P. 10

                                                                                               CLASSIFIED Thursday 23 November 2017

            A Maine boy with cancer dies                                                                                          dOCTOR ON dUTY
            after wish for early Christmas                                                                                                 Dr. Cayama
                                                                                                                                           Tel. 583 2772
                                                                                                                                           San Nicolas
            PORTLAND, Maine (AP) — A  lice  organized  a  caravan     Renaissance Suites                                                   Dr. Tromp
            9-year-old  Maine  boy  with  for  him.  The  University  of   1 br  dLX WK 45 room # 2553  TIME SHARE FOR SALE                Tel. 584 7224
            cancer has died a week af-   Maine  hockey  team  paid    ocean Front Private Islands   Divi Phoenix                   EMERGENCIA 911
            ter his wish for a Christmas  a visit.                    $5500                        one bedroom unit # 633 sleeps
            celebration was fulfilled.   Knowing  time  was  short,   Costa Linda                  up to 6 people week 1 and 2
            Jacob  Thompson’s  family  his family held a Christmas    2br 10WK45 rm #1010 $6500    have 37 weeks left price $37000
            announced  on  social  me-   celebration at the hospital   Call:(297) 630-1307         for 2 weeks
            dia that he died Sunday at  earlier this month that was              POLICE            100
            Maine  Medical  Center  in  replete  with  a  tree,  gifts                             or call 215 9067397 mrs Lydia   ORANJESTAD     527-3140
            Portland. His family thanked  and a visit from Santa.     ________________________________208653   ________________________________208196  NOORD       527-3200
            those  who  sent  Christmas  “You  brought  Jacob  joy,   Aruba Divi Phoenix           TIMESHARE For RENT/SALE      STA. CRUZ         527-2900
                                                                                                                                SAN NICOLAS     584-5000
            cards  and  prayers,  saying  and you brought us all op-  studio WK45 room # 104       Divi Golf wk50. 12/16-23     POLICE TIPLINE    11141
            they  brought  joy  and  en-  timism for the future. Thank   29/10 weeks remain $5500  rm 2314, 3500.00             FIRE DEPT.        115
            couragement  to  the  boy  you  for  taking  the  time,   1br WK47 room #1206          and Rent Divi Dutch Vill.    FIRE DEPT.        582-1108
            and his family.              and  taking  an  interest  in   18/10 weeks remain $6500  wk49, 12/9 to 16 Studio      HOSPITAL          527-4000
            Jacob was admitted to the  our  sweet  boy’s  journey.    Call:(297) 630-1307          525.00 and wk50 one br.      DENTAL CLINIC    587-9850
            hospital  in  October  after  Sadly, there are many oth-       12/16 to 23 695.00           AMBULANCE         582-1234
            four  years  of  battling  neu-  ers  like  him  that  we  hope   ________________________________208653  email:   RED CROSS      582-2219
            roblastoma, a cancer that  you will continue to help,”    Aruba Divi Phoenix           508651-0016 local 565-9394
            starts in the nerve cells and  the  family  wrote  Monday   1br WK 46 and 47 rm# 934   ________________________________208652  Women in Difficulties
            generally  affects  infants  on Facebook.                 35/10 Weeks remain $10,000 each  Dutch Village                 PHARMACY
            and young children.          The  boy  loved  penguins.   For rent                     1br WK 46 rm# 71$5500        Oranjestad:
            He  loved  Christmas  and  His family urged people to     1br (25 to 2 dec 2017) $1000   14/6 weeks remain          Del Pueblo Tel. 582 1253
            asked for cards.             make a donation to a pen-    each                         2br WK 47 rm#103 $6500       San Nicolas
            The  response  was  over-    guin rescue group, Opera-    Call:(297) 630-1307          17 Full weeks old Contract   Aloe Tel. 584 4606
            whelming. Cards poured in  tion Gratitude “or pay it for-      Call:(297) 630-1307
            from around the world. Po-   ward in your community.”q    ________________________________208653
                                                                      TIME SHARE FOR RENT          ________________________________208653  INFORMATION   118
            NJ woman raises over $50K for                             Divi Phoenix                 Marriott Surf Club           PROF. TAXI     588-0035
                                                                      one bedroom 2 full bath room #
                                                                                                                                TAXI D.T.S.
            homeless man who helped her                               633 price $4500 for 2 weeks   2br Gold Gv $4000           SERVICE AUA   583-3232
                                                                                                   2br Gold ov $7000
                                                                      call or text 215 9067397     2br Gold os $8000            A1 TAXI SERVICES 587-8850
            PHILADELPHIA  (AP)  —  A  McClure  says  she  didn’t      e-mail       2br Gold oF $16,000                              280-2828
            New  Jersey  woman  who  have any money to repay           ________________________________208196  3br Gold ov $14,000  CruIse shIP
            was  helped  by  a  home-    him at the time but she’s re-                             Call:(297) 630-1307
            less man when she ran out  turned to the roadway sev-                        
            of  gas  in  Philadelphia  has  eral times to give him cash,
            raised  more  than  $50,000  clothes and food.                                         ________________________________208653
            to help him.                 After a few visits, she start-                            Marriott Ocean Club                  November 23
            Kate  McClure  started  the  ed  the  fundraiser  with  the                            1br Gold ov $4000                 Celebrity eclipse dept.
   campaign  hopes  of  using  the  money                                    2br Gold ov $8500                    Carnival vista
                                                                                                                                         viking sea
            earlier this month after she  toward  housing  and  other                              1br Gold oF $13,000
            said she ran out of gas on  expenses  for  the  34-year-                               2br Gold oF $16,000          Aruba Airport   524-2424
                                                                                                                                American Airlines 582-2700
            Interstate95  and  a  home-  old Bobbitt.                                              For rent 1br (25to2 dec2017)  Avianca       588-0059
            less  man  named  Johnny  Nearly  1,700  people  had                                   $1000                        Aruba Airlines  583-8300
            Bobbitt Jr. offered to walk a  donated  to  the  cam-                                  Call:(297) 630-1307          Jet Blue       588-2244
            few blocks to buy her some  paign  as  of  Wednesday                                Surinam        582-7896
            with his last $20.           afternoon.q                                               ________________________________208653  Venezolana   583-7674
                                                                                                                                Aruba Foundation
                                                                                                   Marriott Ocean Club          For those Visually Incapasitated
                                                                                                   1br Gold ov $4000            Tel. 582-5051
                                                                                                   2br Gold ov $8500            AL-ANON group
                                                                                                   1br Gold oF $13,000          Sabana Liber #8, Noord
                                                                                                   2br Gold oF $16,000          Tel. 736-2952 or 593-7081
                                                                                                   For rent 1br (25to2 dec2017)
                                                                                                   $1000                        FUNDACIONS
                                                                                                   Call:(297) 630-1307          Tel. 582-4433
                                                                                                                                Centro Diabetic Arubano
                                                                                                                                Tel. 524-8888
                                                                                                   We Know How To Sell          Narcotics Anonymous
                                                                                                   Your Time Share in Aruba     Tel. 583-8989
                                                                                                   31 years exp your local time
                                                                                                   share experts                QUOTA Club
                                                                                                                                Tel. 525-2672
                                                                                                   Free appraisal, no listings fee
                                                                                                   Call:(297) 630-1307          Women in Difficulties
                                                                                                                                Tel. 583-5400
                                                                                                                                Bloodbank Aruba
                                                                                                                                Tel. 587-0002
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