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                      Thursday 9 July 2020
            Japan battered by more heavy rain, floods; 58 dead

            By MARI YAMAGUCHI                                                                                                   from  around  the  country
            TOKYO  (AP)  —  Pounding                                                                                            to assist. Rescue operations
            rain  that  already  caused                                                                                         have  been  hampered  by
            deadly  floods  in  southern                                                                                        the  rains,  flooding,  mud-
            Japan  was  moving  north-                                                                                          slides  and  disrupted  com-
            east  Wednesday,  batter-                                                                                           munications.
            ing  large  areas  of  Japan's                                                                                      In  Kagoshima,  a  pickup
            main  island,  swelling  more                                                                                       truck was hit by a mudslide
            rivers,  triggering  mudslides                                                                                      and  fell  into  the  ocean,
            and destroying houses and                                                                                           but  the  driver  was  airlifted
            roads.  At  least  58  people                                                                                       out with a head injury, ac-
            died  in  several  days  of                                                                                         cording to Fuji Television. In
            flooding.                                                                                                           another  town  in  Oita,  two
            Parts of Nagano and Gifu,                                                                                           brothers  in  their  80s  were
            including  areas  known  for                                                                                        extracted  alive  after  a
            scenic  mountain  trails  and                                                                                       mudslide smashed into their
            hot  springs,  were  flooded                                                                                        hillside house, NHK said.
            by massive downpours.        Flood waters carrying mud and debris flows through Takayama city, Gifu prefecture, central Ja-  Chief  Cabinet  Secretary
            Public  broadcaster  NHK     pan Wednesday, July 8, 2020.                                                           Yoshihide  Suga  urged  resi-
            showed  a  swollen  river                                                                          Associated Press  dents  to  use  caution.  "Di-
            gouging  into  its  embank-                                                                                         sasters  may  happen  even
            ment  and  destroying  a  town of Takayama, several  tory  and  the  number  who  sence."                           with little rain where ground
            highway.  In  the  city  of  houses were hit by a mud-    sought  shelter  was  not  In Oita, teachers at a nurs-   has loosened from previous
            Gero,  the  rising  river  was  slide,  but  their  residents  known.  About  half  of  the  ery school were wiping the  rainfall," he said.
            flowing just below a bridge.  were safely rescued.        advisories  had  been  lifted  floor  and  drying  wet  fur-  Suga  pledged  continuing
            Flooding  and  mudslides  As  of  Wednesday  morn-        by Wednesday afternoon.      niture.  "I  hope  we  can  re-  search  and  rescue  efforts,
            blocked  parts  of  a  main  ing, the death toll from the  In  places  where  rain  has  turn  to  normal  life  as  soon  as well as emergency funds
            road  connecting  Kamiko-    heavy  rains  which  started  subsided,  residents  were  as possible," Principal Yuko  for affected areas.
            chi  and  Matsumoto,  two  over the weekend had ris-      busy  cleaning  up  their  Kitaguchi told NHK.            Japan  is  at  high  risk  of
            major  tourist  destinations  en to 58, most of them from  homes and workplaces.       As the rains pounded cen-    heavy  rain  in  early  sum-
            in  Nagano,  stranding  hun-  hardest-hit Kumamoto pre-   In  Gero,  a  man  washed  tral Japan, flooding contin-   mer  when  wet  and  warm
            dreds of residents and visi-  fecture.  Four  others  died  off mud at the entrance of  ued to affect the southern  air from the East China Sea
            tors, though they were be-   in  Fukuoka,  another  pre-  his  riverside  house  despite  region. Search and rescue  flows  into  a  seasonal  rain
            lieved to have safely evac-  fecture on Kyushu, Japan's  the evacuation advisory. "I  operations continued in Ku-   front  above  the  country.
            uated. In neighboring Gifu,  third-largest island.        was  told  to  run  away  and  mamoto, where 14 people  In July 2018, more than 200
            hundreds  were  isolated  At  the  peak,  as  many  as  my neighbors all went, but  remained missing.               people, about half of them
            in  the  hot  spring  towns  of  3.6  million  people  were  I  stayed,"  he  said.  "I  didn't  Tens  of  thousands  of  army  in  Hiroshima,  died  from
            Gero and Ontake.             advised  to  evacuate,  al-  want  my  house  to  be  troops,  police  and  other  heavy rain and flooding in
            In  the  scenic  mountainous  though  it  wasn't  manda-  washed  away  in  my  ab-    rescue  workers  mobilized  southwestern Japan.q

