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LOCAL Tuesday 11 February 2025
The St. Regis Aruba Celebrates the Opening of the first-ever St. Regis Casino
Palm Beach—The St. Regis
Aruba Resort proudly an-
nounces the debut of The
Casino at St. RegisAruba,
marking a historic mile-
stone as the St. Regis brand
unveils its first-ever casino.
This exceptional occasion
introduces an unparalleled
destination for casino enter-
tainment, set within an ambi-
ance of sophistication, refine-
ment, and bespoke service,
elevating the island’s luxury January 22nd, the casino fea- AM, The Casino at St. Regis ting ceremony, Mr.Oliver Re- The ceremony featured a
offerings. tures an exquisite selection Aruba creates a refined, schreiter, General Manager sophisticated ribbon-cutting
of traditional table games, non-smoking atmosphere of The St. Regis Aruba Resort moment, welcoming guests
Located within The St. Regis modern slot machines, and for discerning guests, local shared: to explore the casino’s luxuri-
Aruba Resort, which cele- sports-betting kiosks. Open residents, and global travelers "The debut of The Casino at ous interiors. Attendees were
brated its grand opening on daily from 6:00 PM to 5:00 alike. At the heart of the ca- St. Regis Aruba is a defining delighted with handcrafted
sino is the Ventura bar, where moment for the St. Regis cocktails and culinary offer-
sophistication meets energy. brand for being its first ca- ings, inspired by the resort’s
Ventura offers an exclusive sino, this venue reflects our exceptional dining experi-
selection of the finest bour- unwavering commitment ences including the St. Regis
bons, whiskies, and cognacs, to delivering immersive and Bar, adjacent to the casino.
alongside expertly crafted bespoke experiences. With In celebration of its opening,
cocktails. This lively bar sets its elegant design, exciting the casino invites guests to
the stage for exquisite mo- campaigns, and rewarding immerse themselves in this
ments, blending the allure of prizes, our Hosts are delighted extraordinary new casino,
casino excitement with the to elevate your evenings with experiencing the fusion of
vibrant spirit of Aruba. exceptional service and un- luxury, entertainment, and
Speaking at the ribbon-cut- matched entertainment." refinement.q
Aruba Tourism Authority honored loyal visitors at Manchebo Beach Resort & Spa!
The Aruba Tourism Authority recently had the great The honorees were: Ontario,Canada.
pleasure of recognizing Distinguished Ambas- Distinguished Ambassadors Mrs. Keyttin Silva representing the Aruba Tourism
sadors of Aruba. The honorees were respectively Mr. Cary and Mrs. Corinne Limebeer from Acton, Authority, and staff members of Manchebo Beach
honored with a certificate for their years of visits, Resort & Spa bestowed the certificate upon the
loyalty, and love for the island of Aruba. honorees, presented them with gifts, and thanked
them for choosing Aruba as their favorite vacation
The honorary certification is presented on behalf of destination, as their home away from home.
the Minister of Tourism as a token of appreciation
and to say “Masha Danki” to guests who have visit- The top reasons for returning to Aruba provided by
ed Aruba 10, 20, or 35 years or more consecutively. the honoree was:
• Aruba’s weather
The three levels of honor are as follows: • Aruba’s relaxation
Distinguished Visitor (10>years consecutively visit- • The people
ing Aruba)
Goodwill Ambassador (20>years consecutively vis- On behalf of the Aruba Tourism Authority, we
iting Aruba) would like to express our sincere gratitude and ap-
Emerald Ambassador (35>years consecutively vis- preciation to the honorees for their continued visits
iting Aruba) to the “One Happy Island”.q