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A30 world news
Dialuna 19 September 2022
In world beset by turbulence, nations’ leaders gather at UN
escalating climate crisis, the on one side and Russia and peril,” the U.N. chief said
threat of multiple famines increasingly China on the last week.
and an internet-fueled tide other — are “paralyzing the
of misinformation and hate global response to the dra- For the first time in three
speech — all atop a coronavi- matic challenges we face.” years, leaders will be deliver-
rus pandemic that is halfway ing their speeches in person
through its third year. He pointed not only to the in the vast General Assembly
devastation in Ukraine from hall. There will be no more
For the first time since the nearly seven months of fight- COVID-caused prerecorded
United Nations was founded ing but the war’s impact on addresses or hybrid meetings,
atop the ashes of World War the global economy. with one exception: Ukraini-
II, European nations are wit- an President Volodymyr Zel-
nessing war in their midst Escalating food and energy enskyy.
waged by nuclear-armed prices are hitting the world’s
neighboring Russia. Its Feb. poorest people hardest, and Over objections from Rus-
24 invasion not only threat- nations are “being devoured sia and a few allies, the
ens Ukraine’s survival as an by the acids of nationalism 193-member assembly voted
(AP) — Facing a complex and divided major powers independent democratic na- and self-interest” instead of overwhelmingly Friday to
set of challenges that try in a way not seen since the tion but has leaders in many working together and resolv- allow the Ukrainian leader
humanity as never before, Cold War. countries worrying about ing disputes peacefully, two to pre-record his speech be-
world leaders convene at trying to preserve regional principles that lie at the heart cause of reasons beyond his
the United Nations this The many facets of the and international peace and of the U.N. Charter and un- control — the “ongoing for-
week under the shadow Ukraine war are expected to prevent a wider war. derpin everything the United eign invasion” and military
of Europe’s first major dominate the annual meet- Nations tries to do. hostilities that require him
war since World War II ing, which convenes as many U.N. Secretary-General An- to carry out his “national de-
— a conflict that has un- countries and peoples con- tonio Guterres said the stra- “The General Assembly is fense and security duties.”
leashed a global food crisis front growing inequality, an tegic divides — with the West meeting at a time of great
Spanish charity rescues 372 in central Mediterranean; 1 dead
(AP) — The Spanish char- Malta.
ity Open Arms has res- Before that, the Open Arms
cued 372 people seeking In all, the ship performed rescued 59 migrants from
to cross the central Medi- three rescues in 24 hours. In Syria, Egypt, Sudan and Er-
terranean to Europe in the largest rescue, the Open itrea, among them 10 minors,
unseaworthy smugglers’ Arms picked up 294 people, from an oil platform they had
boats and recovered the mostly Egyptians, from an reached in international wa-
corpse of a man who had overcrowded barge in waters ters near Tunisia. Still in the
been shot by smugglers, south of Malta in an night- flimsy smugglers’ boat was
officials said Sunday. time operation that spanned the wrapped body of a mi-
nearly five hours before grant who had been shot on
The rescue ship Open Arms dawn Sunday. Those rescued shore by smugglers, Lanuza
Uno remained at sea and is said they had been at sea for said.
seeking a safe port for the four days.
rescued people, including “The smugglers forced the
some who need medical at- The packed boat had been people to take the corpse with
tention and many who are spotted by volunteer pilots them. They spent a day or so Open Arms rescued 19 peo- An Associated Press photog-
suffering from dehydration, combing the Mediterranean at sea, and kept the corpse ple from a rubber dinghy in rapher on board the Open
said Laura Lanuza, an Open for people in distress, and until they were saved,” Lanu- off Libya in international wa- Arms said during each res-
Arms spokeswoman. She a photo showed its decks za said. ters. They included 16 people cue, desperate people flung
said they have made at least packed with people waving from Syria. themselves into the water,
two requests for a safe port in for help. On Saturday morning, the complicating the operation.
Thousands march in Turkey to demand ban on LGBTQ groups
(AP) — An anti-LGBTQ ties banned, in the largest joined the demonstration ment to take action. “They The video and the demon-
group marched Sunday in demonstration of its kind dubbed “The Big Family should save the family, they stration prompted an outcry
Istanbul, demanding that in Turkey. Gathering.” Kursat Mican, should save the children from LGBTQ associations
LGBTQ associations be a speaker for the organizers, from this filth.” and other rights groups. The
shuttered and their activi- Several thousand people said they had gathered more organizers of Istanbul Pride
than 150,000 signatures to The group held banners that called on the governor’s of-
demand a new law from Tur- read: “Protecting the family fice to ban the event and
key’s parliament that would is a national security issue.” authorities to take down the
ban what they called LGBTQ LGBTQ parades have not video, arguing both were
propaganda, which they say been allowed in Turkey since hateful.
pervades Netflix, social me- 2015.
dia, arts and sports. ILGA Europe, which works
Ahead of Sunday’s dem- for LGBTQ equality, tweeted
Hatice Muge, who works as a onstration, the organizers it was extremely concerned
nanny, came to the gathering circulated a video using im- about the risks of violence.
from Bursa province. ages from past LGBTQ Pride
marches in Turkey. The video “The Turkish state needs
“People are here despite the was included in the public to uphold its constitutional
rain for their children, for service announcement list of obligation to protect all its
future generations,” she said, Turkey’s media watchdog. citizens against hate and vio-
urging the Turkish govern- lence,” it said.