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a26 obituario/ u.s. news
Dialuna 21 Juni 2021
Witness tells of horror as truck rams into
Arizona bike race
nones said. “I can’t believe I just shook this guy’s
hand and we wished each other luck, and now I’m
watching him with blood all over the place. And
not a little blood. It wasn’t trickling out. There’s Our dear one was called away,
like a pool of blood.” And has gone with the Lord to stay.
Although this passing makes us weep,
The truck had damage to its top and sides and a We rejoice our loved one rests safe in God’s
bullet hole in a window. keep.
“This has been a horrible event,” police spokes-
woman Kristine Sleighter said in a statement. We are saddened to announce the passing of:
“Our community is shocked at this incident and
our hearts and prayers are with the injured and
their families at this time.”
(AP) — Bicyclist Tony Quinones had only
just shaken hands with a fellow cyclist and
wished him good luck in this weekend’s
community race in an Arizona mountain
town when a truck sped into a crowd of bike
Suddenly, Quinones said in an interview Sun-
day, he was “watching bodies going on top of the
hood, bodies going to the left, bodies going to the
right” about six minutes after the race had started.
The sounds of breaking and smashing as the
truck plowed through the cyclists on Saturday
was quickly replaced by their groans of pain —
including those of the cyclist Quinones had just
Authorities in the small city of Show Low said
the unidentified 35-year-old male suspect fled
the crash scene in the pickup and was shot and Everis Joseph Williams
wounded by officers a short time later. Better known as “Melo”.
Of the seven cyclists hospitalized, six were in crit- Sunrise: June 24, 1935
ical condition, and one was in stable condition on Sunset: June 16, 2021
Sunday, police said in a statement. The suspect,
described as a local resident, was in stable condi- Left to mourn are his
tion, police said. Wife:
Mablene Williams Boatswain
Quinones, 55, said the man he had met before the Children:
race was a fellow New Mexican and that blood Kenvin Williams NL
was flowing from his head and his nose after the Mira con Dios a salba mi, Orlando Williams and family NL
pickup hit him. Tur mi confiansa ta den djE, Alan Heyer and family SWE
“He’s got a compound fracture, and I’m just say- Mi n’tin miedo: Earl Smith US
ing, ‘Hey man keep breathing, keep breathing. Señor Dios ta mi forsa, mi refugio. Anthony Williams and Angela Lie-A-Lien
Help’s on its way. Hey man, you’re going to be E mes t’Esun cu a salba mi Aretha Williams
OK.’” Quinones said. “I mean, that’s just insane. Isaías 12:2
It’s not just one. There’s like six, seven, eight oth- Nieces:
er guys like who are all around doing the same Cu dolor na nos curason, nos ta participa Vera Williams and family US
Dosling Williams and family
thing.” fayecimento di nos ser stima: Linda Williams and family
Rita Williams and family
Authorities were trying to determine why the man
driving the truck rammed into the group of cy- Nephews:
clists participating in the annual 58-mile (93-kilo- Renny Williams and family
meter) Bike the Bluff race that drew hundreds of Cecil Gario and family
participants. He was shot by police nearby outside
a hardware store in Show Low, which is about a Cousin: Theodore Fraser and family
three-hour drive northeast of Phoenix.
“We don’t know the motivation,” said Show Low Friends: Alvin Jack, Mary Simmons, Gloria
Batist, Dorothy Heyer, Yvonne Watson (US).
city spokeswoman Grace Payne. Related families: Boatswain (US), Osborne
Quinones said some cyclists wondered at first (US), Joseph, Tuitt.
whether the driver of the truck had fallen asleep
at the wheel. But Quinones said he saw the man Sr. Marciano Albertsz Friends of the family: Creighton, Barry, Pope,
accelerate toward the cyclists. Cariñosamente yama “Padu, Chano of Gumbs, Richardson, Mingo, Thomas,
“He went right at us,” he said. Ampi” Stevenson (US).
*12-07-1935 - †17-06-2021
Witnesses said helmets, shoes and crumpled and The funeral will be held on Tuesday June
broken bicycles were strewn across the street after Acto di entiero lo wordo anuncia 22 nd 2021 from 2pm until 4pm at the Pray
the crash, and a tire was wedged into the grill of Funeral Home and Crematory in San
the truck that rammed the cyclists at about 7:25 despues. Nicolaas
a.m. in downtown Show Low. Disculpa nos pero nos no ta ricibi We apologize if in our time of grief we omitted
bishita di condolencia na cas. any names.
“I just remember, you know, this is surreal,” Qui-