Page 29 - bon-dia-aruba-20220919
P. 29
world news Dialuna 19 September 2022
EU proposes to suspend billions in funds to Hungary
(AP) — The European slices of the bloc’s budget, democratic institutions, tak-
Union’s executive branch helps countries to bring their ing control of the media and
recommended Sunday economies and infrastructure infringing on minority rights.
that the bloc suspend up to EU standards. Orban, who has been in of-
around 7.5 billion euros fice since 2010, denies the ac-
(dollars) in funding to EU countries pay around 1% cusations.
Hungary over concerns of their gross national income
about democratic back- into the budget. Hungary is Speaking after a meeting of
sliding and the possible slated to receive at least 50 EU commissioners in Brus-
mismanagement of EU billion euros in all from the sels, which unanimously
money. 2021-27 budget, according to endorsed the move, Hahn
commission estimates. welcomed Hungary’s offer to
The European Commission, fix the problem, saying that
which proposes the bloc’s Any action to suspend the its proposed remedial action
laws and ensures that they funds must be approved by goes “in the right direction.”
are respected, said it was act- the EU member countries,
ing “to ensure the protection and this requires a “qualified He said the measures could
of the EU budget and the majority,” which amounts to address some of the commis-
financial interests of the EU 55% of the 27 members rep- sion’s concerns if they are fol-
against breaches of the prin- resenting at least 65% of the lowed up, and properly acted
ciples of the rule of law in total EU population. upon. But he said that “a risk
Hungary.” for the budget at this stage nected insiders. and correction of conflicts
They have one month to de- remains, therefore we cannot of interest,” as well as about
EU Budget Commissioner cide whether to freeze Hun- conclude that the EU budget A senior EU official pointed a number of public interest
Johannes Hahn said that de- gary’s funds, but can in excep- is sufficiently protected.” to “systematic and systemic trusts which manage signifi-
spite measures Hungary has tional circumstances extend irregularities, deficiencies cant funds, and notably in the
proposed to address the de- that period to two months. The commission’s fears fo- and weaknesses in public area of education.
ficiencies, the commission is The commission is recom- cus on public procurement procurement related to very
recommending the suspen- mending that the member — purchases by the state of high rates of single bidding.” Hungarian media has re-
sion of funds “amounting to countries take until Nov. 19 goods and services or for the Officials estimate that around ported that Orban’s nation-
an estimated amount of 7.5 to allow Hungary more time execution of projects using half of Hungary’s public ten- alist government is set to
billion euros.” to address the concerns. EU funds. Critics say the ders are granted after single announce new legislation as
awarding of such contracts bidder processes. soon as Monday. EU law-
The money would come The commission has for have allowed Orban’s gov- makers expressed concern
from “cohesion funds” grant- nearly a decade accused ernment to channel large The commission also has last week that this may just
ed to Hungary. This envelope Hungarian Prime Minister sums of EU money into the “serious concerns regard- be a ploy to gain time.
of money, one of the biggest Viktor Orban of dismantling businesses of politically con- ing the detection, prevention
Hurricane Fiona rips through powerless Puerto Rico
(AP) — Hurricane Fiona struck reported, with water rushing down a astating Category 4 storm that struck
Puerto Rico’s southwest coast on big slab of broken asphalt and into a Fiona struck on the anniversary of on Sept. 20, 2017, destroying the is-
Sunday as it unleashed landslides, gully. Hurricane Hugo, which hit Puerto land’s power grid and causing nearly
knocked the power grid out and Rico 33 years ago as a Category 3 3,000 deaths.
ripped up asphalt from roads and The storm also washed away a bridge storm. The storm’s clouds covered
flung the pieces around. in the central mountain town of the entire island and tropical storm- More than 3,000 homes still have
Utuado that police say was installed force winds extended as far as 140 only a blue tarp as a roof, and infra-
Forecasters said the storm would by the National Guard after Hurri- miles (220 kilometers) from Fiona’s structure remains weak.
cause catastrophic flooding and cane Maria hit in 2017. center. U.S. President Joe Biden de-
threatened to dump “historic” levels clared a state of emergency in the “I think all of us Puerto Ricans who
of rain, with up to 25 inches (64 cen- Fiona hit about 15 miles (25 kilome- U.S. territory as the eye of the storm lived through Maria have that post-
timeters) possible in isolated areas. ters) south-southeast of Mayaguez approached the island’s southwest traumatic stress of, ‘What is going to
with maximum sustained winds of 85 corner. happen, how long is it going to last
“I urge people to stay in their homes,” mph (140 kph), according to the U.S. and what needs might we face?’” said
said William Miranda Torres, mayor National Hurricane Center. It was Luma, the company that operates Danny Hernández, who works in the
of the northern town of Caguas, moving to the northwest at 9 mph power transmission and distribution, capital of San Juan but planned to
where at least one large landslide was (15 kph). said bad weather, including winds of weather the storm with his parents
80 mph, had disrupted transmission and family in the western town of
lines, leading to “a blackout on all the Mayaguez.
He said the atmosphere was gloomy
“Current weather conditions are ex- at the supermarket as he and others
tremely dangerous and are hindering stocked up before the storm hit.
out capacity to evaluate the complete
situation,” it said, adding that it could The storm was forecast to pummel
take several days to fully restore pow- cities and towns along Puerto Rico’s
er. southern coast that have not yet ful-
ly recovered from a string of strong
Health centers were running on gen- earthquakes starting in late 2019. Of-
erators — and some of those had ficials reported several road closures
failed. Health Secretary Carlos Mel- across the island as trees and small
lado said crews were working to re- landslides blocked access. More than
pair generators as soon as possible at 780 people with some 80 pets had
the Comprehensive Cancer Center. sought shelter across the island by
Saturday night, the majority of them
Fiona hit just two days before the an- in the southern coast.
niversary of Hurricane Maria, a dev-