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Diasabra, 09 October 2021 5
Stichting Ambiente Feliz ta celebra 35 aña na Aruba
sirbiendo e personanan cu un limitacion mental
Awe 9 di october 2021 Stichting Ambiente Feliz ta celebrando su di 35 aña di cu un limitacion multiple cu ta rekeri cuido intensivo.
existencia den e luna aki. Sigur esaki ta un logro importante cu e fundacion ta
desea di comparti cu e comunidad di Aruba. E mision semper tabata pa yuda esnan cu un limitacion mental pa por desaroya
Hopi t’esnan cu conoce e cas geel situa na Santa Cruz, pero tiki sa di su historia, habilidadnan nobo y asina tin un bida mas envolucra den comunidad for di un posicion di
mision y e trabou cu e trahadornan ta realisa tur dia p’esnan cu un limitacion igualdad.
mental. E clientenan, bou guia profesional, por dirigi nan mesun bida. Cada cliente ta traha riba
E fundacion a wordo funda na aña 1986 como Stichting Gezinsvervangend nan metanan personal hunto cu e guia. Famia tambe ta hunga un rol importante den e
Tehuis, pero e reto pa yega n’e cas cu actualmente comunidad conoce awe a bida di e cliente.
cuminsa na aña 1971. E guia, cliente y famia hunto ta trata di logra e metanan proponi p’asina crea mas confiansa
propio den cada cliente. Confiansa den nan mes ta crea Felicidad, pasobra un ser humano
Na 1971 e fundadora, zuster Philothea Simons, a yega Aruba for di Hulanda cu e feliz tin un mihor calidad di bida. No ta importa e limitacion.
proposito pa yuda esnan cu un limitacion mental na Aruba. Algo cu e tabata haci
caba na Hulanda. Pa por duna contenido n’e mision, e fundacion ta ofrece diferente actividad cu ta pone
El a uni su mes cu Het Wit Gele Kruis cu e intencion pa yega cerca esnan cu un atencion riba e desaroyo di diferente habilidad, socialisacion, activacion y integracion den
limitacion mental. E trabou a duna zuster Philothea e posibilidad pa inventarisa e comunidad.
necesidad y haci contacto cu esnan cu tabata tin mester di ayudo. Banda di esey, e fundacion ta traha hunto cu otro fundacionnan, manera Stichting
Zuster Philothea a organisa na aña 1972 un pasadia na unda e, hunto cu Verstandelijk Gehandicapten Aruba y Stichting Ambiente Nobo, pa locual t’e pasadia.
boluntario, tabata busca e clientenan na cas y hiba nan na un centro na Dakota. Stichting Ambiente Feliz ta wordo subsidia dor di Land Aruba locual ta permiti pa por
Pero zuster Philothea tabatin un soño mas grandi cu tabata brinda vivienda sigui ofrece su servicionan. Pa por logra proyectonan di expansion, mantencion of otro e
n’esnan cu no por a biba mas na cas y tabatin necesidad pa un vivienda, guia y fundacion ta depende di donacion.
cuido urgente. E fundacion ta hopi gradicido na tur esnan cu na un of otro manera, durante e ultimo 35
añanan, a duna sosten of aporte. Sea structural of incidental.
Na aña 1985 zuster Philothea a laga Stichting Verstandelijk Gehandicapten Aruba Pa por sigui brinda e cuido y guia n’esnan cu un limitacion mental, e fundacion ta haci
cu e encargo di e pasadia y a habri un cas na Santa Cruz. E famoso cas geel. Pa un apelacion na comunidad pa sigui sostene nan clientenan. Asina so por sigui haci un
por a logra haya fondo financiero structural, Zuster Philothea a lanta Stichting diferencia positivo den bida di cada un di nan.
Gezinsvervangend Tehuis riba 27 di october 1986. Si ta desea di haci un donacion por haci esaki riba e cuenta di Stichting Ambiente Feliz,
E necesidad pa vivienda a sigui crece, pesey zuster Philothea a dicidi di expande CMB, account number: 20906501.
e cas existente den e aña 1994 cu ayudo financiero di entre otro CEDE Aruba. E fundacion lo celebra su 35 aña di existencia den e siman di 25 di october y den cuadro di
Despues a dicidi di cambia e nomber di e fundacion pa Stichting Ambiente Feliz esaki lo organisa diferente actividad.
na aña 1997.
Awe Stichting Ambiente Feliz ta consisti di 2 localidad. Un na Santa Cruz, pa Like e Facebook page di Stichting Ambiente Feliz y keda na altura di tur e actividadnan.
personanan riba 18 aña di edad na unda ta enfoca riba e parti di guia. E otro Pa esnan cu ta desea di haya sa un tiki mas di e fundacion por bishita e website www.
localidad na San Nicolas, ta ofrece vivienda y pasadia n’esnan riba 6 aña di edad
On Friday NOVEMBER 19th, 2021 at 10:00 am in the Auditorium at the Chamber of Commerce, Aruba the following properties will
be auctioned pursuant to Article 3:268 of the Civil Code of Aruba:
a parcel of property land of 4.990 m2, located the right of long lease right till November 28,
a parcel of property land of 944 m2, located at at Savaneta in Aruba, officially known as 4-e- the right of long lease December 15, 2069 on a
Savaneta in Aruba, officially known as 1-H-46, 564, with the thereon standing dwelling of a 2035 on a parcel of public land of 952 m2, parcel of public land of 476 m2 in size, located
with the thereon standing dwelling of a house house and appurtenances, locally known as located at Savaneta in Aruba, officially known at Sabana Basora in Aruba, officially known as
and appurtenances, locally known as “Savaneta “Savaneta 347-C” (near the public road) as 4-E-705, with the thereon standing dwelling Third Division Section G number 2374, with the
195-C” of a house and appurtenances, locally known thereon standing foundation.
as “Savaneta 70-A”.
Starting bid: Afl. 39.500,00
Starting price: nil. However only
Starting bid: Afl. 255.000,00 Starting bid: to be determined (Market value according to appraisal report:
(Market value according to appraisal report: (Market value according to appraisal report: serious bids will be considered. Afl. 52.751,00)
Afl. 521.000,00) Afl. 1.085.000,00) (Market value according to appraisal report:
Afl. 470.000,00)
For more information:
the right of long leasehold till October 12, 2066 a parcel of property land of 995 m2 in size, a parcel of property land of 520 m2 in size,
on a parcel of public land of 496 m2, located at located in Santa Cruz in Aruba, officially known located at the la Sallestraat in Aruba, officially
Sabana Grandi in Aruba, as described in the as First Division Section R number 1790, with known as First Division Section E number 534,
land registry certificate number 69 of the year the thereon standing dwelling of a house and with the thereon standing dwelling of a house
2006, with the thereon standing dwelling of a appurtenances, locally known as “Santa Cruz and appurtenances, locally known as “De La
house and appurtenances, locally known as 59-B”. Sallestraat 7”.
“Sabana Grandi 13-D”.
Starting bid: to be determined Starting bid: Afl. 178.000,00 Starting bid: Afl. 558.000,00
(Market value according to appraisal report: (Market value according to appraisal report: Afl.
Afl. 318.000,00) 744.000,00)
or visit
An irrevocable and unconditional private bid can be made until Thursday, November 4th, 2021 at the office
of NewLeaf Notary located at J.E. Irausquin Boulevard 22 in Aruba, or by email: