Page 31 - bon-dia-aruba-20200622
P. 31

locAl           Monday 22 June 2020

            Recession in the Caribbean

            By Cdr. Bud Slabbaert                                                                                               expressions  like  ‘crippling
                                                                                                                                impact’,  ‘severe  impact’,
            PHILIPSBURG,  ST.  MAARTEN                                                                                          ‘crisis’,  etc.  The  recovery
            —  When  there  are  reports                                                                                        was called ‘sluggish’.
            on ‘Latin America & Carib-                                                                                          Which brings us the impor-
            bean’,  one  has  to  review                                                                                        tant  question  that  might
            them  carefully  and  with                                                                                          give us hint. How long took
            some  skepticism,  to  avoid                                                                                        that  recession?  It  was  de-
            coming  to  false  conclu-                                                                                          termined  by  the  National
            sions  or  statements;  no                                                                                          Bureau  of  Economic  Re-
            matter  whether  the  reports                                                                                       search  in  the  USA,  that  it
            are  positive  or  negative.                                                                                        started  in  December  2007
            The economies of the large                                                                                          and lasted June 2009, thus
            South  American  countries                                                                                          eighteen months. Consider
            are  simply  not  the  same                                                                                         that  the  USA  is  the  major
            as  those  of  the  small  Ca-                                                                                      tourism  source  market  for
            ribbean  islands.  It  is  said                                                                                     this region, and in the USA
            that  the  Caribbean  is  the                                                                                       a  recovery  may  go  just  a
            world’s  region  that  is  most                                                                                     bit faster.
            depending on tourism and
            that is a claim that doesn’t                                                                                        As a conclusion, four piec-
            apply  to  South  America.                                                                                          es of advice.
            However….,                                                                                                          1.     Think  about  serious
                                                                                                                                planning  of  needs  for  the
            The World Bank has report-                                                                                          next  twelve  months.  But
            ed  that  the  impact  of  the                                                                                      twelve months would bring
            COVID-19  pandemic  will                                                                                            one in the 2021 low season
            send  Latin  America  and                                                                                           and  hurricane  season.  So,
            the  Caribbean  into  the    About the author                                                                       make  it  18  months,  just  as
            deepest economic hole of     Cdr. Bud Slabbaert is the Chairman and Coordinator of the Caribbean Aviation Meetup, an an-  long as the duration of the
            the last 60 years. What’s in it   nual results and solution oriented conference for stakeholders of ‘airlift’ in the Caribbean. Mr. Slab-  previous recession.
            for the Caribbean part? For   baert’s background is accentuated by aviation business development, strategic communication,   2.   Diversify  the  econ-
            a  moment,  forget  about    and journalism. In accordance with his study of Economy in his younger years in Germany, he is   omy. But that is a piece of
            the rest of LatAm/Carib re-  authorized to carry the title of ‘State Certified Economist’.                          advice  that  is  an  old  hat
            port.  What  counts  is  what  Caribbean will be well ad-  What  would  be  a  fair  pre-  the  ant’s  hope  of  moving  which  is  and  was  widely
            the  report  says  about  the  vised  to  punch  some  new  diction for the region? Any-  a rubber tree plant. At least  agreed  on  by  Honorables
            rest of the world? Why is the  holes in their belt to be pre-  thing that is said today, may  short  term,  or  until  a  bull-  of various kinds and at vari-
            outlook  for  the  rest  of  the  pared for tightening it.   turn out to be wrong tomor-  dozer is found.           ous  occasions  now  and  in
            world  essential?  Mind  that                             row, no matter whether it is                              the past. But it never hap-
            the  Caribbean  economies  “With  this  recession  hitting  a positive and hopeful out-  Currently,  high  hopes  are  pened,  and  one  tends  to
            for  an  extraordinary  high  rich  countries  just  as  hard,  look, or a negative forecast  put  on  opening  up  the  wonder  if  it  will  ever  hap-
            percentage  are  depend-     if  not  harder,  the  worry  is  that  causes  one  to  listen  Caribbean   destinations  pen because of the lack of
            ing on tourism.              that investments, trade and  to some music that cheers  for  the  return  of  the  visi-  knowledge,  competence,
                                         tourism  in  lower-income  one  up,  like:  “Any  time  tors from abroad. But if the  and/or  effective  initiatives
            Tourism means visitors from  countries  will  decrease  for  you’re  getting  low,  ‘stead  source  market  abroad  is  to make it happen.
            abroad.     The   appetite  longer  than  usual.  It  will  of  letting  go,  just  remem-  also  largely  impacted  by  3.   The  most  serious
            abroad  to  vacation  and  make  it  even  harder  for  ber that ant.” Wow! Never  the  economic  recession,  piece  of  advice  which  so
            especially  vacationing  in  lower-income      countries  heard of that ant?           it may just so happen that  far got very little attention:
            the  Caribbean  will  be  in-  to  fight  poverty  and  in-  “Just what makes that little  the visitors are not coming  encourage  and  develop
            fluenced  and  impacted  vest in things such as edu-      old  ant,  think  he'll  move  anyway,  no  matter  how  inter-island  trade,  traffic,
            by  what  is  happening  in  cation,  which  build  their  that rubber tree plant      wide the re-opening goes.  and ventures.
            those  tourism  source  mar-  economies'  future  poten-  Anyone  knows  an  ant…,  Exaggerated?  One  could  4.           Explore  developing
            kets  abroad  itself.  It  would  tial to grow,” according to  can't…,  move  a  rubber  take  a  look  at  the  impact  the high-end clientele mar-
            be  wise  to  closely  monitor  Prof.  Danny  Leipziger,  the  tree plant              of  last  2007/09  ‘Great  Re-  ket. However, a very limited
            the situation in those source  managing  director  of  The  But  he's  got  high  hopes,  cession’ and throw around  number  of  islands  would
            markets.  The  World  Bank  Growth  Dialogue  and  lec-   he's  got  high  hopes.  He's  a  bunch  of  statistics  in  an  qualify  for  such  develop-
            report  indicates  that  the  turer  of  international  busi-  got  high  apple  pie,  in  the  attempt  to  create  some  ment.
            world will face the deepest  ness  at  the  George  Wash-  sky hopes”                  sensation.  It  should  go  far
            recession  since  the  end  of  ington  University  School  of  Bringing change to a glob-  enough  by  saying  that  re-  Last but not least important
            World War II. And so, even  Business.                     al  recession  may  have  re-  ports from various qualified  advice: keep cool and stay
            the  report-skeptics  in  the                             markable  similarities  with  and reputable sources use  safe. q
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