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U.S. NEWS Tuesday 15 OcTOber 2019
Continued from Front Chairman E. Paul Torres, a publican Gov. Paul LePage
Since 1992, Native Ameri- member of Isleta Pueblo in was in office. The change
can advocates have New Mexico. to Indigenous Peoples Day
pressed states to change State offices in Maine also prompted some backlash
Columbus Day to Indig- are scheduled to close for in conservative circles and
enous Peoples Day over the holiday. Maine, home among Italian Americans.
concerns that Columbus to four federally recognized University of Maine College
helped launched centuries tribes, ditched Columbus Republicans, for example,
of genocide against indig- Day in favor of Indigenous have described the move
enous populations in the Peoples Day with an April as part of a "radical left-
Americas. bill signing by Democratic wing agenda."
New Mexico is marking its Gov. Janet Mills. But Native Americans in
statewide Indigenous Peo- She said at the time she some states have wel-
ples Day with an invoca- hoped the change would comed the change and
tion by several tribal lead- represent a move "toward said it was time to pay
ers in unison in their native healing, toward inclusive- homage to Native Ameri-
languages. There also will ness." Tribes in Maine have cans instead of Columbus. In this Feb. 1, 2019 file photo, Calela Lamy of Zuni Pueblo per-
forms the pottery dance at the New Mexico Statehouse in Santa
be a parade and tradi- had a rocky relationship Democratic New Mexico Fe, N.M. before the state adopted it's first Indigenous Peoples'
tional dances at the Indian with the state government state Rep. Derrick Lente of Day.
Pueblo Cultural Center in over the years, and the Sandia Pueblo, the sponsor Associated Press
Albuquerque. Penobscot and Passama- of the New Mexico legisla-
"I think it's great and it's quoddy tribes withdrew tion that changed the holi- reflection on the United said, provides some restor-
about time," said All Pueb- representatives to the Leg- day to Indigenous Peoples States' complicated history. ative justice for indigenous
lo Council of Governors islature in 2015, when Re- Day, said the day allows Adopting the holiday, he communities.q
Parents of crash victim urge diplomat's wife to return to UK
NEW YORK (AP) — The motorcycle collided with Johnson has urged Sacoo- that he doesn't think it's diplomatic immunity for this
parents of a motorcyclist a car allegedly driven by las to return to the U.K. and right to "use the process of type of purpose." q
killed in a traffic crash that Sacoolas outside a British
involved an American dip- air force base in southern
lomat's wife took their case England used by the U.S.
directly to U.S. audiences military.
Monday, holding a New Sacoolas left Britain shortly
York news conference at after, although police in
which they urged the wom- the area where the colli-
an to return to Britain. sion happened released a
The parents of Harry Dunn statement saying she had
have reached out to previously told them she
American politicians and had no plans to depart. Her
plan to be in Washington current whereabouts are
on Wednesday and Thurs- uncertain.
day in their quest to get the A statement previously re-
woman back to the U.K. "to leased on Sacoolas' behalf
present herself to police," said she spoke with authori-
family spokesman Radd ties at the scene of the acci-
Seiger said. dent and again the follow- Investment
If that occurs, the family in- ing day and would contin- Leisure
dicated, it would be willing ue to cooperate with them. Family Time
to speak with her there. It said: "Anne is devastated
Charlotte Charles, Dunn's by this tragic accident. No Enjoyment
mother, tearfully urged loss compares to the death Retirement
the diplomat's wife, Anne of a child and Anne ex-
Sacoolas, to "do the right tends her deepest sympa- All that in one place: Coral Shell Condominium Aruba
thing" and to "face us as a thy to Harry Dunn's family."
broken family," along with The U.S. Embassy in London
the U.K. legal system. said any question of waiv-
"She needs to set an ex- ing the immunity given to
ample to her own children diplomats and their families Contact us:
that you can't run away," would be carefully consid- Email:
Charles said. ered but that it was rare to Phone: 297 594 6745 or 297 587 9170 (Aruba)
The 19-year-old Dunn was have that happen. 58 4123277132 (Venezuela )
killed in August when his British Prime Minister Boris Website: