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A4   U.S. NEWS
                Thursday 24 OcTOber 2019

            Chaotic scene as Republicans disrupt impeachment deposition

            By MICHAEL BALSAMO and                                                                                              called  a  Sensitive  Com-
            MARY CLARE JALONICK                                                                                                 partmented     Information
            Associated Press                                                                                                    Facility,  or  SCIF,  which  is  a
            WASHINGTON  (AP)  —  Re-                                                                                            secure  room  where  mem-
            publicans  briefly  brought                                                                                         bers can hear classified in-
            the    Democrat-led     im-                                                                                         formation.
            peachment     investigation                                                                                         Several  lawmakers  leaving
            to a halt Wednesday when                                                                                            the  facility  said  that  some
            around  two  dozen  GOP                                                                                             of the Republicans brought
            House  members  stormed                                                                                             their   cellphones,   even
            into a closed-door deposi-                                                                                          though electronics are not
            tion with a Defense Depart-                                                                                         allowed.  All  members  of
            ment  official.  Democrats                                                                                          Congress  are  familiar  with
            said  the  move  compro-                                                                                            the  protocol  of  the  SCIF,
            mised national security be-                                                                                         since  they  are  often  invit-
            cause some of the Repub-                                                                                            ed  to  classified  briefings,
            licans  brought  electronic                                                                                         and there are several such
            devices into a secure room.                                                                                         rooms around the Capitol.
            The  protest  by  Republican                                                                                        Several  Republicans  ap-
            lawmakers  captured  na-                                                                                            peared  to  be  tweeting
            tional  attention,  drawing                                                                                         from  the  secure  room.
            the  focus  away  from  the                                                                                         North  Carolina  Rep.  Mark
            testimony of a top U.S. dip-                                                                                        Walker  tweeted:  "UPDATE:
            lomat who told lawmakers     House  Republicans  gather  for  a  news  conference  after  Deputy  Assistant  Secretary  of  Defense   We are in the SCIF and ev-
            just  a  day  earlier  that  he   Laura Cooper arrived for a closed door meeting to testify as part of the House impeachment   ery GOP Member is quietly
            was  told  President  Donald   inquiry into President Donald Trump, Wednesday, Oct. 23, 2019, on Capitol Hill in Washington.   listening."
            Trump was withholding mili-                                                                        Associated Press  Rep.  Bennie  Thompson,
            tary  aid  from  Ukraine  un-  find  out  what's  going  on,"  subpoena, an official work-  to  release  the  transcripts  D-Miss.,  who  chairs  the
            less the country's president  said Ohio Rep. Jim Jordan,  ing  on  the  impeachment    when  it  will  not  affect  the  House  Homeland  Security
            pledged    to   investigate  the top Republican on the  inquiry said. She explained    investigation. They also said  Committee,  alleged  that
            Democrats.                   House  Oversight  and  Re-   to  lawmakers  the  process   the Republicans — several  Republicans  "intentionally
            The  maneuver  delayed  form  panel.  That  commit-       of  distributing  military  aid   of whom do not sit on one  brought  their  electronic
            a  deposition  with  Laura  tee is one of three leading  and  was  asked  whether      of the three committees —  devices"  into  the  secure
            Cooper,  a  senior  Defense  the  investigation,  and  its  the appropriate steps were   compromised  security  at  area,  violating  congressio-
            Department  official  who  members  are  allowed  into  followed  on  Ukraine,  ac-    Wednesday's  closed-door  nal rules and the oath they
            oversees  Ukraine  policy,  the closed-door hearings.     cording to a person familiar   deposition.  The  interviews  take to gain access to clas-
            until  midafternoon.  The  in-  Lawmakers  described  a  with the interview.           are  being  held  in  what  is  sified information.q
            terview began roughly five  chaotic  scene.  Rep.  Deb-   Both the official working on
            hours  behind  schedule,  bie  Wasserman  Schultz,  the  impeachment  inquiry
            after  a  security  check  by  D-Fla.,  said  she  had  just  and  the  person  familiar
            Capitol  officials,  and  end-  walked into the room when  with the interview spoke on
            ed after roughly four hours.  the  Republican  lawmakers  condition  of  anonymity  to
            As  a  series  of  diplomats  blew  past  Capitol  police  discuss the closed-door tes-
            have  been  interviewed  in  officers  and  Democratic  timony.
            the  impeachment  probe,  staffers.  The  staff  member  "The  president's  allies  in
            many  Republicans  have  who was checking identifi-       Congress  are  trying  to
            been  silent  on  the  presi-  cation at the entrance was  make it even more difficult
            dent's  conduct.  But  they  "basically  overcome"  by  for  these  witnesses  to  co-
            have    been     outspoken  the Republicans, she said.    operate," Adam Schiff, the
            about  their  disdain  for  "Literally some of them were  chairman  of  the  House  in-
            Democrats  and  the  im-     just  screaming  about  the  telligence committee.
            peachment  process,  say-    president  and  what  we're  Democrats  deny  that  Re-
            ing it is unfair to them even  doing  to  him  and  that  we  publicans are being treated
            though they have been in  have  nothing  and  just  all  unfairly,  noting  they  have
            the  room  questioning  wit-  things that were supportive  had  equal  time  to  ques-
            nesses and hearing the tes-  of  the  president,"  Wasser-  tion  witnesses  and  full  ac-
            timony.                      man Schultz said.            cess to the meetings. Schiff
            "The  members  have  just  Later  when  the  deposition  says  closed-door  hearings
            had  it,  and  they  want  to  began,  Cooper  answered  are  necessary  to  prevent
            be able to see and repre-    questions  from  lawmakers  witnesses  from  concealing
            sent  their  constituents  and  and staffers in response to a  the truth and has promised
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