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sports Diaranson 16 Maart 2022
MLB players ponder how Manfred can mend icy relationship
(AP) — Rob Manfred 30 owners in 2014 partly be-
made a startling admis- cause of his record of main-
sion while announcing the taining labor peace over more
end of baseball’s bitter la- than a decade as the league’s
bor battle last week: He’s lead negotiator.
failed in his role as a dip-
lomat to players. Cracks quickly emerged in
that foundation. The sport’s
The acknowledgement was collective bargaining agree-
stunning enough that fa- ment negotiated in 2016
mously polite Atlanta Braves prompted a slowdown in free
starter Charlie Morton nearly agency. A mysterious change
laughed when told about it. to the baseballs spurred a
spike in home runs. Astros
“The commissioner said players evaded punishment
that?” Morton asked. after stealing signs en route
to a 2017 World Series title,
Indeed, he did. And it and in defending his inves-
prompts a thornier ques- tigation, Manfred referred to
tion: What can Manfred do the championship trophy as
to prove he’s sincere about a “piece of metal.” He apolo-
mending this rancorous mar- gized days later.
A clash over the terms of the
“One of the things that I’m pandemic-shortened 2020
supposed to do is promote season fully fractured the re-
a good relationship with lationship. A work stoppage
our players,” Manfred said became inevitable, and the
Thursday, after the end of sides agreed to end this win- their commissioners saying outfielder Austin Meadows
baseball’s 99-day lockout. ter’s lockout just in time to stuff like that.” said of Manfred’s acknowl- Morton echoed that senti-
“I’ve tried to do that. I think preserve a 162-game regular edgement. “I think transpar- ment. A former union team
that I have not been success- season. Just two weeks ago, Manfred ency for both sides, whether representative who has
ful in that.” riled up players and fans by it’s union, owners, Manfred, played for five clubs enter-
Players have some ideas on joking and laughing with re- I think that that’s going to be ing his 15th season, Morton
It’s perhaps the one point on where Manfred can improve porters at a news conference a big step going forward.” noted that friction was inevi-
which Manfred and players — starting with the way he to announce the cancellation table amid the complicated
agree. speaks publicly, especially of opening day due to the Several players even ex- dynamic between players,
about the game. lockout. pressed sympathy for Man- their union, Manfred and
“To just put it bluntly, he fred’s position. The commis- team owners.
doesn’t do anything for us,” “Maybe just all the com- “We didn’t get a deal done sioner is expected to present
St. Louis Cardinals pitcher ments and stuff,” Tampa Bay two weeks ago, and he’s like himself as a steward of the He sees the latter as poten-
Adam Wainwright said. “I Rays pitcher Tyler Glasnow kind of laughing or smil- game, but Manfred’s actual tially pivotal to healing the
know how that’s going to offered. “I’d say there was a ing,” Kiermaier said. “I didn’t job is to represent the inter- sport’s wounds. Morton has
read, so Commissioner Man- lot of anger towards, like, the think anything was funny ests of 30 owners. been with teams where own-
fred, don’t take it personal. ‘piece of metal.’ There are or comical about what hap- ers are highly involved and
That’s just how it looks from small things like that.” pened.” “In fairness to him, being readily available. He’s also
a players’ standpoint.” commissioner, he’s got to been on clubs where the boss
“I don’t think the Lombardi “I think for me it’s just more make sure he watches out for is rarely seen. Face time be-
It may be hard for fans Trophy is a joke to anyone, or positivity toward the game those guys,” Wainwright said. tween owners and players
scarred by labor strife to re- whatever they call the NBA and players, and that’s re- makes a difference.
member, but player relations trophy, or the Stanley Cup,” ally it,” said New York Yan- There’s an understanding
was once Manfred’s specialty. Rays outfielder Kevin Kier- kees reliever Zack Britton, a that nobody always says the “It can normalize that re-
He was elected commission- maier said. “That’s not a joke member of the players’ asso- right thing. lationship, right?” Morton
er by Major League Baseball’s to those guys. I don’t hear ciation’s executive subcom- said. “And then that leads to
mittee. “Some of the things he said, dialogue, hopefully produc-
I think he probably regrets tive dialogue, and you don’t
Some players were encour- that, I would think,” Kierma- have these situations.”
aged by Manfred’s admis- ier said. “But I’m also sitting
sion, which accompanied here feeling like I’m talking, The 38-year-old Morton was
vow to prioritize strengthen- walking on eggshells, right? encouraged by Manfred’s
ing the bond between man- That I’ll say something I confession. He hopes there’s
agement and players. Man- don’t want to.” a connection there to salvage.
fred said he’d use small steps But he sees enough of the
to begin the healing process, And even an appreciation larger picture — what he calls
which began with a phone that in the end, the lockout “a very dynamic relationship”
call to union leader Tony ended in time to preserve a with many sides — to believe
Clark shortly after a deal was full season. there’s a straightforward so-
reached Thursday. A day lat- lution.
er, Clark said he “responded “It’s his job to go ahead and
accordingly and suggested to get a deal done,” Braves re- “If he feels that way, I mean,
him that there’s a lot of work liever Tyler Matzek said. “A the idea that someone wants
to do moving forward with deal got done. We didn’t miss to be more communicative
respect to where our game any games, so you kind of tip and open and have a better
is at and where it needs to your cap to him.” relationship with people, I
head.” don’t see how that how that’s
“I do think his job is probably a negative thing,” Morton
“For him to come out and very hard,” Glasnow said. said. “But at the same time,
say something like that is “It’s hard to put yourself in I know it’s tough. So, I don’t
definitely encouraging,” Rays those shoes.” know.”