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                  Friday 20 OctOber 2017
            Loyal Guests Honored at the Marriott Surf Club

            PALM  BEACH  -  Recently  is  presented  in  the  name
            the  Aruba  Tourism  Author-  of the Minister of Tourism as
            ity  had  the  great  pleasure  a token of appreciation to
            of  honoring  a  very  nice  guests  who  visit  Aruba  for
            couple  who  are  loyal  and  20-to-34 consecutive years.
            friendly  visitors  of  Aruba  The honorees were Mr. Wil-
            at the Marriott Surf Club as  liam and Mrs. Jane Creek-
            Goodwill Ambassadors.        more,  celebrating  more
                                         than  20  consecutive  an-
            The symbolic honorary title  nual visits to Aruba!

                                                                      William and Jane are regu-   Administrative  Assistant  to  Jenny Boekhoudt from the
                                                                      lar  guests  at  the  Marriott   the  General  Manager  Ms.  Marriott Surf Club.q
                                                                      Surf  Club  and  they  love
                                                                      Aruba very much because
                                                                      of the safety, the beautiful
                                                                      sunsets,  friendly  locals,  va-
                                                                      riety  of  food  and  the  feel-
                                                                      ing  of  home-away-from-
                                                                      home.  The  certificate  was
                                                                      presented  by  Ms.  Darline
                                                                      S.  de  Cuba  representing
                                                                      the  Aruba  Tourism  Author-
                                                                      ity  together with  Executive

                                                                                                   Eat Local Restaurant Month

                                                                                                   ORANJESTAD - Let your taste buds go wild during the third
                                                                                                   edition of the Eat Local Aruba Restaurant Month!

                                                                                                   Now  through  October  31,  2017,  the  One  Happy  Island
                                                                                                   invites you to explore its culinary heritage with locally in-
                                                                                                   spired dishes. This initiative was started by ATA 3 years ago
                                                                                                   to highlight Aruba’s culinary diversity. Restaurants that al-
                                                                                                   ready feature local menus are adding on specials and
                                                                                                   accenting on the local flavors.
                                                                                                   No passes, tickets or vouchers are required— attending
                                                                                                   diners can simply visit their favorite participating restau-
                                                                                                   rants throughout the program dates to enjoy the special
                                                                                                   menu offerings.
                                                                                                   Over  70  restaurants  are  participating,  offering  lunches
                                                                                                   and dinners at very reasonable fixed prices.
                                                                                                   But the very best thing of all? You can already reserve
                                                                                                   your table for your favorite participating restaurant - res-
                                                                                                   ervations are always recommended!q
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