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                                                                                                  business Saturday 18 april 2020
            US restaurants expect big changes when their doors reopen

            By  DEE-ANN  DURBIN  and  come  some  days;  two-         duction  of  apps  like  Uber-  er side of this is," he said.  With  those  numbers  in
            PAUL WISEMAN                 thirds of the staff have yet  Eats;  that  may  accelerate  While  they  wait,  some  res-  mind,  many  restaurants
            AP Business Writers          to return to work.           if  shell-shocked  consumers  taurants are already exper-  were already shifting away
            The days of standing shoul-  That's  changing  the  ex-   stay home. Menus will likely  imenting.  Simons  added  from  big  dining  rooms.  In
            der-to-shoulder at a bar or  perience  for  diners.  Rae  be pared down, with more  fresh  produce  and  other  December,          Applebee's
            sharing  a  meal  at  a  table  Elloso,  a  teacher  in  Hong  focus  on  food  that  travels  grocery items to his Found-  opened its first takeout- and
            for  10  are  gone  for  now  Kong,  eats  out  occasion-  well. John Gordon, founder  ing Farmers restaurants this  delivery-focused restaurant
            —  and  could  take  a  long  ally  because  she  feels  it's  of San Diego-based Pacific  month.  It  was  a  big  suc-  in  Mobile,  Alabama.  The
            time  to  return  even  after  important  to  have  social  Management    Consulting  cess.  Simons  has  rehired  store is half the size of a tra-
            the  coronavirus  pandemic  contact. Dining out is more  Group,  which  advises  res-  175 of his 1,100 staff mem-  ditional  Applebee's,  and
            ends.                        peaceful now, she said, but  taurants,  thinks  U.S.  restau-  bers, and he's making 60%  all the food is packaged to
            U.S. restaurants are thinking                                                                                       go.
            ahead to a time when their                                                                                          Bent Hansen, the owner of
            dining  room  doors  reopen                                                                                         Los Gringos Locos, a Mexi-
            to a changed world.                                                                                                 can  restaurant  near  Pasa-
            Owners  say  there  may  be                                                                                         dena,  California,  says  it
            physical  differences,  like                                                                                        will be up to restaurants to
            masked  waiters,  dispos-                                                                                           make  diners  feel  comfort-
            able menus or fewer tables                                                                                          able.  That  will  likely  mean
            so  patrons  can  sit  farther                                                                                      visible   cleaning,   fewer
            apart.                                                                                                              tables,  touchless  ordering
            There  will  be  signs  explain-                                                                                    and  lots  of  hand  sanitizer.
            ing  cleaning  procedures                                                                                           He's  also  thinking  of  hir-
            and  glass  dividers  to  pro-                                                                                      ing his own delivery drivers
            tect cashiers.                                                                                                      so  he  can  make  sure  cars
            Disinfectant wipes might sit                                                                                        are sanitized and the food
            next to napkin dispensers.                                                                                          is  protected  until  it's  deliv-
            "The  pivot  with  my  restau-                                                                                      ered.
            rants  doesn't  anticipate                                                                                          Restaurants  will  eventu-
            a  return  to  exactly  what                                                                                        ally bounce back, predicts
            was," said Dan Simons, the                                                                                          Henry  Pertman,  director
            owner  of  Farmers  Restau-                                                                                         of  operations  at  Total  Im-
            rant Group, which owns six                                                                                          age Creative, a Maryland-
            restaurants, a bakery and a                                                                                         based  hospitality  consult-
            distillery  in  the  Washington                                                                                     ing firm.
            area  and  a  restaurant  in                                                                                        "If  you  think  this  is  going
            Pennsylvania.                                                                                                       to  make  people  want  to
            Restaurants  that  have  re-  In this April 15, 2020, photo, Dan Simons, one of the owners of Founding Farmers, stands outside his   cook their own meals while
            opened  in  Asia  provide  a   restaurant in Potomac, Md.                                                           surfing  the  Food  Channel,
            blueprint.                                                                                        Associated Press.  you're wrong. You can only
            In Hong Kong, public gath-                                                                                          burn  so  many  pot  roasts,"
            erings  are  limited  to  four  also  a  little  uncomfortable  rants  —  like  Asia's  —  will  of pre-virus sales at one lo-  he said.