              Africa's confirmed COVID-19 cases surge above a half-million

                                                                      try makes up 43% of Africa's  ID-19 overwhelming fragile  or better pay.
                                                                      cases.The  true  number  of  health systems on the con-  The  African  continent  has
                                                                      cases  among  Africa's  1.3  tinent is escalating," Moeti  just  2.2  health  workers  —
                                                                      billion  people  is  unknown  said Wednesday.            and  0.3  doctors  —  per
                                                                      as  its  54  countries  face  a  "So  far  the  continent  has  1,000  people,  according
                                                                      serious  shortage  of  test-  avoided disaster," she add-  to the WHO.
                                                                      ing  materials  for  the  virus.  ed. If countries can contin-  Experts  have  warned  that
                                                                      "A  tremendous  problem,  ue to improve testing, trac-   even if badly needed sup-
                                                                      a real crisis of access," the  ing and isolating, "we can  plies such as ventilators are
                                                                      World  Health  Organiza-     slow  down  the  spread  of  provided  to  African  na-
                                                                      tion's  Africa  chief,  Matshi-  the virus to a manageable  tions,  another  challenge
                                                                      diso Moeti, said last week.  level."                     is  having  enough  trained
                                                                      So  far  most  testing  has  Africa's health systems are  workers to operate them.
                                                                      been    concentrated     in  the  most  poorly  funded  So  far,  WHO-organized
                                                                      capital  cities,  but  infec-  and  thinly  staffed  in  the  shipments to African coun-
              A pupil's temperature is checked on returning to school in Jo-
              hannesburg, Tuesday July 7, 2020, as more learners were per-  tions  in  many  cases  have  world.  Already  more  than  tries  have  included  more
              mitted to return to class.                              spread beyond them.          4,800  health  workers  have  than  3,000  oxygen  con-
                                                     Associated Press  Already   COVID-19    has  been  infected  by  the  vi-  centrators,  another  key
                                                                      killed  more  people  in  Af-  rus  in  South  Africa  alone,  piece  of  equipment  to
              By CARA ANNA                The  continent-wide  total  rica  —  11,955  —  than  Eb-  Health  Minister  Zweli  Mkh-  help with breathing.
              JOHANNESBURG  (AP)  —  is  over  509,000,  accord-      ola did in its deadliest out-  ize  said  Wednesday.  Half  Even simple items are run-
              Africa now has more than  ing  to  the  Africa  Centers  break from 2014 to 2016 in  of them are nurses.         ning  short.  "Bed  capac-
              a  half-million  confirmed  for  Disease  Control  and  West Africa, the WHO said  This week alone, some anx-    ity  is  still  expected  to  be
              coronavirus  cases,  while  Prevention,   after   South  Wednesday.                  ious health workers in Nige-  breached or overwhelmed
              South  Africa's  health  min-  Africa  recorded  another  "With more than a third of  ria, Zimbabwe, Congo and  in  all  provinces"  in  the
              ister  declared  Wednes-    day  of  more  than  10,000  countries in Africa doubling  Sierra Leone have gone on  coming  weeks,  South  Af-
              day  that  "we  have  now  confirmed cases as a new  their  cases  over  the  past  strike  or  demonstrated  for  rica's  health  minister  told
              reached the surge."         global hot spot. The coun-  month, the threat of COV-    adequate protective gear  lawmakers.q
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