Page 30 - bon-dia-aruba-20201028
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A30     world news
               Diaranson 28 october 2020

                          Taiwan says new arms purchases to boost credible defense

                                                                      Corp.  and  Boeing  Co.’s  de-  mitments  to  China  while  graded  equipment  for  Tai-
                                                                      fense division, the lead con-  bolstering  the  confidence  wan's F-16 jet fighters.
                                                                      tractor on a $2.37 billion sale  of  those  such  as  the  ruling  Taiwan has long been an irri-
                                                                      of  Harpoon  missile  systems  Democratic  Progressive  Par-  tant in U.S.-China relations.
                                                                      to Taiwan.                   ty of President Tsai Ing-wen  Washington  has  no  formal
                                                                                                   who  favor  the  island's  inde-  relations  with  the  island’s
                                                                      Facing  a  potential  Chinese  pendence from China.       democratically  elected  gov-
                                                                      foe  with  overwhelming  su-                              ernment but is its main ally.
                                                                      periority in missiles, soldiers,  Washington  should  “revoke  U.S. law requires the govern-
                                                                      ships and planes, Taiwan has  the arms sale plan to Taiwan  ment  to  ensure  Taiwan  can
                                                                      struggled  to  assure  its  own  so as to avoid further damage  defend itself. In recent years,
                                                                      people  and  its  key  ally,  the  to  China-U.S.  relations  and  weapons  sales  to  the  island
                                                                      U.S., that it is capable of and  peace and stability across the  have  increased  in  quantity
                                                                      willing to see to its own de-  Taiwan Strait," Wang told re-  and  quality,  as  China  builds
                                                                      fense. The sides split during  porters. “China will take le-  the  world's  second  most
                                                                      a civil war in 1949 and China  gitimate  and  necessary  mea-  powerful  military  dedicated
                                                                      considers Taiwan its own ter-  sures  to  resolutely  defend  largely  to  defeating  Taiwan
                                                                      ritory, to be brought under its  national  sovereignty  and  se-  and achieving its goal of an-
                                                                      control by force if necessary.  curity interests."        nexation.
                                                                      “The purchase of these weap-  The  Trump  administration  Stepped-up  patrols  by  Chi-
                                                                      ons  will  enhance  Taiwan’s  on  Monday  notified  Con-  nese  warplanes  this  year
                                                                      credible  combat  capabilities  gress of plans for the sale of  have put Taiwan's forces un-
                                                                      and  asymmetric  combat  ca-  the  Harpoon  system,  whose  der greater strain, increasing
                                                                      pabilities,"  Shih  told  report-  missiles are capable of strik-  the  importance  of  develop-
                                                                      ers at a briefing, using a term  ing  ships  and  land  targets.  ing new weapons systems or
                                                                      for countering a much stron-  Boeing says the missile uses  buying them from abroad.
                                                                      ger foe with precision weap-  GPS-aided  inertial  naviga-  Beijing  regularly  pressures
                                                                      ons  and  advanced  tactics.  tion and delivers a 500-pound  American companies includ-
                                                                      “This  will  also  enhance  our  blast  warhead.  It  can  target  ing Boeing in an effort to in-
             (AP) — Taiwan said Tues-    The  comments  from  de-     overall  combat  capabilities  coastal defense sites, surface-  fluence U.S. policy. China is
            day  that  recently  pro-    fense  ministry  spokesperson  to contribute to maintaining  to-air  missile  sites,  exposed  one of Boeing’s biggest mar-
            posed  purchases  of  U.S.  Shih  Shun-wen  came  a  day  peace and stability across the  aircraft,  ships  in  port,  and  kets  for  commercial  aircraft,
            missiles  and  other  arms  after  China  said  it  would  Taiwan Strait."             port and industrial facilities.  which might make it vulner-
            systems  will  boost  the  is-  exact  unspecified  retaliation                        That  followed  another  pro-  able to a boycott, but China's
            land’s  ability  to  credibly  against companies that make  In  Beijing,  foreign  ministry  posed  sale  announced  Oct.  defense  ministry  mentioned
            defend  itself  amid  rising  the weapons systems, includ-  spokesperson  Wang  Wenbin  21  of  $1.8  billion  worth  of  only  Boeing’s  military  arm,
            threats from China.          ing Lockheed Martin Corp.,  on  Tuesday  again  accused  weaponry,  including  missile  Boeing Defense, not its civil-
                                         Raytheon       Technologies  the U.S. of violating its com-  and rocket systems, and up-  ian jetliner business.