            people,  and  restaurants  when  some  seating  areas  have to follow local guide-     cation and 80% at another  But  some  restaurants  just
            must  keep  tables  nearly  are blocked off.              lines  when  they  reopen.  between takeout and gro-      can't make the math work
            5  feet  apart.  Customers'  "When  restaurants  tape  Earlier this week, California  ceries.                       right  now.  The  Downtown-
            temperatures are taken at  up  chairs  and  tables,  the  Gov.  Gavin  Newsom  sug-    Simons expects to continue  er  in  Lafayette,  Indiana,
            the door, and they are re-   impression I get as a diner  gested  the  state  might  re-  grocery sales once his din-  closed  its  dining  room  in
            quired to wear masks unless  is that they don't want me  quire  temperature  checks  ing rooms reopen. He's also  mid-March  and  quickly
            they're eating or drinking.   there, even though I know  and  more  distance  be-      considering  other  ideas,  abandoned  takeout  after
            In  Hefei,  China,  the  La  this  is  not  the  case,"  Elloso  tween tables.         like  renting  out  the  dining  getting  only  a  handful  of
            Ma  Restaurant  reopened  said.  David  Siu,  who  also  Gordon  says  regulations  space for events.               orders.  Now  the  69-year-
            March  17  but  still  checks  lives in Hong Kong, has no-  about  density  will  affect  Even  before  the  pandem-  old  restaurant  is  shuttered
            diners'  temperatures  and  ticed that restaurants try to  restaurants    differently.  ic,  Simons  said  restaurants  until the crisis passes. Its six
            disinfects  the  premises  ev-  turn  the  tables  over  more  Sit-down  restaurants  like  were  struggling  with  the  full-time  employees  are
            ery two to three hours, said  quickly because they have  Cheesecake  Factory  are  popularity  of  takeout  and  signing  up  for  unemploy-
            employee Yang Gui.           less capacity.               designed to bring in a cer-  delivery,  high  labor  costs  ment benefits.
            Business  is  down  by  half  Delivery  is  also  accelerat-  tain amount of money per  and  lower  alcohol  con-   Still, Manager Yolanda Tim-
            compared with before the  ing  in  China,  indicating  square foot, so they would  sumption  among  younger  mons  said  she's  optimistic
            outbreak, Yang said.         many  people  still  want  to  see  their  profitability  drop.  patrons.              that  the  restaurant  will  re-
            As  few  as  a  dozen  diners  eat at home. Spending on  Fast  food  chains  generally  Overall traffic at U.S. restau-  open  when  the  outbreak
                                         food  at  restaurants,  con-  don't have a lot of business  rants was flat last year, ac-  recedes.
                                         venience  stores  and  other  in  their  dining  rooms,  so  cording to NPD Group. But  "We're  going  to  have  the
                                         outlets dropped 30% in Chi-  they may not feel as much  digital  orders  for  takeout  biggest  party  when  we
                                         na  in  January  and  Febru-  impact.                     were  up  33%,  while  digital  can  all  get  out,''  Timmons
                                         ary,  but  delivery  spending  But  with  business  down  as  orders for delivery rose 16%.  said.q
                                         was up 10% in that period,  much  as  80%  in  the  sec-
                                         according to NPD Group, a  tor right now, Gordon said,
                                         data and consulting firm.    most  restaurants  aren't  yet
                                         Takeout and delivery were  focused  on  the  impact  of
                                         already  gaining  in  popu-  potential regulations.
                                         larity in the U.S. before the  "They're just trying to survive
                                         pandemic  with  the  intro-  to get to whatever the oth-         
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