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                                                                                         world news Dialuna 3 Januari 2022

                          UK makes Omicron contingency plans for hospitals, schools

            (AP)  —  The  U.K.  gov-     was  preparing  for  “every
            ernment  has  been  mak-     eventuality”.
            ing  contingency  plans  in
            case  hospitals,  schools  “It’s  important  that  those
            and  other  workplaces  are  contingency  plans  are  re-
            hit  by  major  staff  short-  freshed  and  that  we  take
            ages  amid  the  country’s  measures  to  mitigate  those
            record-breaking  spike  in  impacts,” Barclay said.
            coronavirus infections.
                                         Ministers  have  cited  in-
            Public  sector  workplaces  creased support for more vi-
            have been preparing for staff  rus testing, better ventilation
            absences  ranging  from  10%  in  schools  and  workplaces,
            to 25% as COVID-19 sickens  and drafting former teachers
            more  people  or  forces  them  or even volunteers to prevent
            to isolate, the Cabinet Office  absences from having a seri-
            said.                        ous impact on schools.

            The  highly  transmissible  Devolved     authorities   in
            omicron  variant  has  caused  Scotland,  Wales  and  North-
            Britain’s  daily  new  caseload  ern  Ireland  have  imposed
            to  soar  over  Christmas  and  limits  on  events  and  social
            the  New  Year,  with  a  new  gatherings in the face of the
            daily high of 189,000 on Dec.  fast-spreading  omicron.  But  ers say absences have already  attempt to “minimise disrup-  patients  requiring  hospital
            31. A  further 137,583  infec-  Health  Secretary  Sajid  Javid  added  to  the  heavy  pres-  tion”  and  prevent  teachers  treatment  across  Britain  has
            tions  and  73  deaths  were  says  adding  new  restrictions  sures on U.K. hospitals, even  and pupils from being forced  increased  much  more  slow-
            added for England and Wales  is a “last resort” for England,  though the overall number of  to stay at home.        ly  than  new  infections,  but
            only  on  Sunday,  with  num-  despite the climbing daily in-  people being treated for CO-                         in  the  last  week  reached  its
            bers for Scotland and North-  fection  rate.  Barclay  backed  VID-19 remains much lower  The  U.K.  Health  Security  highest  level  since  February
            ern Ireland to be announced  this  strategy  again  Sunday,  than  last  winter.  NHS  Pro-  Agency  has  maintained  its  2021.
            after the holiday weekend.   arguing  the  reintroduction  viders  chief  executive  Chris  support for the seven-day iso-
                                         of  light  restrictions  in  De-  Hopson said staff have been  lation  period  for  those  who  The  government’s  push  to
            About 1 in 25 people in Eng-  cember as omicron began to  working  “flat  out”  and  the  have contracted the virus and  deliver  COVID-19  boosters
            land  —  or  about  2  million  take hold had brought about  early days of 2022 would be  are fully vaccinated. But Paul  has  now  seen  over  50%  of
            people — had COVID-19 in  a      “significant   behaviour  “crucial” in showing whether  Hunter, a professor of health  the population receive a third
            the  week  before  Christmas,  change”  with  people  reduc-  further measures are needed.  protection  at  the  University  dose.
            the  Office  of  National  Sta-  ing their social contacts.                            of East Anglia, told ITV that
            tistics estimated. In London,                             Secondary school students in  the  requirement  should  be  Overall,  the  U.K.  has  re-
            the figure was 1 in 15.      The public had been advised  England  will  be  required  to  reduced to five days as stud-  ported  more  than  13.1  mil-
                                         to  test  themselves  ahead  of  wear  face  masks  when  they  ies  had  shown  people  were  lion infections and more than
            Cabinet Office Minister Ste-  joining  any  New  Year’s  cel-  return  to  classes  after  the  “very  unlikely”  to  be  infec-  149,000 deaths linked to CO-
            phen  Barclay  said  there  had  ebrations.               Christmas  holidays.  Educa-  tious after this point.     VID-19,  the  second  highest
            already been “significant” ab-                            tion  Secretary  Nadhim  Za-                              death  toll  in  Europe  behind
            sences  and  the  government  National Health Service lead-  hawi  said  the  move  was  an  The  number  of  COVID-19  Russia.

                        Tutu remains interred amid call to rename Cape Town airport

            (AP)  —  The  remains  of  laid  a  small  box  containing  should  be  renamed  Arch-  lived, exemplified by his pine  The box with Tutu’s remains
            Desmond Tutu, the Nobel  Tutu’s remains to rest in the  bishop Desmond Mpilo Tutu  coffin  with  rope  handles,”  were placed under a memo-
            Peace  Prize-winning  An-    floor in front of the high altar  International Airport.  Makgoba said in his homily.  rial stone inscribed with the
            glican  archbishop  emeri-   at St George’s Cathedral. Tu-                             “Let  those  of  us  who  have  words:   Desmond   Mpilo
            tus  of  Cape  Town,  were  tu’s widow, children and oth-  He called on all South Afri-  resources  pull  in  our  belts,  Tutu, Oct. 1931 – Dec. 2021,
            interred    early   Sunday  er  family  members  attended  cans to “turn a new page” and  that  others  can  eat  enough  Archbishop  of  Cape  Town
            during  a  private  family  the 30-minute service.        commit to “the radical, revo-  to fill their stomachs. Let us  1986 - 1996.
            service at the city’s Angli-                              lutionary  change”  that  Tutu  reorder our society to end in-
            can cathedral.               Makgoba  suggested  that  to  advocated.                  equality and create equal op-  The  morning  service  was
                                         honor  the  late  Nobel  lau-                             portunities for all.”        underway  as  a  fire  swept
            Archbishop Thabo Makgoba  reate,  Cape  Town’s  airport  “Let  us  live  as  simply  as  he                         through South Africa’s near-
                                                                                                                                by  Parliament  building.  A
                                                                                                                                pall of smoke later hung over
                                                                                                                                the  cathedral  and  the  sur-
                                                                                                                                rounding area.

                                                                                                                                A requiem Mass was held in
                                                                                                                                the  cathedral  for  Tutu’s  fu-
                                                                                                                                neral  on  Saturday.  Church
                                                                                                                                officials  said  Tutu’s  body
                                                                                                                                was  prepared  for  interment
                                                                                                                                with water in a process called

                                                                                                                                Tutu  requested  the  method
                                                                                                                                because  it  uses  less  energy
                                                                                                                                and is more environmentally
                                                                                                                                friendly, church officials told
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