                        UN urges Libyan rivals to implement cease-fire, pursue peace

            (AP)  —  The  U.N.  Secu-                                 ers,  including  Syrians,  Su-  bargo and withdraw all mer-  Ahead of the cease-fire agree-
            rity  Council  on  Tuesday  Libya  descended  into  chaos  danese  and  Chadians,  have  cenaries  from  Libya  —  and  ment,  talks  in  Egypt  and
            welcomed  the  perma-        after  the  2011  uprising  that  been  brought  to  Libya  by  the commitment of the par-  Morocco resulted in positive
            nent cease-fire agreement  toppled  longtime  autocrat  both sides, according to U.N.  ticipants at the Berlin confer-  steps  by  the  warring  sides,
            signed  by  the  rival  sides  Moammar  Gadhafi  and  led  experts  monitoring  an  arms  ence to comply with the arms  including  a  preliminary  deal
            in Libya and called on the  to the oil-rich North African  embargo  against  Libya.  The  embargo “and to refrain from  aimed at guiding the country
            parties  to  implement  it  country  becoming  divided,  experts said in their latest re-  intervening  in  the  armed  toward  elections  within  18
            and  “show  the  same  de-   with rival administrations in  port  that  11  companies  also  conflict or in the internal af-  months  and  demilitarizing
            termination in reaching a  the east and west, each backed  violated  the  arms  embargo,  fairs of Libya.”          the  contested  city  of  Sirte.
            political solution.”         by fighters and militias -- and  including the Wagner Group,                           They also agreed to exchange
                                         various foreign powers.      a  private  Russian  security  Council  members  called  on  prisoners and open up air and
            The  U.N.’s  most  powerful  Tensions  escalated  further  company that the panel said  all  countries  “to  respect  and  land transit across the coun-
            body  also  welcomed  Mon-   when  east-based  forces,  un-  in  May  provided  between  support  the  implementation  try’s divided territory.
            day’s  virtual  meeting  of  the  der commander Khalifa Hift-  800 and 1,200 mercenaries to  of  the  ceasefire  agreement”
            U.N.-recognized     govern-  er,  launched  an  offensive  in  Hifter.                 and  reaffirmed  their  strong  Following Friday’s cease-fire
            ment  and  its  eastern-based  April  2019  trying  to  capture                        commitment  to  “the  sover-  agreement,  a  commercial
            rivals  in  the  Libyan  Political  the  government-held  capi-  In  early  October,  U.N.  eignty,  independence,  terri-  plane from Tripoli landed in
            Dialogue Forum and looked  tal, Tripoli. Hifter’s campaign  Secretary-General  Antonio  torial  integrity  and  national  the  eastern  city  of  Benghazi
            forward  to  an  in-person  collapsed in June when mili-  Guterres  urged  world  pow-  unity of Libya.”            — the first in 18 months.
            meeting of the body that will  tias backing the government,  ers and others with interests
            hold political talks in Tunisia  with Turkish support, gained  in Libya’s long-running civil
            on Nov. 9.                   the upper hand.              war to stop sending arms to
                                                                      its  rival  governments  and
            Stephanie  Williams,  the  act-  Hifter  is  supported  by  the  keep  working  toward  a  last-
            ing  U.N.  envoy  for  Libya,  United  Arab  Emirates,  Rus-  ing  cease-fire,  warning  that
            announced  at  the  end  of  sia, Jordan and Egypt, while  the country’s very future was
            military talks in Geneva with  the  U.N.-supported  gov-  “at stake.”
            the  rival  parties  on  Friday  ernment in Tripoli is backed
            that the cease-fire would start  by the wealthy Gulf state of  The  Security  Council  press
            immediately and that all for-  Qatar and by Turkey, a bitter  statement  on  Tuesday  re-
            eign  fighters  must  leave  the  rival  of  Egypt  and  the  UAE  called  the  resolution  it  ad-
            country within 90 days. She  in a broader regional struggle  opted  Sept.  15  demanding
            called it “a moment that will  over political Islam       that all countries enforce the
            go down in history.”         Thousands  of  foreign  fight-  widely  violated  arms  em-
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