Page 8 - HOH
P. 8
LOCAL Monday 12 deceMber 2022
HOH and IMSAN sign a cooperation agreement
On December 8, 2022, the
Minister of Health, Hora-
cio Oduber Hospital, Im-
San and the AZV signed an
The Minister of Tourism and
Health, Mr. Dangui Odu-
ber, stated that this was a
historic moment, as it is the
first time the HOH and Im-
San will work so closely to-
Concerning the AZV, we
should be proud to have the imposed AZV cut in the while improving the level of care committee to come being treated for diabetes
such health insurance, as Country package (Land- care and keeping limited up with recommendations and undergoing dialysis.
Aruba is one of the few in spakket). In January 2021, AZV resources sustainable. on how to meet the 60 The two entities will jointly
the world with such com- they hired professor Joep Minister Dangui Oduber, million florins cut in health- purchase drugs, systems,
prehensive medical cover- Hubben and Professor Pi- Chairman of the Board, care. They created a road- and equipment and im-
age. Many large and de- eter Batenburg to investi- Drs. Jacco Vroegop, Direc- map on how and where to prove cooperation be-
veloped countries do not gate the efficiency, effec- tor ImSan Drs. Joel Rajnherc reform to ensure the sus- tween their IT systems.
have general health insur- tiveness, and financing of and AZV Director Ir. Edwin tainability of the AZV. Minister Oduber is grateful
ance like the AZV. healthcare in Aruba. Jacobs signed the MOU. This MOU will ensure better to Mr. Vroegop, Mr. Rajn-
The minister also ex- cooperation between the herc, and Mr. Jacobs for
pressed concern about The MOU helps improve The minister is pleased with two medical institutions, their impressive efforts to
public health challenges, health care and the quality the professionalism and the specialists of both in- achieve the MOU in the in-
as Aruba does not have of care in Aruba but is also quality of care of the HOH stitutions, and the patients terest of public health.q
the healthiest commu- consistent with the Land and ImSan, and the MOU
nity. There are too many Package. With this agree- will improve it even more.
people with chronic dis- ment, the HOH and ImSan In January 2021, they es-
eases, double aging, and will work more efficiently tablished a national health-
The first “Finance at home”
workshop successful
On December 5, 2022, "My Finance at Home" important as how to
a group of participants teaches finance and is of- achieve our goals;
of the first "My Finances fered free to the commu- Session 4: My budget.
at Home" workshop re- nity by the Ministry of Eco- What are luxury and pri-
ceived their certificates. nomic Affairs, Communi- ority, and how to budget
cations and Sustainable based on your income
In Aruba, 3 out of 10 Development in partner- and achieve your goals.
households spend more ship with Fundacion Plan The next workshop will be
per month than what di Bida. held in San Nicolas in 2023
they earn, according to and is also free.
a Central Bank of Aruba The first workshop took
study. It is a worrisome place in Paradera and Minister of Economic Af-
trend because it indi- consisted of 4 sessions on fairs, Communications
cates that these families the following topics: and Sustainable Devel-
struggle monthly with their Session 1: I am effectively opment, Geoffrey Wever
financial responsibilities, at home. How can I save invites anyone interested
such as rent, food, and and buy without emotions in this workshop to apply
loans. As a consumer, it Session 2: I pay my debts. as capacity is limited. For
is essential to know the What happens when I further information, con-
impact of every financial can no longer pay off my tact Fundacion Plan di
decision made on avail- debts; Bida at 5688848 via email
able resources and the Session 3: I invest in the finansasdenmihogar@
household. future. Our future and
our children's future are