Page 9 - AHATA
P. 9
LOCAL Tuesday 11 February 2025
Ever heard of the cah’i orgel?
A key instrument in Aruban folklore music
(Oranjestad)—The cah’i or- and successfully debuted
gel music box is an impor- it on the streets of Barqui- As mentioned, the cah’i
tant and unique instrument simeto. Back in Curacao, orgel is a music box. made
that is used on the ABC is- he started his own cah’i from mahogany wood, it
lands in the Dutch Carib- orgel business along with contains a cylinder with a
bean. This instrument is a his brother Luis. In Aruba, it maximum of eight music
staple in our folklore music, is said that the cah’i orgel pieces. By rotating the lever
and its significance in the was introduced by Rufo on the front side of the box,
traditions of Aruba has and Wever, who later in his ca- the cah’i orgel produces
continues to bring together reer became one of the music similar to that of a pi-
the old and young. composers for the Aruban ano, and is accompanied
national anthem. often by someone else
The origin of the cah’i or- playing the “wiri”, a percus-
gel is said to have come Rufo Wever was a young sion instrument made out
from Europe around 150 musician in 1937 when he of steel and reminiscent
years ago. A cross breed established his own cah’i to the Spanish guiro. Back
between the barrel piano orgel business on the island. then, you would often also
and the organ, the most Before that he experiment- find someone playing the
popular stories said that the ed with his uncle’s cah’i or- triangle alongside the cah’i
instrument came from ei- gel, and he over the years orgel and wiri. In Aruba, the
ther England or Germany, he learned to build and re- cah’i orgel and wiri is used
but made its way to Italy pair the instrument. In fact, for traditional music genres,
down to Venezuela, where he was incredibly skilled in such as the Aruban waltz,
in 1881, Mr. Horatio Sprock this, and he was one of the tumba, mazurka and more.
(1866-1949) from Curacao few to have recognized Source: “E Cilinder Magico entre Aruba y Curaçao” by
was first introduced to it. from the start that the cah’i Fun fact: another name for Marilyn Alcalá-Wallé, Herta Parabirsing-Balentina and
After that, Sprock made his orgel is an instrument that the cah’i orgel is the “tin- Nidia Rosaria-Wallé.
own cah’i orgel “Josefina”, needs preserving. gilingi box.”q
Aruba’s Bocas: home to the rarest fossil reefs on the planet!
(Oranjestad)—If you’ve
been to the northern coast
of Aruba already, you’ve
probably noticed how the
ground differs entirely from
the sandy beaches on the
southern part of the island.
These hard surfaces, with
sharp bumps and holes
are actually fossilized coral
reefs, of which its growth
and changes can be
traced back to the last gla-
cial period.
On May 30 2023, geosci-
entists, Dr. Patrick Boyden
from the Marum research
faculty at the University of Prof. dr. Gianfranco Scic- fossilized coral reefs at the during the past hundred or cal history, as they provide
Bremen, Prof. dr. Alessio chitano, from the University University of Aruba. Their even thousands of years, a clear view of how these
Rovere from the Ca' Fosc- of Bari Aldo Moro, present- focus for their research in- and the effects that this reefs have formed.
ari University of Venice and ed their research on these cluded studying the health fluctuation has had on the
and formation patterns of coral reefs of the windward This research is also im-
these coral reefs, and to side of Aruba. portant for the future of
investigate how these reefs coral reefs on the island.
have responded and can These findings can certainly By studying rising sea lev-
respond to fluctuating sea put things into perspective. els and climate impact on
levels or extreme weather, The ground on which we these coral reefs, we are
like hurricanes and tsuna- have walked many times able to take concrete ac-
mis. in the northern part of the tion in protecting and pre-
island hold such rich history, serving our coral reefs. So, if
Through underwater and history that dates back to you are ever visiting one of
land surveillance, and 3D a time that most of us can- the bocas or driving along
models of the reefs, they not even imagine. As the the northern part of the is-
were able to narrow down scientists themselves have land, please be conscious
when these formations pointed out, these fossilized to help protect our natural
started to take place. They reefs on the windward side historical remnant. Oh, and
were also able to track the are truly an incredible and wear (coral-friendly) sun-
fluctuation of sea levels rare remnant of geologi- screen! q