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                                                                                                           LOCAL Monday 8 January 2018

            Eagle Beach Ranked in World’s 50 Best Beaches by 600 Travel Professionals

                                                                                    find many flights options to this des-  FlightNetwork’s  internal  panel  of
                                                                                    tination from Europe, the U.S. & UK.  judges  compiled  the  responses
                                                                                    After  landing,  Eagle  Beach  is  just  and analyzed the beaches based
                                                                                    under  20  minutes  away  by  rental  on  the  five  criteria  of  criteria  of:
                                                                                    car or public transportation. Many  sheer untouched beauty, remote-
                                                                                    arrive by cruise ship on a Caribbe-  ness,  sand  and  water  quality,  an-
                                                                                    an galavant — if this includes you,  nual  days  of  sunshine,  and  aver-
                                                                                    simply hail a bus from the terminal  age annual temperature. Each of
                                                                                    across  from  the  cruise  port  which  the 50 Beaches included in this list
                                                                                    will take you to the beach.          were  put  through  a  rigorous  vet-
                                                                                                                         ting process and ranked based on
                                                                                    About The World’s 50 Best Beach-     the number of votes cast and the
                                                                                    es©                                  above criteria.
                                                                                    The World’s 50 Best Beaches© pro-    Read more on FlightNetworkq
                                                                                    vides  an  annual  snapshot  of  the
            (FLIGHTNETWORK)                     views and powdered sugar sands.  opinions  and  experiences  of  the
            EAGLE  BEACH  -  Lounge  under  If  you  are  visiting  in  the  summer,  top  international  travel  experts.
            bamboo huts on the shores of Ea-    keep your eye out for the magic of  It’s a globally recognized list show-
            gle  Beach  in  Aruba.  You’ll  often  turtle hatching.                 casing  the  most  alluring  and  un-
            feel you have your own corner of                                        touched beaches from every cor-
            paradise  to  yourself  —  the  only  Getting There                     ner of the earth.
            footsteps in the sand are yours for  Eagle Beach is located in the high-  The  voting  process  and  results
            miles,  while  the  only  sound  is  the  ly  traveled  island  Aruba,  making  used to create the World’s 50 Best
            gentle crashing of the waves and  international travel quite easily ac-  Beaches© were administered and
            whistling breeze.                   cessed. Queen Beatrix Internation-  categorized  by  FlightNetwork’s
                                                al is the most popular airport in Aru-  in-house  travel  professionals.  The
            Closer to the water, lounge in the  ba.  Visitors can fly  into this  airport  FlightNetwork  team  consulted  the
            silk sands and picnic — or dive in for  for reasonable prices from Toronto,  opinions  and  expertise  of  more
            some world-class snorkeling. Home  Las Vegas, Orlando, Cancun and  than 600+ travel journalists, editors,
            to the landmark “Divi Divi Tree,” a  Maui, to name a few. You can also  bloggers  and  agencies  —  asking
            tangled icon of natural wonder in  get  direct  flights  from  Canada,  them to rank the best beaches in
            the  midst  of  the  soft  sandy  shore,  Mexico  to  Aruba  by  Air  Canada  the world based on their travel ex-
            it’s  a  wonderland  of  surprising  and  American  Airlines.  You  can  periences.
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