11141
             to ramp up in the coming    in  the  U.S.  in  September   new shots against another                               Ambulancia       911
             weeks,  U.S.  health  officials   and  now  accounts  for  an   respiratory   virus.   RSV,                        Fire Dept.       115
                                                                                                                                                 582 2219
                                                                                                                                Red Cross
             say,  with  increases  fueled   estimated  20%  of  cases.   respiratory  syncytial  virus,
             by   holiday   gatherings,   The  CDC  expects  it  to   is  a  common  cause  of                                  TAXI SERVICES
             too  many  unvaccinated     reach 50% in the next two    mild coldlike symptoms but                                Taxi Tas      587 5900
             people and a new version    weeks, Patel said.           it  can  be  dangerous  for                               Prof. Taxi    588 0035
             of  the  coronavirus  that   It  may  spread  easier  or   infants and older people.                               Taxi D.T.S.   587 2300
             may  be  spreading  more    be  better  at  evading  our                                                           Taxi Serv. Aruba 583 3232
                                                                                                                                A1 Taxi Serv.
                                                                                                                                              280 2828
             easily. High levels of flu-like   immune systems, but there                                                        Women in Difficulties
             illnesses were reported last   is  no  evidence  that  the                                                         TRAVEL INFO
             week in 17 states  up from   strain  causes  more  severe
             14  the  week  before,  the   disease  than  other  recent                                                         Aruba Airport   524 2424
             Centers for Disease Control   variants,  health  officials                                                         American Airlines 582 2700
             and Prevention said Friday.  say. And current evidence                                                             Avianca       588 0059
             “Folks  are  traveling  a  lot   indicates  vaccines  and                                                          Jet Blue      588 2244
             more  this  season.  They   antiviral  medications  work                                                           Surinam       582 7896
             want to see their families,”   against it.                                                                         Women in Difficulties
             said the CDC’s Dr. Manisha   As for flu, early signs suggest                                                       AID FOUNDATIONS
             Patel. “And all of that sort   current  vaccines  are  well-                                                       FAVI- Visually Impaired
             of adds to the mix” in the   matched to the strain that                                                            Tel. 582 5051
             spread of viruses.          is causing the most illnesses,                                                         Alcoholics Anonymous
             Health officials are keeping   and  that  strain  usually                                                          Tel. 736 2952
                                                                                                                                Narcotics Anonymous
                                                                                                                                Tel. 583 8989
                                                                                                                                Fundacion Contra Violencia
                                                                                                                                Relacional Tel. 583 5400
                                                                                                                                Centre for Diabetes
                                                                                                                                Tel. 524 8888
                                                                                                                                Child Abuse Prevention
                                                                                                                                Tel. 582 4433
                                                                                                                                Quota Club Tel. 525 2672
                                                                                                                                Women in Difficulties
                                                                                                                                General Info

                                                                                                                                Phone Directory Tel. 118

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