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                                                                                                       sports Diaranson 7 october 2020

                         Mays’ saga brings new chapter to Tennessee-Georgia rivalry

            (AP)-  Right  tackle  Cade                                                                                          days after the Sugar Bowl to
            Mays  and  No.  14  Ten-                                                                                            play with Cooper Mays, now
            nessee  are  about  to  add                                                                                         a freshman and fellow offen-
            another  juicy  chapter  to                                                                                         sive lineman.
            a  Southeastern  Confer-                                                                                            First,  the  NCAA  approved
            ence  football  soap  opera.                                                                                        his  waiver.  The  SEC  fol-
            The  Knoxville  native  will                                                                                        lowed Sept. 30.
            start  for  the  Volunteers                                                                                         The Vols have Mays at right
            (2-0)  on  Saturday  against                                                                                        tackle right now as Pruitt and
            third-ranked  Georgia  af-                                                                                          his coaches look for the best
            ter  making  his  last  start                                                                                       fit after COVID-19 tests and
            for  the  Bulldogs  on  New                                                                                         quarantines affected practices
            Year’s Day to kick off this                                                                                         this fall.
            year. He left Georgia so he                                                                                         Tennessee  center  Brandon
            could return home to play                                                                                           Kennedy  knows  the  chal-
            with  his  younger  brother                                                                                         lenge  of  transferring  inside
            for the program his father                                                                                          the  SEC  after  leaving  Ala-
            once was a team captain.                                                                                            bama  as  a  graduate  transfer.
                                                                                                                                Kennedy  said  they  watched
            Georgia  coach  Kirby  Smart                                                                                        film  together,  plus  Mays
            said Monday he didn’t have a                                                                                        was  helped  by  having  been
            sense that Mays was unhappy                                                                                         in a similar offense. “Things
            during  the  two  seasons  he                                                                                       weren’t  too  different,”  Ken-
            spent with the Bulldogs.                                                                                            nedy  said.  “I  was  here  for
            “Cade did a tremendous job                                                                                          him with anything he need-
            for  us,”  Smart  said.  “I  have  An  attorney  who  helped  conversations,” Pruitt said.  ing against Cade; Cade’s used  ed.  With  him  coming  from
            a lot of respect for Case as a  Mays  win  a  waiver  appeal  What   the    6-foot-6,  to  going  against  them.  So,  an SEC school to another, he
            player and as a person. All I  from the NCAA to play im-  320-pound    Mays    thinks  they’ll  be  real  familiar  with  knew what it was like.”
            can say about him is he’s no  mediately told the Knoxville  about  the  Tennessee-Geor-  each other.” Originally, Mays
            longer  with  us.  I  look  for-  newspaper in August it was a  gia rivalry and his part is not  was  headed  to  Tennessee  all  From the Bulldogs’ perspec-
            ward to the matchup. He’s is  “toxic environment” at Geor-  known.  Tennessee  has  not  along.                     tive, scouting Mays this week
            a  really  good  football  player  gia.                   made Mays available this fall,  He  committed  in  July  2015  will  be  much  easier  having
            and one of the toughest play-  “I know coaches in the SEC  and Mays only made his sea-  only  to  decommit  Nov.  7,  faced him in practice the past
            ers  I’ve  been  around.  I  look  will do anything they can to  son debut with the Vols last  2017,  five  days  before  the  two years. “It’s going to be a
            forward to the matchup.”     get their guys eligible,” Smart  weekend in a win over Mis-  Vols fired coach Butch Jones  be great competition,” Geor-
                                         said  Monday  when  asked  souri.                         setting off a search that cost  gia  defensive  lineman  Malik
            Mays  announced  his  deci-  about that comment. “ That’s  Pruitt said he knows Mays is  then-athletic  director  John  Herring  said  Georgia  of-
            sion to transfer to Tennessee  their decision.”           really happy he gets to play.  Currie his job before replace-  fensive  lineman  Ben  Cleve-
            in  January,  after  his  parents,                                                     ment  Phillip  Fulmer  hired  land  said  understands  Mays
            Kevin  and  Melinda  Mays,  Tennessee    coach   Jeremy  “He  went  against  most  of  Pruitt.  Mays  signed  with  was doing what was best for
            sued the University of Geor-  Pruitt  said  he  had  no  idea  these guys every single day,”  Georgia,  which  reached  the  himself and his family. And it
            gia  in  December  for  an  in-  what  Mays  and  his  attorney  Pruitt  said  of  Mays’  former  national championship game  won’t be the first time Cleve-
            cident  two  years  ago  where  referred to when asked about  teammates at Georgia. “When  that season.             land has played against a for-
            the lineman’s father lost part  how  the  lineman  described  you’re a competitor on both                           mer  teammate.  “There’s  no
            of his little finger after it was  what he was dealing with at  sides of the ball, it won’t be  Mays started 18 of 25 games  hard  feelings  or  anything,”
            caught in a chair at a recruits’  Georgia.                no different for the kids from  at  Georgia.  He  announced  Cleveland said. “At the end of
            dinner  at  Sanford  Stadium.  “I was not involved in those  Georgia. They’re used to go-  his decision to transfer eight  the day, it’s just a game.”

                         Kaepernick's company publishing essays on policing, prisons

              (AP) - Colin Kaepernick’s publishing com-      form.  “He  delivered  a  comprehensive  body  of  2016 to protest racism and police brutality. Kae-
              pany is putting out a collection of 30 essays  work to amplify a national conversation.”      pernick hasn’t played in the NFL since that sea-
              over the next four weeks about abolition, po-  In  2013,  Kaepernick  led  the  49ers  to  the  Super  son and settled his collusion grievance with the
              licing and prisions.                           Bowl, where they lost to the Baltimore Ravens.  league.
              The former San Francisco 49ers quarterback  He began to kneel during the national anthem in
              envisioned  and  curated  this  collection  fol-
              lowing the deaths of George Floyd and Bre-
              onna Taylor.

              The project is titled: “Abolition For the People:
              The Movement For A Future Without Policing &
              Prisons.” In his introduction, Kaepernick writes
              the killings of Floyd and Taylor “forced our nation
              to grapple with not only the devastation of police
              terrorism, but also the institutions that constitute,
              enhance, and expand the carceral state.”
              Some of the pieces are written by political prison-
              ers and family members of those who faced police
              violence  and  incarceration.  Other  essays  are  by
              organizers, movement leaders and scholars.

              “Colin gathered respected leaders on abolition to
              build and support his stance on a society without
              police,” said Jermaine Hall, director of the Me-
              dium editorial group, an online publishing plat-
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