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Thursday 17 March 2022
Aruba’s National Anthem :‘ARUBA DUSHI TERA’ 90cm 150cm
ORANJESTAD — In the years 1975 and 1976,
the government wanted to give Aruba it’s own 60cm 100cm
national anthem and flag, since these two are
the symbols that identify of each country. The
flag and anthem are symbols of love and pa- PANTONE 279 C
triotism. It was Gilberto François “Betico” Croes PANTONE 109 C PANTONE 279 C
who made this special request. PANTONE Red 032 C PANTONE Red 032 C
‘Aruba Dushi Tera’ is the name of our national Lyrics of “Aruba Dushi Tera”: 300cm
anthem. The history of this song started in 1951. It
was a composition of two very well-known mu- 1. Aruba patria aprecia,
sicians, Rufo Wever and Juan Chabaya “Padu” nos cuna venera,
Lampe. They felt the urge to compose a song chikito y simpel bo por ta 150cm 200cm
that would express the love of our people for the love of freedom for our island. pero si respeta.
our island and the feeling of patriotism of each
person. On March 16th, 1976, the island council ap- Refrain: O, Aruba, Dushi tera,
proved ‘Aruba Dushi Tera’ as the Aruba’s na- nos baranca tan stima
Together with ‘De Trupialen’ group and under tional anthem, and on March 18th, 1976, during nos amor pa bo t’asina grandi PANTONE 279 C
the guidance of Frère Alexius they managed to an oficial ceremony at the Wilhelmina Stadium cu n’tin nada pa kibre! PANTONE Red 032 C
put this song in their repertoire with the purpose in Dakota, the flag was raised for the first time
of making it popular. The song became very while ‘Aruba Dushi Tera’ resonated for the first 2. Bo playanan tan admira
popular in a short time. In 1954, they even re- time as the national anthem of Aruba. The pre- cu palma tur dorna,
corded the song on a long play disc. The song sentation was under the guidance of Maybeline bo escudo y bandera ta
was played during every official ceremony of Arends-Croes, together with the Philharmonic orguyo di nos tur!
Aruba. Orchestra of Aruba directed by Joy Kock.
In the 70’s installed a comisión consisting of There is a sculpture of Rufo Wever, Juan Chaba-
Maybeline Arends-Croes, Rufo Odor, Padu ya “Padu” Lampe and Hubert “Lio” Booi while 3. Grandesa di bo pueblo ta
Lampe, Eddy Bennet, Hubert “Lio” Booi y Rufo they were writing and composing our National su gran cordialidad,
Wever to see if they could proclaim ‘Aruba Du- Anthem sitting on a piano. You can view this cu Dios por guia y conserva
shi tera’ as the national anthem. The commitee sculpture by sitting Plaza Padu, which is diag- su amor pa libertad!
unanimously recommended this to be played onally across the Fort Zoutman tower, or you
on the air waves. By that time, a third verse had can easily find it by searching “Plaza PAdu” on Refrain:
been added which stated the cordiality and Google Maps.q
Aruba its Green Thursday and Blue Friday
important part of the Irish them and Flag Netherlands, on that date
heritage, mostly through Probably the most popular in 1948, for the first time a
his service across Ireland in national holiday on Aruba motion was presented to
the 5th century. Many sto- is the day of the national her Majesty Queen Juli-
ries are told in connection anthem and flag,”Dia ana, which called for the
with St. Patrick. The three- di Himno y Bandera”. A self-determination of the
leaf clover was said to be strong sense of pride is dis- Aruban people. q
used by the saintly bishop played allover as Arubans
to explain the Trinity to the celebrate their Flag and
pagans, which is why it is Anthem Day. The Flag of
ORANJESTAD/PALM BEACH St. Patrick’s Day such a common St. Pat- Aruba was officially ad-
– Today is St. Patrick’s Day. St Patrick's Day, on March rick’s Day symbol today. opted on March 18th 1976,
The color that represents 17, remembers one of Another legend has Pat- along with the official an-
this day is green. Friday is Ireland’s patron saints, rick driving all the snakes them ”Aruba Dushi Tera"
a national holiday and the St Patrick. It largely cele- out of Ireland; snakes were composed by Padu del
Day of the National An- brates Irish-American cul- a popular symbol among Caribe , Hubert Booi and
them and Flag, in Papia- ture in the United States. the Irish pagans. He is cer- Rufo Wever. March 18th
mento Dia di Himno y Ban- This day is the traditional tainly one of the most re- was also chosen for the
dera. This day is marked death date of Saint Pat- vered saints in the Catho- celebration of the national
by the blue color we find rick (c. AD 385–461), and lic Church. anthem and flag of Aruba
in the national flag. although he was not born because during the round
Irish, he has become an Day of the National An- table conference in the