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A28     u.s. news
                     Diaranson 14 Juli 2021

                           Democratic donor’s trial centers on alleged injection fetish

                                                                      day  outside  U.S.  District  vided  fatal  doses  of  meth-  Buck gave him what he said
                                                                      Court,  said  Jasmyne  Can-  amphetamine  to  Moore  and  was  meth,  but  it  immobi-
                                                                      nick, a political strategist who  Dean. The defense contends  lized  him  on  the  floor  for
                                                                      has helped lead the charge to  all  the  men  were  at  Buck’s  more  than  six  hours.  Buck
                                                                      bring  Buck  to  justice.  Can-  apartment  under  their  own  told the man to leave, but he
                                                                      nick  and  others  complained  will and Moore and Dean did  couldn’t  move.  When  Buck
                                                                      that  Buck  escaped  prosecu-  not  die  from  methamphet-  approached him with a buzz-
                                                                      tion because of wealth, politi-  amine.                   ing power saw, the man said a
                                                                      cal ties and race.                                        surge of adrenalin drove him
                                                                                                   “Many  of  them  appeared  to  get to his feet and escape.
                                                                      “Just getting to trial is a vic-  be drug addicts by their own  Although Dean died in Janu-
                                                                      tory,” Cannick said Monday,  admission,”   said   defense  ary 2019, it wasn’t until Sep-
                                                                      noting that Buck had already  lawyer Ludlow B. Creary II.  tember of that year that Buck
                                                                      spent nearly two years in jail  “They were living according  was arrested after a man over-
                                                                      awaiting  his  day  in  court.  to their lifestyle, and Ed Buck  dosed twice in one week.
                                                                      “Who knows who could have  did not create their lifestyle.”
            (AP) — The men Ed Buck  Buck,  66,  who  has  given  died in that time.”                                            That  alleged  victim,  Dane
            lured to his apartment for  more than $500,000 to most-                                ADVERTISEMENT                Brown, told investigators he
            “party  and  play”  found  ly  Democratic  politicians  Buck,  a  wealthy  white  man  Neighbors  are  expected  to  had been living in a hotel on
            themselves  in  a  situation  and  causes  since  2000,  has  who was active in gay and an-  testify  to  a  constant  flow  of  Skid Row when he met Buck
            of life and death, prosecu-  pleaded  not  guilty.  He  faces  imal  rights  issues,  exploited  men coming and going from  on Adam4Adam, a gay dating
            tors said.                   nine  felonies  that  could  put  vulnerable  men  —  most  of  Buck’s  apartment  that  only  and  escort  site.  He  moved
                                         him in prison for life if he’s  them  Black  —  paying  them  ebbed after the deaths before  in with Buck for part of the
            Two  men  enticed  by  the  convicted.                    to come to his home to use  eventually  picking  back  up.  summer  of  2019  and  said
            promise  of  drugs  for  sex                              drugs and engage in sex play,  One  neighbor  reported  to  Buck injected him with meth
            died.  Those  who  survived  The  arrest  of  Buck  in  2019  prosecutors said. Many were  investigators  that  Buck  told  on nearly a daily basis for five
            overdoses  reported  harrow-  marked  a  turning  point  for  destitute drug users who of-  him  he  was  a  social  worker  weeks,  according  to  court
            ing  encounters  with  a  man  activists  who  rallied  outside  ten  worked  as  prostitutes  to  helping the men.  documents.
            bent on injecting them with  his  West  Hollywood  apart-  support their habit.
            methamphetamine  and  slip-  ment and pressured law en-                                Several men are expected to  The  second  time  Brown
            ping them other drugs.       forcement to act after Gem-  “Buck’s  preference  was  to  testify  about  Buck’s  “com-  overdosed,  he  asked  Buck
                                         mel Moore died on his floor  personally  inject  victims,  pulsion  to  pump  drugs  into  to  call  an  ambulance.  When
            Nearly two years after Buck  in 2017. Even after Timothy  and  he  pressured  or  incen-  others regardless of the con-  Buck refused, Brown said he
            was  arrested  and  charged  Dean  died  18  months  later,  tivized victims to let him do  sequences,” prosecutors said.  left the apartment and called
            by  federal  prosecutors,  the  it took another nine months  so,  sometimes  offering  large                        911 from a nearby gas station
            wealthy  Democratic  donor  and the near-death of another  cash bonuses to coerce a vic-  Some told investigators they  and was taken to a hospital.
            is going on trial Tuesday on  overdose victim before Buck  tim to agree to an injection or  believe  Buck  gave  them  the
            charges  of  providing  fatal  was  finally  arrested  in  Sep-  additional  injections,”  pros-  powerful  sedative  known  as  Prosecutors  said  Brown  was
            doses  to  two  men,  running  tember 2019.               ecutors said in court papers.  the date-rape drug, which left  lucky  to  survive.  He  is  ex-
            a  drug  den  and  persuading                             “Other  times,  Buck  simply  them unconscious.           pected to testify at trial, pro-
            others to travel for prostitu-  Family  members  of  Moore,  injected  victims  while  they                         viding  a  first-hand  account
            tion.                        26,  and  Dean,  55,  plan  to  were unconscious.”        One  man,  who  said  he  was  that neither Moore nor Dean
                                         speak  before  the  trial  Tues-  Prosecutors claim Buck pro-  paid  $300  as  an  escort,  said  lived to tell.

