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locAl           Saturday 18 april 2020

                    UA Prior-Registration

                 for new students for the

             academic year 2020-2021

             ORANJESTAD — The world  are  encountering  chal-
             has  changed  a  lot  during  lenges as well during these
             the last months due to CO-   difficult  times.  However,
             VID-19.  We  are  Optimistic  together  we  can  over-
             and hope that soon things  come this. This information
             will  get  back  to  normal.  will  help  us  have  a  better
             This  situation  also  has  an  overview  of  how  the  stu-
             impact on the University of  dent  body  will  look  and
             Aruba and the registration  therefore  make  decisions
             process  is  not  an  exemp-  that will enhance your ex-
             tion.                        perience  as  a  student  at
                                          the University of Aruba.
             As  of  April  15th,  we  invite
             all prospective students to  We  invite  you  to  register
             surf  to  our  website  even  though  you  are  not
             to prior register for the up-  quite sure what the future
             coming  academic  year  holds.    To  inform  you  in  a
             2020-202.  The  purpose  of  timely manner we will also
             this  prior  registration  is  to  host different live Q&A ses-
             gather  information  about  sions  on  our  social  media
             our  prospective  students  platform  Facebook  and
             and  to  assist  in  the  transi-  Instagram.  Join  us  every
             tion to become a student  Wednesday  afternoon  or
             at the UA for the academ-    surf our website for
             ic year 2020-2021.           more  information  about
                                          the study programs we of-
             We  are  aware  that  you  fer. q

            Your favorite hotel staff

            ORANJESTAD  —  We  are  far  away
            but  still  connected  through  Aruba
            Today!  We  know  many  of  you  as
            our  loyal  readers  and  friends  and
            we know you just love Aruba's hos-
            pitality. The most striking is that all
            of  you  mention  the  great  service
            and  the  bond  with  the  waiter,  the
            receptionist  or  other  staff  in  the
            hotel  and  restaurants.  We  have
            asked you to send us a picture of
            that favorite waiter or housekeeper
            or other hotel staff together with a   “We have been coming to Aruba for 20+ years & one
            personal message to them to pub-      of the highlights is getting to see Yaldo at the Red Par-
            lish  this  in  our  newspaper.  We  will   rot restaurant at the Divi all inclusive. He always makes
            also do our utmost to find this per-  us feel so welcome, we look forward to seeing him &
            son  and  make  sure  she  or  he  will   all the wonderful people of Aruba very soon.”
            get  this  message.  Many  of  them
            may  have  lost  their  job  or  do  not   Pamela & John Howryla
                                                  United States of America
            know  when  they  will  restart  their
            work. They must miss you and the
            daily  interaction  that  is  why  we   “Hello from Canada!
            would like to reach out and make
            a connection.                         We met this kind gentleman when we stayed at Riu Palace Antilles.  He was a rep for Sunwing. He was at the airport
                                                  March 1st, and a big hug and smile greeted us.  This year we stayed at Divi Resort where upon leaving the photo was
            Send  your  text  and  picture  to:   taken.  Alix is operating with his wife their newly formed private transportation company.  I have misplaced his business
                                                  card he gave me.  Do you know him?  Would like to know how he is doing.
    You  may
            also send us a PM on Facebook but     We will return and in the meantime, enjoy reading your FB posts.
            pictures are best by email.
                                                  Stay well - respect the distancing - we will overcome this terrible virus.
            Have a look at the wonderful mes-
            sages  we  have  received  so  far.   Kind regards,”
            Thank you for sharing! q              Canada
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