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A30     world news
                Diaranson 7 october 2020

                          Asia Today: Sri Lanka confirms 321 cases in factory cluster

                                                                                                   the past 24 hours, its lowest
                                                                                                   number  of  daily  infections  — South Korea has reported
                                                                                                   since  Aug  25,  raising  the  75 new cases of the corona-
                                                                                                   country’s total reported cases  virus  as  infections  steadily
                                                                                                   to  nearly  6.7  million.  The  rise in the greater capital area.
                                                                                                   Health  Ministry  on  Tuesday  The figures released Tuesday
                                                                                                   also  reported  884  deaths  in  by  the  Korea  Disease  Con-
                                                                                                   the past 24 hours. The con-  trol  and  Prevention  Agency
                                                                                                   firmed death toll now stands  brought the national total to
                                                                                                   at 103,569. India, the world’s  24,239, including 422 deaths.
                                                                                                   second most affected country,  At least 36 troops have tested
                                                                                                   has been reporting the high-  positive  at  an  army  unit  in
                                                                                                   est single-day increases in the  Pocheon,  north  of  Seoul,
                                                                                                   world for nearly 45 days. The  while  14  other  cases  were
                                                                                                   last three weeks have seen a  tied  to  a  hospital  in  nearby
                                                                                                   gradual decline in its report-  Euijeongbu. There’s concern
                                                                                                   ed infections.               that  infections  will  grow  in
                                                                                                                                the coming weeks due to in-
                                                                                                   —  Philippine  Airlines  has  creased travel during the five-
                                                                                                   called  on  its  employees  to  day Chuseok harvest holiday
                                                                                                   apply  for  voluntary  separa-  that ended Sunday.
                                                                                                   tion  as  part  of  a  retrench-
                                                                                                   ment plan that may affect up  —  Japan  and  South  Korea
             (AP) — Sri Lanka said Tues-  strictions on public transport.  curb  transmissions  in  hot-  to 35% of its 7,000 workers.  have agreed to resume busi-
            day  more  than  300  garment  For  more  than  two  months,  spot  zones.  About  a  third  PAL  said  it  resorted  to  fur-  ness  travel  between  them
            factory  workers  are  infected  Sri  Lankan  health  officials  of the new cases came from  loughs  and  flexible  working  starting Oct. 8, according to
            with  the  coronavirus,  days  have  been  saying  that  they  Sabah state on Borneo island.  arrangements  at  the  height  the  Japanese  Foreign  Min-
            after  reporting  the  Indian  have  prevented  community  Muhyiddin said travel to and  of  the  pandemic  to  preserve  istry.  South  Koreans  will  be
            Ocean nation's first commu-  spread  of  the  virus  and  that  from  Sabah  will  be  banned  jobs. But it is operating only  able to enter Japan for busi-
            nity infection in two months.  patients  being  reported  be-  from Oct. 12 for two weeks,  15%  of  its  normal  flights  ness  and  conduct  work  but
                                         longed  to  two  known  clus-  while  several  hotspot  areas  and  says  collapsing  demand  will be required to undergo a
            The health ministry said 321  ters.                       in the state have been locked  and  ongoing  travel  restric-  14-day quarantine after entry,
            cases have been identified in  The  country  has  reported  down.  Muhyiddin  said  he  tions make retrenchment in-  the  ministry  said  in  a  state-
            the  factory  cluster  after  the  3,471  patients,  including  13  and  seven  ministers  and  six  evitable.  The  retrenchments  ment  Tuesday.  South  Korea
            first patient was diagnosed at  deaths.  Of  the  total,  3,259  deputy  ministers  are  volun-  would involve voluntary and  has  reported  slightly  more
            a hospital two days ago.     have recovered.              tarily  observing  a  two-week  mandatory  steps  to  be  car-  than  400  deaths  from  the
            The outbreak in the suburbs                               quarantine.  They  were  all  ried  out  in  the  remaining  coronavirus, while Japan has
            of  Sri  Lanka’s  capital,  Co-  In other developments in the  at an  Oct. 3 meeting with a  months of the year, PAL said.  confirmed about 1,600. Japan
            lombo, was identified despite  Asia-Pacific region:       minister who  tested  positive  It  assured  employees  of  fair  has imposed an entry ban on
            claims by the the government  —  Virus  cases  in  Malaysia  for  the  virus  after  returning  treatment. PAL, one of Asia’s  people from many countries
            that  it  has  successfully  con-  spiked to a new daily record  from Sabah. Malaysia’s police  oldest  commercial  airlines,  because  of  the  pandemic.
            trolled the virus's spread.  of 691 on Tuesday, with four  chief and the health director-  is  among  the  largest  Philip-  The  ban  has  been  gradually
            Trying  to  contain  the  out-  new  deaths.  Prime  Minister  general,  who  attended  the  pine companies reeling from  relaxed, including for travel-
            break,  the  government  im-  Muhyiddin  Yassin  ruled  out  meeting,  have  also  isolated  COVID-19. The disease has  ers from Thailand, Singapore
            posed  a  curfew  in  two  sub-  another  national  lockdown,  themselves at home.     infected  nearly  325,000  Fili-  and Vietnam, although a 14-
            urbs  where  most  of  the  pa-  saying  that  could  crush  the                       pinos, the highest number in  day quarantine is required.
            tients live, closed schools and  economy.  Instead  he  said  — India has registered 61,267  Southeast  Asia,  and  caused
            universities, and imposed re-  measures will be targeted to  new  coronavirus  cases  in  5,840 deaths.