                          Judge OKs $73M payout to alleged UCLA doctor sex victims

            (AP)  —  A  federal  judge  former patients had made al-                                                            He has denied wrongdoing.
            on Monday gave final ap-     legations  or  filed  individual                                                       In  March,  UCLA’s  cross-
            proval to a $73 million set-  lawsuits, but the class-action                                                        town rival, the University of
            tlement  of  a  lawsuit  that  suit includes all potential vic-                                                     Southern  California,  agreed
            alleged some 6,000 women  tims.  Each  will  receive  be-                                                           to an $852 million settlement
            were sexually abused by a  tween  $2,500  and  $250,000,                                                            with more than 700 women
            former University of Cali-   with the higher amounts in-                                                            who  accused  its  longtime
            fornia, Los Angeles gyne-    volving  the  extent  of  bodily                                                       campus  gynecologist  of  sex-
            cologist.                    injury and emotional distress                                                          ual abuse.
                                         as decided by a panel of ex-
            The  2019  class-action  suit  perts.                                                                               That agreement is believed to
            involved   allegations   that                                                                                       be a record amount for such
            from 1983 to 2018, Dr. James  UCLA  didn’t  acknowledge                                                             a case. It dwarfs the $500 mil-
            Heaps  groped  women,  sim-  wrongdoing  in  reaching  the                                                          lion that Michigan State Uni-
            ulated  intercourse  with  an  settlement  last  year,  but  the                                                    versity agreed to pay in 2018
            ultrasound  probe  or  made  university did agree to change                                                         to settle claims against sports
            inappropriate    comments  its procedures for preventing,                                                           doctor Larry Nassar.
            during  examinations  at  the  identifying, investigating and
            UCLA student health center,  dealing  with  sexual  miscon-                                                         When  combined  with  a
            Ronald Reagan UCLA Medi-     duct.  That  included  requir-                                                         $215  million  settlement  of
            cal Center or his on-campus  ing  a  trained  chaperone  to                                                         a  separate  class-action  suit,
            office.                      be  present  during  intimate                                                          USC agreed to pay out over
                                         physical examinations of pa-  remain committed to provid-  retired in 2018 when the uni-  $1  billion  for  claims  against
            The suit also accused UCLA  tients  age  8  or  older  unless  ing quality care that respects  versity declined to renew his  74-year-old   Dr.   George
            of  failing  to  take  action  they opt out.              the dignity of every patient,”  contract.                 Tyndall,  who  worked  at  the
            against  Heaps  despite  com-                             said a statement from UCLA                                school for nearly 30 years.
            plaints and of having a “pol-  “While we can’t comment on  Health.                     Heaps, 64, also faces 21 crim-
            icy of indifference” to reports  the  specifics  of  today’s  legal                    inal  charges  of  sexual  abuse  Tyndall  faces  35  criminal
            of sexual misconduct.        action, we can say unequivo-  The  university  has  said  its  offenses   involving   seven  counts of sexual misconduct
                                         cally  that  sexual  misconduct  investigation into Heaps be-  women.                  between 2009 and 2016. He
            More  than  100  of  Heaps’  or  abuse  is  inexcusable.  We  gan  in  December  2017.  He                          has pleaded not guilty.
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