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Diahuebs 9 di Juli 2020 Email: Tel: 582-7800 Fax: 582-7044 1,75 Florin
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ta yuda sin
di Gobierno
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Tisa LaSorte: airport tax na
Menos turista debi na seguro caro $210 Pagina 9
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financiero malo
no ta pa culpa
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Family hike at the Park
July 9, 2020
T: 582-7800
Page 31
Aruba’s ONLY English newspaper ruba’s ONLY English newspaper
Exhausted cities face another challenge: a surge in violence
By TOM HAYS and people, stay-at-home or-
COLLEEN LONG ders, rising anger over po-
Associated Press lice brutality, intense stress,
NEW YORK (AP) — Still ree- even the weather.
ling from the coronavi- “I think it’s just a perfect
rus pandemic and street storm of distress in Ame-
protests over the police rica,” said Atlanta Mayor
killing of George Floyd, Keisha Lance Bottoms after
exhausted cities around a weekend of bloodshed
the nation are facing yet in her city.
another challenge: a surge Jerry Ratcliffe, a Temple
in shootings that has left University criminal justice
dozens dead, including professor and host of the
young children. “Reducing Crime” pod-
The spike defies easy ex- cast, put it more bluntly:
planation, experts say, “Anybody who thinks
pointing to the toxic mix they can disentangle all
of issues facing America of this probably doesn’t
in 2020: an unemployment know what they’re talking
rate not seen in a genera- about.”
tion, a pandemic that has In this July 5, 2020, file photo, an officer investigates the scene of a shooting in Chicago.
killed more than 130,000 Associated Press
Continued on Page xx