                       New Thai army commander defends monarchy with softer line

              (AP)  —  Thailand’s  new                                who  harshly  criticized  the  two  occurring  in  2006  and  that  causes  suffering.  I  urge
            army chief on Tuesday made  Speaking  at  his  first  news  mostly young protest leaders,  2012.                    everyone to be positive, get-
            the  traditional  pledge  to  de-  conference,  Narongpan  did  telling  an  audience  of  mili-  “The  chance  of  coup  mak-  ting  rid  of  any  factors  that
            fend  the  country,  the  Bud-  not directly criticize the pro-  tary cadets that “COVID-19  ing is zero if based on the fact  could lead to such a situation,
            dhist religion, the monarchy  testers  for  their  beliefs,  in-  can be cured ... but the dis-  that no groups are creating a  making the chance of a coup
            and  the  people,  but  seemed  stead warning they must re-  ease  that  cannot  be  cured  is  situation or a violent conflict  to be less than zero,” he said.
            to take a softer line than his  spect the rights of others and  the hatred of the nation.” He
            predecessor  toward  dissent-  accept  the  consequences  if  was appointed to a senior po-
            ing political voices.        they violate the law.        sition at the royal palace after
                                         Asked whether the protesters'  his retirement.
            Gen.  Narongpan  Jittkaewtae  10-point manifesto for royal-  Thailand  has  a  lese  majeste
            took his post on Oct. 1 in an  related  reforms  is  a  threat  law  that  makes  defaming
            annual  military  reshuffle  as  to  the  monarchy,  Narong-  the monarchy punishable by
            the government faces a chal-  pan avoided a direct answer,  three  to  15  years  in  prison,
            lenge from mass protests that  declaring  that  reform  is  a  though  none  of  the  current
            include  unprecedented  calls  positive  thing  but  everyone  protest leaders have yet been
            for  reforms  to  the  revered  should  look  at  themselves  formally charged with the of-
            institution  of  the  monarchy.  first  before  asking  others  to  fense.
            The  position  of  army  com-  change.  He  said  Thai  soci-
            mander  carries  enormous  ety should have tolerance for  Narongpan, 57, hedged when
            political  influence,  since  the  people with different beliefs.  asked about the possibility of
            military has staged more than                             another military coup. There
            a  dozen  successful  coups  Narongpan’s     predecessor,  are no indications that one is
            since Thailand became a con-  Gen.  Apirat  Kongsompong,  in the offing, but the threat is
            stitutional monarchy in 1932.  was  an  outspoken  royalist  always present, with the last
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