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                Wednesday 30 august 2023

            10 drugs targeted for Medicare price negotiations as Biden pitches

            cost reductions

            Continued from Front                                                                                                United  States  of  America,
                                                                                                                                no  senior  should  have  to
            Any lower prices won’t take                                                                                         choose  between  whether
            effect for three years, and                                                                                         they fill their prescription or
            the  path  forward  could                                                                                           fill  their  fridge  with  food,”
            be further complicated by                                                                                           Vice President Kamala Har-
            litigation  from  drugmakers                                                                                        ris said.
            and  heavy  criticism  from                                                                                         For  drugs  on  the  list  re-
            Republicans.                                                                                                        leased  Tuesday,  the  gov-
            But  the  effort  is  a  center-                                                                                    ernment  aims  to  negoti-
            piece of Biden’s reelection                                                                                         ate  the  lowest  maximum
            pitch as the Democrat tries                                                                                         fair  price.  That  could  help
            to  show  Americans  he’s                                                                                           some  patients  who  have
            deserving of a second term                                                                                          coverage but still face big
            because  of  the  work  he’s                                                                                        bills  like  coinsurance  pay-
            doing  to  lower  costs  while                                                                                      ments when they get a pre-
            the  country  is  struggling                                                                                        scription.
            with  inflation.  The  drug                                                                                         About  9%  of  Medicare
            negotiations,   like   many                                                                                         beneficiaries  age  65  and
            of  Biden’s  biggest  policy                                                                                        older said in 2021 that they
            moves,  will  take  time  to                                                                                        did not fill a prescription or
            play out, and his challenge                                                                                         skipped  a  drug  dose  due
            is to persuade the public to                                                                                        to  cost,  according  to  re-
            be patient.                  President Joe Biden, followed by Vice President Kamala Harris, arrives to speak during an event on   search  by  the  Common-
            “For  all  of  you  out  there,  I   prescription drug costs, in the East Room of the White House, Tuesday, Aug. 29, 2023, in Washington.  wealth Fund, which studies
            get it, and millions of Ameri-                                                                     Associated Press   health care issues.
            cans  get  it,”  Biden  said  at  1,  2022,  and  May  31,  ac-  Merck made the list. It also  Fiasp,  a  fast-acting  insulin  The  new  drug  price  nego-
            the  White  House.  “I  prom-  cording  to  the  Centers  for  included Amgen’s autoim-  taken around meals.        tiations  aim  “to  basically
            ise you. I’m going to have  Medicare  and  Medicaid  mune  disease  treatment  The  announcement  Tues-             make  drugs  more  afford-
            your  back  and  I’ll  never  Services, or CMS.           Enbrel  and  Entresto  from  day  is  another  significant  able  while  also  still  allow-
            stop fighting for you on this  That  includes  more  than  Novartis,  which  is  used  to  step  toward  taming  drug  ing for profits to be made,”
            issue.”                      $16  billion  on  Eliquis,  a  to-  treat heart failure.  pricing  under  the  Inflation  said  Gretchen  Jacobson,
            He  noted  that  he  got  “no  tal that does not count dis-  Other  drugs  on  the  list  in-  Reduction  Act,  which  was  who  researches  Medicare
            help from the other team”  counts  or  rebates  that  are  clude  AstraZeneca’s  dia-  signed  by  Biden  last  year.  issues at Commonwealth.
            — meaning Republicans —  already negotiated for the  betes  and  heart  failure  The  law  also  calls  for  a  The federal government will
            when  it  came  to  lowering  drug.  The  drug  from  Pfizer  treatment   Farxiga   and  $2,000 annual cap on how  benefit most from any low-
            prescription costs.          and  Bristol-Myers  Squibb  three drugs from Johnson &  much  people  with  Medi-      ered drug prices, noted Lar-
            The  drugs  on  the  list  an-  treats  blood  clots  in  the  Johnson: the blood thinner  care  have  to  pay  out  of  ry Levitt, an executive vice
            nounced     Tuesday    ac-   legs and lungs and reduces  Xarelto,  the  blood  cancer  pocket for drugs starting in  president  for  health  policy
            counted  for  $3.4  billion  the risk of stroke in people  treatment  Imbruvica  and  2025.                         at  KFF,  another  non-profit
            in  out-of-pocket  costs  for  with an irregular heartbeat  it’s  biggest  seller,  Stelara,  In addition, the law already  that  studies  health  care.
            Medicare     patients   last  called atrial fibrillation.  an IV treatment for psoria-  caps  out-of-pocket  costs  But he said that if Medicare
            year.                        The  diabetes  treatments  sis  and  other  inflammatory  for insulin at $35 a month for  spends less on prescription
            The   Medicare    program  Jardiance from Eli Lilly and  disorders.                    Medicare patients.           drugs,  then  premiums  for
            paid  more  than  $50  billion  Co.  and  Boehringer  Ingel-  The list also includes several  “We  are  here  today  with  everyone with its drug cov-
            for the drugs between June  heim  and  Januvia  from  versions  of  Novo  Nordisk’s  the  firm  belief  that  in  the  erage also should fall.q

                                                                      No. 2 House Republican Steve Scalise

                                                                      is diagnosed with blood cancer

                                                                      treatment. Scalise, 57, said  cancer  diagnosis  came,  and  serving  the  people  of
                                                                      he will continue to serve in  Scalise  said,  after  he  had  Louisiana's  First  Congres-
                                                                      the  House.  He  described  not  been  feeling  like  him-  sional  District."  Scalise  also
                                                                      the  cancer  as  "very  treat-  self in the past week. Blood  thanked  his  medical  team
                                                                      able"  and  said  it  was  de-  tests  showed  some  irregu-  and said he was "incredibly
                                                                      tected early. The Louisiana  larities and after additional  grateful  we  were  able  to
                                                                      Republican  was  among  screening,  he  said  he  was  detect  this  early  and  that
                                                                      several people wounded in  diagnosed  with  multiple  this  cancer  is  treatable."
                                                                      2017  when  a  rifle-wielding  myeloma. "I have now be-   Colleagues  in  the  House
            House  Majority  Leader  Steve  Scalise,  R-La.,  joined  at  right  by   attacker  fired  on  lawmak-  gun  treatment,  which  will  and members of Louisiana's
            Majority Whip Tom Emmer, R-Minn., arrives for a news conference   ers  on  a  baseball  field  in  continue  for  the  next  sev-  congressional  delegation
            at the Capitol in Washington, Tuesday, June 6, 2023.
                                                     Associated Press   Alexandria,  Virginia,  out-  eral  months,"  Scalise  said  offered Scalise and his fam-
                                                                      side  Washington.  Scalise  in  a  statement.  "I  expect  ily  their  encouragement  in
            WASHINGTON       (AP)    —  he  has  been  diagnosed  was shot in the hip and en-      to  work  through  this  pe-  response to the announce-
            Rep.  Steve  Scalise,  the  with  a  form  of  blood  can-  dured  lengthy  hospitaliza-  riod  and  intend  to  return  ment,  some  recalling  his
            No.  2-ranking  House  Re-   cer  known  as  multiple  my-  tions, multiple surgeries and  to  Washington,  continuing  determination   following
            publican,   said   Tuesday  eloma  and  is  undergoing  painful  rehabilitation.  The  my work as Majority Leader  the 2017 shooting.q
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